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Fixed Perk object gets removed somehow

The only thing there is different with my installation, compared to what I use to do,
is installing the unfinished storylines, dont know if that could course problems.
Something weird is going on with the perks interface, it is unstable.
The only thing there is different with my installation, compared to what I use to do,
is installing the unfinished storylines, dont know if that could course problems.
No reason why that should be related. :no
Is it only me who have these problems ore are they general?
If it is only me I wont test this game anymore, but start a new game
or maybe a new install.
Haven't seen anyone else with this problem .... but today during a F11 I has something similar I think. But I don't know if that was because I was messing with the game all together or if this problems seems to occur more often :S.

And up untill now I haven't been able to replicate that instance
I just noticed on my newest set of perks (the ones that require only 1 to unlock) .. they don't have a description.. for example in the earlier perks when you click on them they explain what you get when you unlock it...
but for later ones, including basic and advanced commerce... smuggling.. coast guard.. and many others in the bottom section of perk list... no description can be seen.

Please check my save file for my perk selections.


  • FreePlay.7z
    632.6 KB · Views: 100
I think it always existed but i never noticed.. I MIGHT have seen the basic commerce and landowner perks have description then on later stages the description disappears.. not entirely sure..
However i never really payed attention to those details since my main perks with the basic defense.. ship defense.. cannonneer.. etc.

Only at my latest stage when i'm unlocking all the 1 perks in the very bottom of the list that i realized there is no description since i did not know what most of them did...
The earlier perks which i already had unlocked from my first day of gameplay I can still see descriptions..

for example, Master boarder.. quick board... Rush... i don't know what they were so when i look at description there was nothing, and that's when it came to me that there's something missing.

On the contrary.. i unlocked rush, but what is it?
I confirm now all my perks have no describtion. It must have occured at some point, but i don't know when it started.
Maybe when i unlocked a particular type of perk?

Not 100% sure but it might be the final ship defence perk, the one that costs 4 points.
Not sure.. but it is a possibility.
This is the only place where perks get deleted so it must be here ...
            traceandlog("PERK ERROR: perk "+perkname+" doesn't have a type please upload your compile.log and savegame to the forums");
            DeleteAttribute(perklist,perkname); //remove it cause it's probably useless and else people will at least notice better
            num -= 1;

But why this is happening I have no idea :S I changed the log message now already. I think to be sure I'm going to remove the delete attribute so we can see if thise causes the problem...
I will install new update and execute console then see if the problem still persists
Please put this file in:

After doing an F11 everything should be okay again. Please continue playing and let me know if anything weird happens again.


  • perks.c
    22.4 KB · Views: 114
I dont recognize the problems discussed above? It do not occurs in my game! :aar
It is all the "plenty error.log entries" plus potential lag in the game because of that.
Seems that all of that was related.