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Reale Ocho: Silvern at Bahia de Matanzas


Field Marshall of Hot Tubs
Staff member
Storm Modder
.Reale Ocho: Silvern at Bahia de Matanzas (Part 1)
Written by Aaron Shields on 07 November 2011. Posted in Pirates Ahoy! News

.Now I bring you the tale of a man whose skills and achievments outshine the deeds of most of the great heroes of naval history combined – a privateer who seized more loot during his illustrious career than most all other privateers of history combined – and a man who ultimately became the savior of his homeland – but who sadly has in this day and age become largely forgotten by history....

It was pitch black. The white noise of exterior sloshing water against the hull, creaking timbers, snoring men and rattling chains were all that could be heard by those that happened to be awake. Even though the young rower was exhausted, he laid awake in thought. Hatred seethed in him and he felt the violent desires to lash out and kill once again. He knew he must subvert these feelings in order to maintain his sanity. He was helpless to do anything about his situation anyway – that in itself was a large part of his problem. He would often imagine himself in other places and through force of will, make them become real to him. He would imagine himself liberated - walking on the deck of a FREE, wind-driven, oarless ship with his father once again, with fresh sea air and wind in his face - or he would imagine himself in Heaven or even back in Delfshaven. How he longed for freedom and the open fresh air again. He had watched men go mad at the oars or their minds be taken by devils. He was determined that this would not happen to him and that if he stayed true to God and his own determined will, he could maintain his humanity and lucidity. Disciplined mental exercise was essential and he had formed his own internal daily regimen of thoughts and prayers.

The stench of contained human odors and excrement was worse than any sewer, but the men were oblivious of it after so much time living in it. Suddenly the young sailor could perceive something scratching below him. He grabbed towards the sounds in the darkness and squeezed hard on the body of the skulking rodent with his strong callus covered hands. The youthful prisoner quickly raised the rat to his mouth and bit its head off, ravenously sucking down and swallowing the warm living blood from its now twitching body. This was the third rat he'd killed in a week and the nourishment was badly needed by the nearly starving oarsman. With his fingernails he seperated the hairy skin of the little beast from its body and pulled it off the carcass like a sock. He chewed into its raw flesh and devoured the miniascule creature - bones and all in a few desperate moments.

Even though he was angry with God, he thanked him nonetheless once again for the life-giving sustenance the little creature had just given him. He did not understand why God had allowed him to be taken prisoner so many times. This was the third time he had been a galley slave and he had spent the majority of his youth at the oars. He knew he must be meant to hate the Spaniards like Sampson hated the Philistines. He had been taught as a youth to love his enemies, but this was too hard for him. He knew that he hated the Spanish more than any other human being on earth and that he must be meant for some eventual higher purpose to destroy them. He would be strong until he could bring about that destruction, he thought. However, the young man's feelings were sometimes torn and he occasionally felt guilt for hating the Spainiards so badly. This was because he had been shown some rare occasional kindness. He begrudgingly both hated and admired the Spanish at the same time.

Because of certain special talents, Piet would occassionally be let off his chains to dwell above decks. Because Piet Heyn's father had owned a Herring fleet and Piet had gone to sea with him as just a young boy, he had become a skilled sailor and officer who could navigate by the stars better than most navigators with a compass. Heyn could tell by the sound of the water against the hull how deep the water was almost as good as a sounding lead. The Spanish officers would sometimes make wagers on how close Heyn could come to the lead's depth. Some feared him because of it and believed he possessed unholy powers given him by the devil. When the ship was in uncertain waters, they would unchain Heyn to ask him for a position calculation for comparison to the navigator's.

Traditionally, the Captain would make that additional position calculation for comparison, but in this case the wealthy and well connected Catalonian nobleman was not a good navigator or a skilled seamen in any way. Capitan Bienevidos y Bazan would make light of these situations and openly and verbally insult Heyn at every opportunity. Heyn would always remain silent and respectful. Often Bazan would give the excuse for Heyn's release as being because his stockings needed mending. Indeed, another of Piet's sailing skills was that he could mend anything cloth with more skill than any Flemish tapestry weaver alive. A few of the officer's took a liking to Heyn and allowed him to stay above deck over night and even enjoy regular victuals taken from the officer's larder in exchange for mending their socks or even knitting new thick stockings for the officer's and men. Heyn would often smuggle the extra victuals he earned below and share them with his weaker mates on the oars.

While enjoying these brief times topside, the young Dutchman had often seen the morning assembly occur. A drummer and fife player would loudly call the ships company to the long slender waist of the galley-ship. The prisoners below could often hear the drums but were never offered the opportunity to pray above. The Spanish would pray the same daily prayer every morning without fail despite the weather. In fact it was a flogging offense to miss morning prayers. The short service was always conducted by the ship's Catholic chaplain:

“Blessed be the light of day

And the Holy Cross we say;

And the Lord of Veritie

And the Holy Trinity.

Blessed be the Immortal Soul

And the Lord who keeps it whole.

Blessed be the light of day

And He who sends the night away.”

Heyn admired the discipline and the words in the prayer, but thought the Spaniards hypocrits because of their almost complete failure to follow it's spirit. For every good Spanish officer and sailor who had been kind to Piet, there were seven that would spit on him, ridicule and beat him. The Dutch had no galley ships and believed in the purity of the wind and providence. “True Chistians would follow our Lord's example in how they entreated with every man – even slaves”, he thought. Because of their cruelty, hypocrisy, and unholy way, Piet hated them all equally despite his guilt.

Leaning back against the outer hull, Piet knew it would be light soon and with his belly now half full of rat, he drifted back to sleep again, knowing it wouldn't be for long. Loud voices brashly awoke him from his brief dreamy sojourn in a paradisical troical bay where he often found himself within his dreams. He stiffened up on his bench and shook Leighton the English rower next to him that was still asleep leaning heavily upon his shoulder. Only this time Leighton would not wake up. The man was clearly dead. As the Spanish Capataces made their rounds it was the usual routine. First the order to purge themselves was given. Men squated forward on their benches and pissed and excreted what little they had in them while trying to avoid looking at the backsides of the men on the benches ahead of them.

