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pistol pictures


Ok, i know i have touched base on this before. I downloaded the file "Lots of weapons" and i have successfully put those pistols into the game, except for the picture. Right now i am using the "scrapper pistol" pic for the new pistol "pistol5_3". What do i use as a tool to create a new picture of that pistol? What method do the guys who create new items w/pics use?
Armada knows this better than I do, but first you would need to take a screenie of it. I use Fraps. Then you need to convert it to jpeg and crop and resize it. I use Photoshop but Gimp works.
Then where do you put it and what do you name it? Dunno. :shrug
Taking a picture of a pistol? You might want to use GM Viewer for that, and either Photoshop or GIMP to crop it to size.
And just to make sure we are on the same page, i'm talking about the pics that show up in your inventory and/or the store. Is this what you guys are refering to?
That's how I understood your question, yes. :yes
well i can not seem to figure it out. I wish that there were a video on how to put pics of gear, items, cargo/goods...etc and another thing, i noticed there were two itemsdescribe files, one in items folder and one in the storyline folder. Do i need to put items in both files? Also, do i need to start a new career? What i've done in the past is save the saved game files into a seperate folder and start a new game. Save that file and then put the other saved files back in and just continue w/o completely starting over. What u think about that?