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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Navy Ships


Probably a silly question (and specific to the MOD, I believe), but how do you gain access to the navy ships when buying from shipyard? I've spoken to the govener and revieved a letter of marque (iirc) followed by going out to sea and re-docking, but still nothing.

What am I missing?
Think I found it, for any1 who has a similar miscomprehension to me; menu > advanced options, then there's a part of the mod disabling the purchace of ships ranked 3 and up (i think it was). Disable this, then your only limitation on ship purchace is character level unless you disable that too.
If you want to buy a navy ship in the game on legal settings, you first of all need a LoM.
However, depending on the class of ship you want to buy, you also need a certain rank in the navy.
For this, I'd like to refer to these defaults from PROGRAM\InternalSettings.h:
This mod disables the selling of navy ships to characters who don't have a high enough national rank

Note: Navy ships are ships that have Type.War = true and Type.Trade = false
If you want a certain ship to not be considered a navy ship, change these settings in ships_init.c

Settings per ship class:
-1 = No LoM required
0 = Only a LoM required
>0 = National rank required (see nations_init.c)
Set all to -1 to disable this mod
#define RANK_FOR_EIGHTH_RATE			-1		// Default: No LoM Required
#define RANK_FOR_SEVENTH_RATE			-1		// Default: No LoM Required
#define RANK_FOR_SIXTH_RATE				0		// Only a LoM required
#define RANK_FOR_FIFTH_RATE				2		// Lowest rank: 3rd Lieutenant (England)
#define RANK_FOR_FOURTH_RATE			4		// Lowest rank: 1st Lieutenant (England)
#define RANK_FOR_THIRD_RATE				6		// Lowest rank: Captain (England)
#define RANK_FOR_SECOND_RATE			8		// Lowest rank: Rear Admiral (England)
#define RANK_FOR_FIRST_RATE				10		// Lowest rank: Admiral (England)
So when you get a LoM, you will be able to purchase sixth rate navy ships, but not yet bigger ones.
For that, you need to be promoted first. That makes sense though.
Who is going to give a First Rate ship to a Midshipman? :razz
Feel free to ask around for any other issues - NH is pretty huge and part of it is mysterious to the uninitiated; but you can pretty much customise at will through Advanced Options.
Yeah and the good thing is once you change the advanced options you dont need to redo your changes with the new changes (I think)

So once you set them they stay :cheeky (just do it before starting a new game otherwise you will be sad)