Then Spanish sailors with wood buckets full of sea water would run down the center isle throwing the water onto and below the galley slaves, washing out the floor gunnels below the benches causing the filth to stream out the sides of the galley-ship. Even though a couple dozen sailors executed the task and plenty of water was used, it was never enough to get rid of the foul odors. After this washdown, sailors with additional buckets accompanying a couple of galley cooks distributed tiny bowls to the rowers at intervals every several benches of oars.

There were only enough bowls for a fraction of the oarsmen, so the drill was that when one row of oarsmen ate their meager helping of gruel, they would hand the bowls to the rowers behind them who would then reach toward the galley cooks holding the buckets with their bowls to receive small ladels of the contained stinking watery paste. The men used only their fingers and tongues to slop up the contents of the little bowls into their mouths. This daily feeding would only happen once a day in morning-time and was a quick affair as Capatez with whips would lash anyone taking too long with his bowl. This often meant the man behind received a little of the helping of the man forward of him. However, often the food ran out before all could be fed. After gruel, then came water. The same drill would be repeated with the same bowls, but this time with water. Once the slave compliment was fed, the Spanish deck officer in charge of the galley slaves, or senior Capatez would ask if there were any dead and the rowers would raise their hands if there were dead men next to them.

Piet held up his arm. He was not the only one. Three hands went up this morning. The great locks forward were unlatched and the long lengths of chain that ran along each side of the center isle through deeply embedded iron rings in each bench were pulled forward. Shorter lateral lengths of chain at each bench ran through thick iron rings on the ankle chains of each prisoner. One side of the lateral chains terminated in deeply embedded rings sunk into the inner hull of the galley, the other side of the lengths had iron loops that sat closely against their companion loops in the isle that the long main chains looped through.

The slaves next to the dead men would then pull the shorter bench chains out of their ankle loops, so the dead could be removed. The bodies were then taken topside, their chains removed and unceremoniously they would be thrown over the side to watery graves below. Piet cursed quietly knowing that he would have to row twice as hard with his bench one man short. There were three men to a bench on this ship and Gianelli, an old Italian priest that had been branded a heretic and sentenced to the galleys, alone shared Piet's bench now. He was too old and feeble to be much help. Piet was ashamed a little as he had made a bet with himself that Gianelli would be dead within another week's time. Today the chains were not run back through the deck-loops, and that meant that something was about to happen - work on deck or ashore. Piet praised God for His goodness in his thoughts. There was always a little disorganization when this happened and minimal supervision as the officers were above receiving instructions and planning or organizing the next step of the work-operation. The men took advantage of the lull to quietly talk with each other a little.

“Where do you think we are Gianelli”, Piet asked in fluent Spanish. Gianelli slowly turned his head and half closed black eyes towards the young rower. His face and head were covered in a long matted tapestry of thick grey beard and hair. The old priest looked at him resigned and cynical, “who knows, my son, perhaps the shores of perdition or Gehenna's flames. One can only hope.” Vandermaas, the man behind him, and an experienced old seamen he had known a long time, spoke. “Salt” he said. “Don't you smell the minerals? It's much stronger when you are at the source and there is tons of it on the wharf.” Piet knew the smell and remembered salting fish aboard his father's herring busses. Ever since the Dutch and northern europeans had learned about salt's amazing ability to preserve fish, it had become a staple of sailors and citizens all over the world. Piet answered Vandermaas in Dutch, “Yes I can smell it now. Usually all I can ever smell on this prison-bucket is sh*t.”

Multitudes of the shirtless galley-slaves were led on deck and then down the gangways to a small dock. They were in a wide round, underdeveloped back-water harbor, surrounded by high green jungle covered hills. Among the small buildings and shacks were supplies piled high to include salt. A local salt depot was the reason ships stopped here and the Spanish flotilla of twelve ships was here to resupply and transport salt. Bags of salt were more plentiful than anything else and piled high in great stacks. The galley-prisoners began picking up the heavy bags and one by one hauling them to the various ships. Most of the ships were galleons. Only three were galleys and the Spanish sailors enjoyed not having to carry the loads, taunting the slaves as they came back up onto the decks of the various ships.

The work was back breaking and the tropical sun burned hot down onto the men in the humid air. Even so, the men were glad to be away from the oars and in the open air. Piet stepped back off the gangway onto the dock to fetch another bag when the Captain, Bazan y Beinevidos called out laughing, “bring me the costurera”. A Spanish soldier grabbed Heyn by the shoulder and said “this way costurera”. Heyn hated the Spanish nickname meaning seamstress, and had a nickname of his own for the captain that he muttered quietly to himself “flikker apenkind”.

The Capitan pointed down at a large crate full of woolen skeins. “How many stockings can you knit with this?” Bazan asked. Heyn answered confidently, “I do not know, Sir.” Bazan surrounded by most of his officers was beside himself and smiled wide as he made sport of young Piet Heyn, “The man who can read the very weather and can tell us how many fathoms my ship rides atop, cannot divine the number of socks that can be made from this fine hilo de lana – you have no number in mind?” Piet responded, “perhaps three dozen, Senor.” Bazan replied, “Perhaps? Mmmm, are you lying to me costurera?” “No Capitan”, Piet answered. “You know – lying to your Capitan is a flogging offense. If you do not make exactly three dozen stockings from these threads, you will be flogged three dozen times.” Bazan reached down and siezed Piet's right hand, pulling it upwards for observation. “Your hands have been hardened by the oars. Perhaps if I freed you for awhile, your hands would soften and become more nimble like a woman's hands.” Piet barely held his temper at bay and could feel the anger building. Bazan continued. “Then you could be an even better costurera. Perhaps I could make you a real costurera and dress you up like one as well. You could mend my stockings, bring me my breakfast and wash my ass.” The Spanish officers all laughed loudly at their Capitans remarks.

