• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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1)How can I start a new game with 3 companions and 3 ships?
2) It is possible to have more than 3 ships?
1) Not sure; should be possible somehow, but I never did it.

2) You can have four ship maximum, one of your own and three of your companions. Not more.
1. I have never heard of anyone, ever, being able to code or pull that one off.
It must be hard coded.

2. Like Pieter said, only 4 ships.
1. You might do some experimenting with this code in PROGRAM\Characters\characters_init.c:<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->    ch.ShipSlot1.Type=SHIP_NOTUSED;
I do think it's possible somehow, but I don't think anybody ever seriously tried. Why bother anyway, when you can just give yourself some officers with the console:<!--c1--><div class='codetop'>CODE</div><div class='codemain'><!--ec1-->            ch = CreateOfficer_Cheat(OFFIC_TYPE_NAVIGATOR, "Dan_TG3", 0, PERSONAL_NATION, false);
            SetOfficersIndex(pchar, -1, GetCharacterIndex(ch.id));
            ch = CreateOfficer_Cheat(OFFIC_TYPE_QMASTER, "33_TG5D", 0, PERSONAL_NATION, false);
            SetOfficersIndex(pchar, -1, GetCharacterIndex(ch.id));
            ch = CreateOfficer_Cheat(OFFIC_TYPE_CANNONEER, "50_India", 0, PERSONAL_NATION, false);
            SetOfficersIndex(pchar, -1, GetCharacterIndex(ch.id));
            ch = CreateOfficer_Cheat(OFFIC_TYPE_CAPNAVY, "50_33_40Claire", 3, PERSONAL_NATION, false);
            ch = CreateOfficer_Cheat(OFFIC_TYPE_CAPNAVY, "50LCroft", 3, ENGLAND, false);
            ch = CreateOfficer_Cheat(OFFIC_TYPE_CAPNAVY, "Searcher_Navy", 3, PERSONAL_NATION, false);<!--c2--></div><!--ec2-->
Then go to the shipyard and buy the ships you want.