• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Own island?

Not yet, but its a definitely likelihood for a future modification.

Cap'n Drow
Id first like to see a different incarnation of POTC. And thats character flag.

Its kinda annoying that you have to be sneaking though towns of countries that are Friendly to the player, just cause your original nationality is wrong. I mean i payed good cash to be friendly with the spanish, but just cause im playing Peter Blood im stuck as an english man and no matter my personal relations to spain i get the good old "There is a spy! Get him" treatment with a disabled quick move in spanish towns.

Why i post this here. Cause a personal flag is the way to go to private islands. First make a nation for the player himself. That nations relations are determined by player relations. Then you do the settlement can be taken over by nation addition. And you can start capturing towns with the players nation. Any additional governearing options are the final toutches ^^

Do you think it's possible to add your new island? I try créate a new island ,and even if I can go on it, using new files in MainHero_dialog.c and leave it by the same way, there's no ship in port, no island visible on sea and reload on worldmap is far from coordonates I gave. I don't understand why the "new_island.gm" isn't visible on sea, as in PotC. Has anybody an idea?

Second point, I saw in this forum people talking about a mod, allowing change colorsail but I don't find it, so I did import files from AoP and I get the "colorsail interface" but sails stay white. An idea too?

Thanks, Philippe.