That was all he could take. Heyn's temper was lost and he quickly pulled his hand away from Bazan, springing it back and throwing it forward again to strike the man. Bazan's lieutenant Alvorado grabbed the rash youth's hand and pulled it hard, just keeping it from striking the Capitan. Bazan laughed, “you're very lucky costurera. Alvorado has just saved your life. Striking an officer is a death offence. If you had struck me, you would join those men over there.” Bazan pointed to a group of scaffolds on the beach where a grisly group of dead men sat with their backs tied to posts, garrotted with their necks snapped and mouths wide open with tongues extending as far out as humanly possible. Several other headless bodies lay limp next to them adjacent to a large slab of bloody log that was used as a chopping block. Their heads were stacked neatly in pyramid fashion next to the log. These men had tried to escape.

“Capatez-Sergento, tie the costurera to this pole and give him a dozen if you please”, Bazan ordered. Soldiers responded by tying Heyn's hands high upon the tall pole of a make-shift open shelter used to keep water off cargoes. The capatez cocked back his arm and let it loose forward again over and over in a flurry of flesh splitting lashes. Heyn breathed in hard, held his breath and gritted his teeth. He had been whipped before and knew how to mentally absorb the pain of the lash. He let his anger flush over him and knew someday he would kill Bienevidos. Despite his current situation and the grisly warning offered by the dead men on the beach, he though to himself, “I must escape this place – and soon.”


Stay tuned next weekend for Part 2 of Reale Ocho: Silvern at Bahia de Matanzas

K, So he's fine. He's really out of it though. So I don't like know how to put this on the other place, but Uncle A (MK) said you guys would know how to do it.

So Also I can't sign into his gamefront account to put the other stuff up that he wanted. I think he gave me wrong PW. So my cousin will do it. Sorry I didn't put this up like earlier like he wanted, but I had stuf I had 2 do.

So heres wat he wanted 2 have up right now. Is this OK? Please tell me if I'm like doing something wrong. thanks

It was pitch black. The white noise of exterior sloshing water against the hull, creaking timbers, snoring men and rattling chains were all that could be heard by those that happened to be awake. Even though the young rower was exhausted, he laid awake in thought. Hatred seethed in him and he felt the violent desires to lash out and kill once again. He knew he must subvert these feelings in order to maintain his sanity. He was helpless to do anything about his situation anyway – that in itself was a large part of his problem. He would often imagine himself in other places and through force of will, make them become real to him. He would imagine himself liberated - walking on the deck of a FREE, wind-driven, oarless ship with his father once again, with fresh sea air and wind in his face - or he would imagine himself in Heaven or even back in Delfshaven. How he longed for freedom and the open fresh air again. He had watched men go mad at the oars or their minds be taken by devils. He was determined that this would not happen to him and that if he stayed true to God and his own determined will, he could maintain his humanity and lucidity. Disciplined mental exercise was essential and he had formed his own internal daily regimen of thoughts and prayers.

The stench of contained human odors and excrement was worse than any sewer, but the men were oblivious of it after so much time living in it. Suddenly the young sailor could perceive something scratching below him. He grabbed towards the sounds in the darkness and squeezed hard on the body of the skulking rodent with his strong callus covered hands. The youthful prisoner quickly raised the rat to his mouth and bit its head off, ravenously sucking down and swallowing the warm living blood from its now twitching body. This was the third rat he'd killed in a week and the nourishment was badly needed by the nearly starving oarsman. With his fingernails he seperated the hairy skin of the little beast from its body and pulled it off the carcass like a sock. He chewed into its raw flesh and devoured the miniascule creature - bones and all in a few desperate moments.

Even though he was angry with God, he thanked him nonetheless once again for the life-giving sustenance the little creature had just given him. He did not understand why God had allowed him to be taken prisoner so many times. This was the third time he had been a galley slave and he had spent the majority of his youth at the oars. He knew he must be meant to hate the Spaniards like Sampson hated the Philistines. He had been taught as a youth to love his enemies, but this was too hard for him. He knew that he hated the Spanish more than any other human being on earth and that he must be meant for some eventual higher purpose to destroy them. He would be strong until he could bring about that destruction, he thought. However, the young man's feelings were sometimes torn and he occasionally felt guilt for hating the Spainiards so badly. This was because he had been shown some rare occasional kindness. He begrudgingly both hated and admired the Spanish at the same time.

Because of certain special talents, Piet would occassionally be let off his chains to dwell above decks. Because Piet Heyn's father had owned a Herring fleet and Piet had gone to sea with him as just a young boy, he had become a skilled sailor and officer who could navigate by the stars better than most navigators with a compass. Heyn could tell by the sound of the water against the hull how deep the water was almost as good as a sounding lead. The Spanish officers would sometimes make wagers on how close Heyn could come to the lead's depth. Some feared him because of it and believed he possessed unholy powers given him by the devil. When the ship was in uncertain waters, they would unchain Heyn to ask him for a position calculation for comparison to the navigator's.

Traditionally, the Captain would make that additional position calculation for comparison, but in this case the wealthy and well connected Catalonian nobleman was not a good navigator or a skilled seamen in any way. Capitan Don Juan de Bienevidos y Bazan would make light of these situations and openly and verbally insult Heyn at every opportunity. Heyn would always remain silent and respectful. Often Bazan would give the excuse for Heyn's release as being because his stockings needed mending. Indeed, another of Piet's sailing skills was that he could mend anything cloth with more skill than any Flemish tapestry weaver alive. A few of the officer's took a liking to Heyn and allowed him to stay above deck over night and even enjoy regular victuals taken from the officer's larder in exchange for mending their socks or even knitting new thick stockings for the officer's and men. Heyn would often smuggle the extra victuals he earned below and share them with his weaker mates on the oars.

While enjoying these brief times topside, the young Dutchman had often seen the morning assembly occur. A drummer and fife player would loudly call the ships company to the long slender waist of the galley-ship. The prisoners below could often hear the drums but were never offered the opportunity to pray above. The Spanish would pray the same daily prayer every morning without fail despite the weather. In fact it was a flogging offense to miss morning prayers. The short service was always conducted by the ship's Catholic chaplain:

“Blessed be the light of day
And the Holy Cross we say;
And the Lord of Veritie
And the Holy Trinity.
Blessed be the Immortal Soul
And the Lord who keeps it whole.
Blessed be the light of day
And He who sends the night away.”

