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Mod Release PotC: New Horizons - What's New in Build 14 Beta 4.1?

Thank you Grey Roger,
Harr, downloaded the nexus release - its from jan.17, version b14.4.0! I assume thats not the latest. 5Min till DB file is downloaded, will install that and hope its with ENB (that realy helpfull for some games!). Just captured a 3rate war pinnace in my latest save, now ill start again.
Good Winds and submissive Victims to all Pirates.
hope its with ENB (that realy helpfull for some games!)
Pay attention to the options you get during installation.
If it still works the wa I remember, ENB is not included by default, but can be added by checking the box for it during the installation wizard.
Hi again,
i think ill have to go to the help me now, i have CTD's now in row.

Installed all new, means deleted/shredered all contends and cleaned Reg. Vanilla PotC runs, New Horizons without ENB (for now, have to tweak, all blurry), but after entering Pirate settlement i crash at severall doors! Then i reload last save and cant leave where i am, tryed a New Game a few times - no difference. After CTD i need to choose my profile before i find my save. o_O

I have a low end PC (Phenom X4 3Ghz 4gRam, Radeon 5700 1gVRam), but i use 1, 2 and a few 4K textures in Skyrim - without stuttering. This Mod did less crash the last year, only while boarding and only 1 of 5-10! Want to play again, now:aar

My last .log's below, please tell me if im wrong here and should move tis to another thread!
Thanks for your Mod, i like it very much.


  • compile.log
    2.6 KB · Views: 263
  • system.log
    374 bytes · Views: 328

After a crash one has to reload 2 times before you can continue. Dunno why.

What is your operating system? 4gb of ram isn't very much these days and you could be running out.

I don't like ENB in this game and prefer to run without it and just bump up the AA and AF. Your gpu should be able to do maybe 4x on them.
Hello Hylie Pistof, (i like that name)
Sadly it does not work, i cant change worldspace after reloading! Version 3.3 made no problems exept mentioned, but thats OK for this kind of Mod, for me!

I have been using mods since Morrowind (TES3) and know about my limited performance, still on OS XP3 32bit. Even made some easy FS13 mods (on Nexus). This is a 32bit program, its useless to have more ram.
Will build up new hardware for 64bit OS, but these old games should run on this rack. 350GB modded games and the tools i know, not much will work on 64bit, so i keep this 6years old machine (could need more Vram).

ENB is tricky, with the right settings i could free Vram for Skyrim and my Girls wear 4k Armor! FO also inreased perfomance, but both are injector. Others like GT-Legends works great with GTA-ENB and a tweaked ini. Will set AA & AF when i get this running.
But thank you for your help, hope i dont miss something stupid, now im tired (brain out of ram;)), will try again tomorrow.
You're still on XP? That's a good thing and you should be ok. This game has lots of memory leaks that zap ram so it's easy to run low.

Also, this game has been modded far beyond what its designers ever imagined. It runs on a single core and I guarantee that core is running at 100% all the time. For that reason it runs better on my AMD FX @ 5ghz than it does on my AMD Ryzen @ 3.8ghz. You will do ok with your 3 ghz cpu.
I did, reloading the 4th time today.
Even messed up my backup from previous install, not shure if my flash drive is defect or just a bug installing. Darn is that slow! Got 12% now.
Hmm, i was so happy playing this, change games after mood, this is the only serious Pirate RPG for me, you have spoiled every other game with your "New Horizons":modding!
Thank's, will find something, hope so:keith.
Last edited:
Was back on my Marauder, Build 14 Beta 3.3 : 19 Jan 2015! Works as before, captured an Advanced Warship - boarding over several deck's - no chrash.
Updated to 31 August 2017, started new game, helped Artois and visited Kate. After selling i cant leave her Shop - CTD.
Tryed different screen res., turned of tips and error log, no change. Looking for performance intensive settings and need your help, 'cause you made this and may know where to start.
BTW: does anyone know @Mikeydmc? His version 4 on nexusmods has a messed inst.exe, not shure if i can just overwrite your mod or is the exe only for easy install?
@Mikeydmc? His version 4 on nexusmods has a messed inst.exe, not shure if i can just overwrite your mod or is the exe only for easy install?
What is that? Does not sound familiar.
The installer from the link in my signature is the best one that should exist.

You don't have very high system specs, do you?
Maybe the new leveling system is a bit heavy for you.
Find Leveling.c and try editing some of the numbers at the top.
Maybe that will help.
@DAT66 I looked at this a while back Build 14 4.1 7 Jan 2017 on XP machine?

and it sort of concluded that build 14 4 was too much for the sort of systems that were around running XP. However I would love someone to find otherwise. Build 14 3.4 (still there on moddb) is the last easily available version that was reasonably stable on the lesser powered specs (sort of =XP). Some of 14 3.5 was still OK (if you can find it in the forums anywhere) until the new leveling system (in August 2015).
hi Pieter,
going to play around with Leveling.c.
No, my Specs are: Phenom X4 3GHz 4GB Ram, Radeon 5700 1GB Vram, Os XP3 32bit. My Gpu is my greatest brake, if you added very high textures, the rest should be good enough!

Yes, i believe your link is the best, thats why im eager to play.
I was looking for a previous version to try if this works - its uploadet to nexusmods.com, the uploader has a profil here, but was not seen since 12.15! His version is called 4.0 and does not install with the exe.
Version 3 of that site is running on my PC since last Dez - no problems, great stuff, love it!!
Thanks for your reply, move this if it's wrong here.

Edit: Great pedrwyth, thats an info! Still going to try Pieter's suggestion, but seems you have my issue found - XP. Harr, need new hardware.
Visited Kate? Are you at Tortuga? Tortuga crashes constantly for me and your system has nothing to do with your crash there. Save before going through any door and use fast travel when you can.

DAT66 is using a 3 ghz cpu. It is his bottleneck but is good enough. I am using a 3.8 ghz cpu and it is my bottleneck. Before that I was using a 5 ghz cpu and it was my bottleneck too. Even an intel 7700K, which is designed for professional gamers, will bottleneck this game.

I seem to recall a Mikeydmc. He hung around for a bit but was never a modder. If I remember correctly Nexusmods is a pay to play mod site. I was sent there for mods to another game but when they demanded money I ran away. :bird:
Nevis, Free Play start as Allyster McLean, Background Rebel. Ironman mode & difficulty, save often in front of doors (old mod user), have to vistit first to fast travel, tryed to open all doors first - then interact (sale, repair), no change.

Remember FONV could force cpu use, or restrict better. That was the reason for CTD there, multi core - could not decide what to use and crashed. Now im back on mentioned version, i guess @pedrwyth is right with his post about XP.

I HAVE NEVER PAID FOR MODS ON NEXUS! It is a advertising financed plattform, yes (addblocker?). You CAN pay to unlock certain features - but you dont pay, unless your choosen mod sends you to a external link! Mine for example are direct download from nexus, no uploaded or mega. You need a profil to DL bigger files & adult contend (inkludes language - not only "what you think").

I have to thank all of you for your support, but i will need new hardware to play your latest update. Still, i have a great Adventure Game on my HD, Yeah - good work all.