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Question about changing food consumption


Hey guys, new player here. Played one character to level 42 or so on base CoAS, and now I'm trying out the combined mods pack.

I have a question about how to change food consumption rates. I read in the mod notes that the latest edition lowered consumtion, but it's still way too high for my tastes. I've been playing as pirate faction and completely draining Bermuda, La Vega, and the Cuban pirate port of food just to run a single 300 man crew. Of course it doesn't help that the AI cheats and never has food on their ships, so you can't resupply that way either. I had an easier time keeping three 800-900 crew MoW's stocked in base CoAS. :\

So I was trying to change consumption rates. I found the food.c in the scripts folder, but modifying that doesn't seem to fix it. Does anyone know what I need to modify to change it back to base CoAS?

Also, I noticed something else I think was an over-site. I was changing ammo damage rates to increase them somewhat, when I saw that base cannon balls are still set to 5.0 damage on hulls. Bombs are only 1.0. Personally I changed them to 0.6, but I'm rather sure 5.0 wasn't intended.
In the patch the food consumption has been changed and tested using a full crew onboard a MOW and the resault is you will need less food now. Also the different damage value's for the shot types was based around a more realistic feel and bombs not been around then was lowered but by default round shot has a damage ratio of 8.0 and bombs have 15.0 and here is the default value's.

Goods[GOOD_BALLS].Name			= "Balls";
Goods[GOOD_BALLS].Cost			= 4;
Goods[GOOD_BALLS].Weight		= 2;
Goods[GOOD_BALLS].Units			= 20;
Goods[GOOD_BALLS].SpeedV0		= 1.0;
Goods[GOOD_BALLS].DamageHull	= 8.0;
Goods[GOOD_BALLS].DamageRig		= 0.5;
Goods[GOOD_BALLS].DamageCrew	= 0.2;
Goods[GOOD_BALLS].AfraidWater = 0;    // ðóäèìåíò îò ê3
Goods[GOOD_BALLS].canbecontraband	= 0;  // ðóäèìåíò îò ê3

Goods[GOOD_GRAPES].Name			= "Grapes";
Goods[GOOD_GRAPES].Cost			= 12;
Goods[GOOD_GRAPES].Weight		= 1;
Goods[GOOD_GRAPES].Units		= 20;
Goods[GOOD_GRAPES].SpeedV0		= 0.6; // boal
Goods[GOOD_GRAPES].DamageHull	= 1.0;
Goods[GOOD_GRAPES].DamageRig	= 2.0;
Goods[GOOD_GRAPES].DamageCrew	= 1.5;
Goods[GOOD_GRAPES].AfraidWater	= 0;
Goods[GOOD_GRAPES].canbecontraband	= 0;

Goods[GOOD_KNIPPELS].Name		= "Knippels";
Goods[GOOD_KNIPPELS].Cost		= 26;
Goods[GOOD_KNIPPELS].Weight		= 2;
Goods[GOOD_KNIPPELS].Units		= 20;
Goods[GOOD_KNIPPELS].SpeedV0	= 0.9;
Goods[GOOD_KNIPPELS].DamageHull = 1.5;
Goods[GOOD_KNIPPELS].DamageRig	= 9.0;
Goods[GOOD_KNIPPELS].DamageCrew = 0.3;
Goods[GOOD_KNIPPELS].AfraidWater = 0;
Goods[GOOD_KNIPPELS].canbecontraband	= 0;

Goods[GOOD_BOMBS].Name			= "Bombs";
Goods[GOOD_BOMBS].Cost			= 60;
Goods[GOOD_BOMBS].Weight		= 1;
Goods[GOOD_BOMBS].Units			= 20;
Goods[GOOD_BOMBS].SpeedV0		= 0.8;
Goods[GOOD_BOMBS].DamageHull	= 15.0;
Goods[GOOD_BOMBS].DamageRig		= 1.0;
Goods[GOOD_BOMBS].DamageCrew	= 0.5;
Goods[GOOD_BOMBS].AfraidWater = 0;
Goods[GOOD_BOMBS].canbecontraband	= 0;

Again in the patch this has been changed, you will have 2 options vanilla value's or RTBL. The difference is RTBL have there value's lowered to offer a more realistic battle feel while vanilla is the default value's.
Wow, the ammo damage is a lot higher in the new version.

Back to the food though. Is there a fairly easy way to modify consumption rates? I tried changing the declared variable at the top of the food.c file, but that didn't seem to fix it. And even though its declared as a float, using a value < 1 causes problems.

Thanks for the reply.
Thats why RTBL was reintroduced, you can use stock value's or RTBL. Some fine tuning is been done to RTBL which is almost finished just waiting on a file then thats all good.

As for food consumption you was in the correct file but looks like you was looking at the wrong code.

#include "TEXT\scripts\Food.h"

#define I_MIN_MORALE	10
// boal -->
#define FOOD_BY_CREW       100.0
#define FOOD_BY_SLAVES     120.0
#define FOOD_BY_PASSENGERS 100.0
// boal <--

Thats the value's for CMV3.2 make the changes to these value's in Program\scripts == food.C and you will notice a big difference. :onya
Ah cool. Yeah those were the values I changed. But they were single digit in mine so I guess I get to change the formulas too.

Looking forward to the new version, great mod here I like all the stuff added.
No problem bud and happy to help. We just need to figure out how to reduce rum consumption now. :woot