Heyn admired the discipline and the words in the prayer, but thought the Spaniards hypocrits because of their almost complete failure to follow it's spirit. For every good Spanish officer and sailor who had been kind to Piet, there were seven that would spit on him, ridicule and beat him. The Dutch had no galley ships and believed in the purity of the wind and providence. “True Chistians would follow our Lord's example in how they entreated with every man – even slaves”, he thought. Because of their cruelty, hypocrisy, and unholy way, Piet hated them all equally despite his guilt.

Leaning back against the outer hull, Piet knew it would be light soon and with his belly now half full of rat, he drifted back to sleep again, knowing it wouldn't be for long. Loud voices brashly awoke him from his brief dreamy sojourn in a paradisical troical bay where he often found himself within his dreams. He stiffened up on his bench and shook Leighton the English rower next to him that was still asleep leaning heavily upon his shoulder. Only this time Leighton would not wake up. The man was clearly dead. As the Spanish Capataces made their rounds it was the usual routine. First the order to purge themselves was given. Men squated forward on their benches and pissed and excreted what little they had in them while trying to avoid looking at the backsides of the men on the benches ahead of them.

Then Spanish sailors with wood buckets full of sea water would run down the center isle throwing the water onto and below the galley slaves, washing out the floor gunnels below the benches causing the filth to stream out the sides of the galley-ship. Even though a couple dozen sailors executed the task and plenty of water was used, it was never enough to get rid of the foul odors. After this washdown, sailors with additional buckets accompanying a couple of galley cooks distributed tiny bowls to the rowers at intervals every several benches of oars.

There were only enough bowls for a fraction of the oarsmen, so the drill was that when one row of oarsmen ate their meager helping of gruel, they would hand the bowls to the rowers behind them who would then reach toward the galley cooks holding the buckets with their bowls to receive small ladels of the contained stinking watery paste. The men used only their fingers and tongues to slop up the contents of the little bowls into their mouths. This daily feeding would only happen once a day in morning-time and was a quick affair as Capatez with whips would lash anyone taking too long with his bowl. This often meant the man behind received a little of the helping of the man forward of him. However, often the food ran out before all could be fed. After gruel, then came water. The same drill would be repeated with the same bowls, but this time with water. Once the slave compliment was fed, the Spanish deck officer in charge of the galley slaves, or senior Capatez would ask if there were any dead and the rowers would raise their hands if there were dead men next to them.

Piet held up his arm. He was not the only one. Three hands went up this morning. The great locks forward were unlatched and the long lengths of chain that ran along each side of the center isle through deeply embedded iron rings in each bench were pulled forward. Shorter lateral lengths of chain at each bench ran through thick iron rings on the ankle chains of each prisoner. One side of the lateral chains terminated in deeply embedded rings sunk into the inner hull of the galley, the other side of the lengths had iron loops that sat closely against their companion loops in the isle that the long main chains looped through.

The slaves next to the dead men would then pull the shorter bench chains out of their ankle loops, so the dead could be removed. The bodies were then taken topside, their chains removed and unceremoniously they would be thrown over the side to watery graves below. Piet cursed quietly knowing that he would have to row twice as hard with his bench one man short. There were three men to a bench on this ship and Gianelli, an old Italian priest that had been branded a heretic and sentenced to the galleys, alone shared Piet's bench now. He was too old and feeble to be much help. Piet was ashamed a little as he had made a bet with himself that Gianelli would be dead within another week's time. Today the chains were not run back through the deck-loops, and that meant that something was about to happen - work on deck or ashore. Piet praised God for His goodness in his thoughts. There was always a little disorganization when this happened and minimal supervision as the officers were above receiving instructions and planning or organizing the next step of the work-operation. The men took advantage of the lull to quietly talk with each other a little.

“Where do you think we are Gianelli”, Piet asked in fluent Spanish. Gianelli slowly turned his head and half closed black eyes towards the young rower. His face and head were covered in a long matted tapestry of thick grey beard and hair. The old priest looked at him resigned and cynical, “who knows, my son, perhaps the shores of perdition or Gehenna's flames. One can only hope.” Vandermaas, the man behind him, and an experienced old seamen he had known a long time, spoke. “Salt” he said. “Don't you smell the minerals? It's much stronger when you are at the source and there is tons of it on the wharf.” Piet knew the smell and remembered salting fish aboard his father's herring busses. Ever since the Dutch and northern europeans had learned about salt's amazing ability to preserve fish, it had become a staple of sailors and citizens all over the world. Piet answered Vandermaas in Dutch, “Yes I can smell it now. Usually all I can ever smell on this prison-bucket is sh*t.”

Multitudes of the shirtless galley-slaves were led on deck and then down the gangways to a small dock. They were in a wide round, underdeveloped back-water harbor, surrounded by high green jungle covered hills. Among the small buildings and shacks were supplies piled high to include salt. A local salt depot was the reason ships stopped here and the Spanish flotilla of twelve ships was here to resupply and transport salt. Bags of salt were more plentiful than anything else and piled high in great stacks. The galley-prisoners began picking up the heavy bags and one by one hauling them to the various ships. Most of the ships were galleons. Only three were galleys and the Spanish sailors enjoyed not having to carry the loads, taunting the slaves as they came back up onto the decks of the various ships toting their loads over their shoulders and on their backs.

The work was back breaking and the tropical sun burned hot down onto the men in the humid air. Even so, the men were glad to be away from the oars and in the open air. Piet stepped back off the gangway onto the dock to fetch another bag when the Captain, Beinevidos y Bazan called out laughing, “bring me the costurera”. A Spanish soldier grabbed Heyn by the shoulder and said “this way costurera”. Heyn hated the Spanish nickname meaning seamstress, and had a nickname of his own for the captain that he muttered quietly to himself “flikker apenkind”.

