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Fixed One beach on cuba doesn't have an accessible exit


Storm Modder
If you run to the place where it is supposed to connect to the jungle, instead you get an impenetrable invisible wall. By using sidesteps I was eventually able to exit to the jungle.

It is the type of beach that is the largest, with vast cliff formations stretching out to either side of the beach. I have always been able to exit to the jungle from this type of beach elsewhere.

Beta 4.1, July 28th edition.
Hi Pieter,

I'm sorry, I did not keep a saved game, and don't remember the beech's name. It was my first restart as a castaway after that bug I mentioned before with my previous save, and after I had to do the sidestep thing to get out of the starting shore, I just figured why not restart one more time (which is when I got the hispaniola start I mentioned in my other bug report today).

In my current game, when I get my ship outfitted I'll swing by Cuba and see if I can find it. It is very recognizable, as the gigantic cliffs in both directions beach.

If I find it, I'll make a save and record the name, and post again here with the info.
Shore = "Cuba_shore_01". Locator = "reload2_back".

I have tested and in the normal case the exit is open. :onya

I found 2 situations in Bartolomeu storyline quest_reaction.c where the exit is temporary closed.
And 2 places where it's opened again.

Also 2 corresponding places in quest_side.c, looks like Bartolomeu sidequest. Same 2 unlocked here.

So my guess is you have been playing Bartolomeu storyline OR Bartolomeu sidequest. Are you sure
everything supposed to happen at the shore has occured? :confused:


  • cuba_shore_01.jpg
    88.5 KB · Views: 48
Thanks for looking into it! That is the right shore design, with the broad cliffs. However, it was actually a freeplay castaway start, and that was the beach I had started at, so no time to start any sidequests. I was playing as a nathanial hawk model.

The beach was actually blocked farther up along the path than where the green circle is in the picture, though, the block was only a few steps from where the scene changes.