The Capitan pointed down at a large crate full of woolen skeins. “How many stockings can you knit with this?” Bazan asked. Heyn answered confidently, “I do not know, Sir.” Bazan surrounded by most of his officers was beside himself and smiled wide as he made sport of young Piet Heyn, “The man who can read the very weather and can tell us how many fathoms my ship rides atop, cannot divine the number of socks that can be made from this fine hilo de lana – you have no number in mind?” Piet responded, “perhaps three dozen, Senor.” Bazan replied, “Perhaps? Mmmm, are you lying to me costurera?” “No Capitan”, Piet answered. “You know – lying to your Capitan is a flogging offense. If you do not make exactly three dozen stockings from these threads, you will be flogged three dozen times.” Bazan reached down and siezed Piet's right hand, pulling it upwards for observation. “Your hands have been hardened by the oars. Perhaps if I freed you for awhile, your hands would soften and become more nimble like a woman's hands.” Piet barely held his temper at bay and could feel the anger building. Bazan continued. “Then you could be an even better costurera. Perhaps I could make you a real costurera and dress you up like one as well. You could mend my stockings, bring me my breakfast and wash my ass.” The Spanish officers all laughed loudly at their Capitans remarks.

That was all he could take. Heyn's temper was lost and he quickly pulled his hand away from Bazan, springing it back and throwing it forward again to strike the man. Bazan's lieutenant Alvorado grabbed the rash youth's hand and pulled it hard, just keeping it from striking the Capitan. Bazan laughed, “you're very lucky costurera. Alvorado has just saved your life. Striking an officer is a death offence. If you had struck me, you would join those men over there.” Bazan pointed to a row of scaffolds on the beach where a grisly group of dead men sat with their backs tied to posts, garrotted with their necks snapped and mouths wide open with tongues extending as far out as humanly possible. Several other headless bodies lay limp next to them adjacent to a large slab of bloody log that was used as a chopping block. Their heads were stacked neatly in pyramid fashion next to the log. These men had tried to escape.

“Capatez-Sergento, tie the costurera to this pole and give him a dozen if you please”, Bazan ordered. Soldiers responded by tying Heyn's hands high upon the tall pole of a make-shift, palm covered open shelter used to keep water off cargoes. The capatez cocked back his arm and let it loose forward again over and over in a flurry of flesh splitting lashes. Heyn breathed in hard, held his breath and gritted his teeth. He had been whipped before and knew how to mentally absorb the pain of the lash. He let his anger flush over him and knew someday he would kill Bienevidos y Bazan. Despite his current situation and the grisly warning offered by the dead men on the beach, he thought to himself, “I must escape this place – and soon.”
A dozen lashes were administered and Bazan walked up close to Heyn, bringing his face within an inch of Piet's own. He stepped down slowly upon the young restrained prisoner's foot with his heavy tall black leather boot, leaning his weight upon it. He grabbed Piet's hair with his fine glove covered hand and pulled his head to the side. Bazan spoke in a quiet accusative tone. “This is what happens when you do not understand who your betters are – or God's place for you in the world costurera. Next time I will kill you and if you do not make three dozen wool stockings with that crate of skeins, I will have the flesh flayed from off your back. This I promise you esclavo.” Bazan stepped away and struck Heyn hard in the side of the head with the back of his hand. With the punishment complete, Heyn was left tied to the pole as an example to others for several hours. Finally Alvarado cut him down and ordered a young Spanish surgeon to tend to his wounds. The Segundo - Alvarado, had the young injured Dutchman brought to the officer's berths and put him in an unoccupied bunk formerly belonging to the third mate who had died of a palsy several month before.

Heyn slept for hours on his belly with the ointments applied that the ship's doctor had administered. He was dreaming of his tropical bay once again when suddenly the freshening breeze caused the ship to creak and lightly pitch back and forth slightly. Now awake, the young man thought hard. He was barely fifteen the first time he was captured in 1592 and worked through his seventeenth year aboard a Spanish galley off the Scheldt, until he and his father were given up in a prisoner exchange. Only a year later he was captured again and worked two more years on a Spanish galley in the Mediterranean before he was given up in prisoner exchange once again. Once more, he was captured only eighteen months after, and had been working on this galley for almost a year and a half. “This one was the worst”, he thought. He was now twenty one or twenty two years...he wasn't sure as he had lost track of the days. It was 1599 or 1600. He wasn't certain, but he was determined that he would not spend the rest of his life as a slave of the Spaniards. He was sure he would die among them if he did. He reasoned that the chances of being given up in a prisoner exchange this time were very slim given that they were cruizing the West Indies. He knew that even though he was wounded and in pain, that he would probably never have a better chance of escape than now.

He waited for a few minutes to see if the ship's new movements caused any of the officers to stir. They were at anchor and docked in Spanish possessions, so he knew that the watches would be light. Heyn turned slowly onto his back, the biting pain intensifying - his long lacerations opening back up as he leaned forward to grab his ankle chains. He pulled at the chains to prevent their noisy clattering as he slunk over the edge of the bunk onto the wood deck. In a strange quiet movement he slowly hobbled forward, bent over holding the chains tight to prevent noise from each bare footed step. He reached the threshold below the raised quarterdeck, slowly and silently opening the large oak door and peering out onto the long, low main deck looking for the watches. The night was black with no moon, and there was a light rain falling accompanied by a moderate wind. Heyn was glad of this as he knew it would dampen any sounds he might unintentionally make. Dim lantern light from the mainmast and forward on the low step of a foc'sle shone a yellowey hue onto the sand colored deck, casting odd shadows from the rigging and masts over the ship and shining through the rain drops as they fell upon the decks.

There were two watches forward and they were distracted in conversation. Heyn thought to himself that it was unlikely that there be a third watch, so he crept lightly out of the door onto the port balcony facing the open sea, that gracefully wrapped itself around the stern of the galley-ship. He crept far enough aft so that he could drop over the side avoiding the long bristling bank of oars that ran along the ship's length. Rather than making a clumsy attempt at climing over the railing with ankle chains, he simply turned with his back facing the rail and lifted his backside upon the top edge of the balcony. He leaned back and allowed his weight to pull him over the rail, falling to the water below with a splash. The salt water stung badly in the split cat wounds upon his back. Piet knew that the watches had to have heard his splash and so swam below the water forward to the starboard side and surfaced below the oars.

The watches did indeed hear the splash and made their way aft to investigate, but could not see anything. Piet thought about the dead escapees on the beach and wondered how they had been found and caught. Heyn knew that they would look for him also come the morning. He knew they would search the jungle and below the docks. Throughout the night Piet quietly swam, mostly using his arms – as the ankle chains prevented him from making full use of his legs and feet. He made his way to the rearward-most galleon knowing that no one could see its stern from the shore or any other ship. He placed himself on the port side of the rudder facing the sea. He knew that no one aboard the ship looking down would be able to see him there as he was completely obscurred by the bottom of the stern gallery's balcony. He would wait – a day, or two – until they gave up looking for him or the ships finished their loading and disembarked.

Heyn spent the rest of the night awake clinging to the rudder of the Galleon. In the morning he could peer around the corner of the ship and see men continuing to load salt, but could not make out whether or not men were searching for him on shore – however, he was sure they were. Halfway through the day, Heyn knew his limbs were pickling in the seawater and his skin was bloated like sponge-flesh. He used the ankle chains to shimmy up the rudder and was able to sit halfway comfortably on one of the horizontally shaped outcroppings cut into the thick rudder's exterior shape - with his body completely out of the water. Another night came and went. The following morning Heyn could hear the men on the ship above him reciting their morning prayers. Shortly after he could hear the repetitive, mechanical, steely tapping of the ship's windlass raising the anchors. He could hear orders being called out and knew the ship was making sail. Piet lowered himself back into the water and peered around the starboard side of the stern. All of the ships in the Spanish flotilla were also raising their anchors and making sail on the morning tide. As the ship began gaining forward momentum, Heyn let go of her as he quietly tread water with only his head above water. It was barely light and Heyn knew it was time to make for shore. He swam backwards, using his arms so that he could watch the ships making headway as he got closer and closer to shore. His arms were tired as he swam hard for the sandy beaches beyond site of the docks. Swimming against the wind and current, beaten and exhausted, he finally crawled upon the wet sand. He dragged himself into the shelter of some rocks and scrub brush and collapsed in sleep.

Heyn slept for half the day in the shade when he suddenly awoke. He had been dreaming of the beautiful tropical bay once again. He had been oblivious of where he was just trying to survive. Now he lay awake thinking. He was a little concerned about all things that creepeth and crawleth. He had seen men die from the deadly bites or infections brought about by natures smallest creatures. Piet was starving and thought to himself that he needed to get rid of his chains first and foremost if he was to effectively seek and find food.

Heyn found some good sized rocks, placed a larger stone below the ankle chain, and began repeatedly battering the chain with another smaller stone from above held in both hands. He had only been at this for a quarter hour and clear stress could be seen in the pig iron chain links when he heard low gun fire. He stopped his work wondering about the noise. Several more cannon could be heard. These were not small guns, Heyn thought. Something big had come into that harbor. “More Spaniards” he thought. But then he wondered to himself, “it's not a salute – too many guns are firing. WHY?” He knew he needed to investigate. He intensified his battering of the chain links and with a few more well placed blows - finally got a link to twist and break open. He quickly pulled one link out from another. The restrictive iron bracelets were still hanging about his ankles with the ankle chains broken but still attached. However with the chain now broken in half, Heyn could walk almost normally with full steps as he dragged the short broken lengths of chain behind him.

Heyn crept back towards the Spanish salt lagoon. As he peered out from the vegetation he could see another fleet had occupied the little backwater harbor. There were three large rakish warships and another six smaller merchant galleons. Heyn's emotions filled him to shaking and his eyes teared up heavily. He knelt and looked to heaven. He clasped his hands together tightly and prayed in thanks to God. These were not Spanish ships in the harbor. From the taffrail flagpoles of the newly arrived ships - flew the orangey red white and blue tri-colors of the Dutch Republic. Heyn's countrymen had taken the harbor and dozens of boats could be seen on the beach and hundreds of well armed Dutchmen crawling over the salt depot.

Piet ran for the Dutchmen and began yelling “Broers Ik ben gered!”, Brothers I am saved. The Dutchmen took Heyn to their Admiral, HendrikusVandervoort. As luck would have it, Vandervoort knew Heyn's father and had even escorted their fleet of herring busses years before. Heyn described in detail everything that had happened over dinner in the Admiral's great cabin. The admiral was happy to tell Heyn that his father's herring fleet had doubled in size in just the last two years and that the demand for salt and salted herring had gone up dramatically.

The Iberian ports had closed their salt pans to the Dutch years before forcing the Dutch to find sources in other places. The Dutch had found supplies of salt in the Cape Verde islands and were constantly on the lookout for new good sources in the Caribbean. This had caused increasing hostility between the Spanish and Dutch in the Caribbean and the Spanish were attempting to block all Dutch attempts to establish salt depots on known salt pans. Indeed the whole reason Vandervoort was here was to seize this particular salt pan and depot and occupy it for a large incoming salt fleet of the largest Dutch cargo ships ever built. Heyn learned that they were currently at the Lagoon of Punta de Araya, not far from the Spanish port town of Margarita. The admiral and Heyn became fast friends and in a few short weeks Heyn was in full health.

Heyn was proud and amazed at the sheer size of the arriving Dutch salt fleet and the immense scale of more than a dozen of their new ships among the at least fifty ships anchored. Piet learned from the admiral that Dutch merchant companies had also doubled in size in the last several years and were talking about a forming a united charter. They were consistently giving investors a seventy percent return on their investments. Vandervoort advised and encouraged young Piet Heyn to consider joining the his company, saying “you will always have work my boy and there is a good chance you can be rich.” Heyn had replied to the admiral, “Sir, I would much rather take a commission in the navy. I wish to face and kill as many wretched Spaniards in combat as I can.” Vandervoort answered, “I understand your desire for revenge young man, however, we are facing the Spanish in combat wherever we go, whether or not you're working for the Staats General. Doesn't matter...East Indies, West Indies, Levant , Smyrna, Med, or the channel. We are fighting and beating them everywhere. You will have to fight them wherever you go. That is if they don't quit the war. Rumor is that they are seeking a peace.”

A few weeks later and fully recovered, Heyn was on a ship for home. He had even been allowed to take a volunteer officer's position aboard as an additional navigator. Heyn smiled and breathed the cool, fresh sea air in deeply. He was free again...he was free.

Heyn awoke from his sleep. He was hot. He was disoriented and didn't know where he was. He called out. “Jacobi...Jacobi”. “Jacobi is not here Pieter” a soft female voice answered back. “Anneke?” “Yes Pieter, it's Anneke”, she replied. “Your fever has finally broken, thank God.” Piet opened his eyes and could make out the dim light of candle lamps and the face of his beautiful wife looking down at him. “Where is Jacobi?” Piet asked. “We've been through this before my love.....Jacobi is dead” Anneke answered. Piet paused a long time, “But I was just talking with him again my dear. I have been in the dreams again. I was back in the Caribbean, and the Med, and on the Hollandia again at Neyra and Banda during the rebellion. I was having dreams within dreams.” Anneke smiled with concern. “You are safe at home now my dear Pieter”, Anneke replied. Heyn turned over and fell back asleep once again.
Oh yeah. He's got some pics that go with this but I don't know how 2 put them on here. thanks
Thanks again for the update fishfood, I am very glad he is doing ok!

I'll post his story on the front page in it's proper place! If you can post the links to the pictures here, I can add those to the front page as well.
Sorry I forgot to put up his next part. Here it is

Luitenant Broekel urgently tapped Heyn on his shoulder in his berth, “Kapitein - Wake up Kapitein. The Admiral wants you.” Piet turned over to face Broekel, “Did you knock Broekel?” “Yes Sir,” he replied, “but you did not answer.” “What is it now?” Heyn replied. “They're pouring over a map with Herr Coen and they have some new ideas they want to talk with you about.” Captain Heyn walked into the great central cabin from his adjoining starboard quarters. Admiral Johannes Allertszoon, and Jan Peiterszoon Coen - Governor of Batavia and the Governor-General of all the greater Dutch East Indies - along with several of their subordinate captains and officers, all looked up from a large chart rolled out atop a prominent, well decorated hardwood table in the center of the cabin.

Captain Heyn was a strong figure of a man well dressed in high tan leather boots turned down at their tops and wearing a fine reddish-orange officer's coat with gold braid and trim. His facial hair was neatly trimmed consisting of a thin well groomed moustache and goatee. His reddish-brown hair was combed straight back from his forhead and he seemed to be balding slightly. His face was handsom, hardened and worn by years at sea and sported several prominent scars. As the well known and intimidating Captain of the VOC (Dutch East India Company) vloot flagship Hollandia approached he seemed to stare into the mens souls with his small deep set piercing blue eyes. Some of the officers looked nervous and others even downright scared as they all bowed slightly with their hands flowing forward at the respected hero stepping up to the table. Heyn did not bow in return.

“Ah Captain Heyn, we were just talking about your sack of the Portuguese settlements around Neira and Amboina. Tactics and strategem innovatively carried out Sir - nothing short of brilliant if I may say so”, Governor Coen complemented. Admiral Allertszoon interjected with a wry smile, “Sir, Captain Heyn will tell you that it is God's vengeful hands at work, not his.” The men laughed.

Captain Heyn said nothing staring coldly ahead and visibly annoyed displaying a slight scowl. “My Lords”, Heyn responded in a low, commanding and somewhat raspy voice. “We are still in a state of so called “cease fire” back at home. The VOC does not recognize this “truce” here in the Indies, and we are allowed to openly make war upon King Phillip's subjects and property here in the east. Because the Portuguese fall under that same wicked papist prince, then I myself and those under my command will continue to kill as many Portuguese and Spanish as the Heeren XVII (board of directors - Lords) will allow.”

Allertszoon raised his eyebrows. “I think you may have a blood-lust my friend. We have all lost count of the hundreds you've killed and the number of Portuguese and Spanish settlements, trading outposts and spice factories you've destroyed.” There was an awkward pause. Heyn responded, “In the last seven years, the men under my command and myself have destroyed thirty seven towns, trading posts and factories, taken eighty-three enemy ships prizes and sent another nineteen to the bottom. We have killed over fourteen hundred souls and I myself have killed sixty-six of the Iberian papists and another five indigineous natives in their employ.”

Governor Coen smiled wide. “Well done Heyn! I congratulate you.” Heyn scowled even more. Allertszoon interjected again. “A blood-lust I say your honor. Yet notice the small number of savages in that body count. Heyn refuses to allow his men to eradicate the savage peoples on our spice acquisitions.”

“Really?” Coen answered, “Do you not remember the slaughter at Banda when the barbarian leaders invited our Burghers and Captains to entreat with them on the “Eternal Compact” and then with the utmost deception, surprised them, fell upon them, and massacred forty of our leading men here in the East Indies? Surely that deserves retribution! Why do you prefer to shed Christian blood over pagan savage blood Sir? Many of them are worshipers of Mahomet as well.”

Piet answered, “I was there at Banda my Lord. My men and I barely escaped with our lives. As for blood, I look at it differently than you my Lord. Iberian Papists are followers of the Devil and they are not innocent. As for the native folk that live here, they have put up with oppression from the Portuguese for almost a hundred years and they unlike their former masters are innocent. Their blood is clean. They have been enslaved to work their own land. We Dutch have taken advantage of them even worse than the Portuguese did, with poorly fashioned and unwanted goods in trade, when we make 300 percent profits on the cultivated spice we ship homebound from their lands and their labors. Would you not be angry if you were in their place Sir?”

Admiral Allertszoon responded. “Here now Heyn, I have had a belly full. I abhore all this bloodshed. I am not a violent man by nature and don't like shedding anyone's blood or enslaving anyone. But neither will I speak ill of our great directors, our own countrymen, or our great enterprise. It is what it is, Sir. We all have our place in God's world and we must know and accept our place – thus has the almighty made it so.”

“Not so my Lord”, Heyn retorted, “Thus have WE made it, Sir. Do not put this upon God - it is of our own power to make evil against our brother and it is of our own will to struggle to better ourselves - even if it means our own deaths in the process if we have the determination to fight to do so.”

Goveror Coen now interjected. “Mijn Heren, every word spoken here has been in truth and I have the utmost respect for every man here. I have heard these same words before and I know that we all will do our duty to further our great enterprise. We must look at it with a view that God is moving forward in us and in all things. It may be that through the shedding of this blood and the enslaving of men that God may change this whole region to his greater glory at some later time in a way we poor men cannot possibly perceive now. Just look to His word for an example of this. Did God not lay low great cities and nations like Egypt and Babylon - and did not He enslave his own chosen people? I have said it before and I will say it again: Do not despair - spare NOT your enemies, for God is indeed with US!”

Governor Coen continued. “Now enough with the damned philosophy. Let us discuss the work at hand. I am merely observing this time around. The trip from Amboina to Batavia is always such a bore. As I am lucky enough to accompany you this journey I thought to myself, now why wouldn't it be prudent to make a small expedition along the way. Gentlemen, I would like you now to turn your attentions to the few remaining Malaku islands still not under our control. Timor is out destination Gentlemen. It should be easy for you Heyn. From my sources I am told that the forts can hardly be called forts.” Once we've secured the rest of the Malaku towns we will rebuild the factories – or build new ones there as well. The Spanish and Portuguese will be left only with their fortresses at Goa, Tenerife, and their colonies in the Phillipines.”

The conversation and planning went on for several more hours. Heyn was annoyed. He had done this all before so many times that it had simply become routine to him. He dined politely with the other officers, partook of a decent wine and then took his leave to retire early.

The following morning, the squadron of three large Dutch warships reduced sail and hove to in the small Timoran harbor. Multiple large boats were lowered from the decks and filled with men. The rakish galleons made an imposing sillouette against the low backdrop of the island. The warships were dark and thickly painted to weather the tropical climate. Their green and red painted clinker built sterns rose gracefully into the air. All three man-o-war boasted two full decks of around forty fine large bronze guns. The long culverines had all been loaded, rammed, primed and run out, gleaming fiery white and gold catching the early morning light.

A village of thatched palm-leaf huts was spread out just beyond the beach. The jungle around the little town had been largely cleared and clove trees were neatly spread out about four hundred meters around the village. Bordering the jungle's edge could be seen just beyond the neat rows of trees, longer, larger lodge-hut style buildings of the same construction – obviously factory buildings. In the center of the village was a small stone church with a European steeple supporting a pair of small bronze bells and a well defined black rod iron cross above the belfry.

A small wooden stockade and tower sat on the southern edge of the village facing the harbor built upon a raised stone earthworks foundation. Atop the tower flew the Habsburg cross of Burgundy from it's flagpole. The wall of the fort facing the sea was pierced for three good sized cannon and also boasted multiple crenellations for matchlocks. As men began to enter the boats from the Dutch warships the guns of the little fort opened fire. The projectiles could be heard wizzing through the rigging above.

Captain Heyn standing in the waist of the Hollandia, sighed with annoyance. “Master Schutter, level that fort”, Heyn commanded. The guns of the Hollandia erupted in a barrage of deadly carnage upon the fort. As Heyn lowered himself into the large launch and his soldiers began rowing, large gaping holes could be seen forming throughout the wooden stockade and splinters and debris rose into the air. The tower began to lean backwards and as the Dutchmen jumped out of the boats into the foot deep water lapping at the beach, the tower collapsed. Heyn looked at Broekel, “seize fire”. Broekel raised a small yellow and black flag and waved it above his head. The warships fell silent. “Forward men, you know what to do! Spare no Spaniard or Portu!” The Dutchmen yelled in frenzied fury as they ran into the village and the remnants of the fort looking for enemies to hunt down.

Heyn stepped up the few roughly hewn stone steps into the small stone church. Facing him was a Jesuit priest in a black habit with his arms spread out wide. Behind him was a multitude of terrified women and children huddled into the apse and nave of the small chapel. They were both European and native. A couple of Portuguese men were with them kneeling in prayer. Most of the people were kneeling and many were crying. Mothers stood holding their small children close to their bosoms and rocking them back and forth in attempted security and reassurance.

Several officers and soldiers stepped into the chapel behind their brave leader. Captain Heyn, dressed in an engraved Dutch peascod breastplate and cabaset helmet stepped forward and drew one of his fine short wheellock carbines from his sash. He aimed at one of the Portuguese men praying and yelled out, “Senior!” The man who was clearly a Portuguese soldier looked up at Heyn. Heyn pulled the trigger on the clockwork dag and it barked and kicked upwards in a loud sulpherous report. The man, hit by a large caliber lead ball in the center of his chest, gasped out and attempted breathing back in again - wheezing loudly and then fell forward – dead. The preist stepped forward several steps approaching and pointing at Heyn accusingly. His face was filled with anger and he yelled at Heyn loudly in clear native Dutch, “why would you do that? Are you some kind of MONSTER?” Heyn lowered his pistols and was startled that the Jesuit was a Dutchman. “What do they call you priest?” Heyn enquired. “I am Jacobi”, he replied.
Thanks mate! :dance

Now posted in it's proper place on the front page!
I am back in the world of the living.

Part 4 of Reale Ocho: Silvern at Bahia de Matanzas is up and published on the main PA site here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/

Illustrations are ready to accompany the story, but I am immobile. I cannot get up from my seat to scan or do anything really without help. But I am at home. Yeay! They will be posted soon. My thanks to my little niece fishfood (Taylore) for all her help. I actually played with my latop a bunch, so I have some great new stuff to share. So nice to be connected again.


From last week....

Several officers and soldiers stepped into the chapel behind their brave leader. Captain Heyn, dressed in an engraved Dutch peascod breastplate and cabaset helmet stepped forward and drew one of his fine short wheellock carbines from his sash. He aimed at one of the Portuguese men praying and yelled out, “Senior!” The man who was clearly a Portuguese soldier looked up at Heyn. Heyn pulled the trigger on the clockwork dag and it barked and kicked upwards in a loud sulpherous report. The man, hit by a large caliber lead ball in the center of his chest, gasped out and attempted breathing back in again - wheezing loudly and then fell forward – dead. The preist stepped forward several steps approaching and pointing at Heyn accusingly. His face was filled with anger and he yelled at Heyn loudly in clear native Dutch, “why would you do that? Are you some kind of MONSTER?” Heyn lowered his pistols and was startled that the Jesuit was a Dutchman. “What do they call you priest?” Heyn enquired. “I am Jacobi”, he replied.

And now Part 4:

“Well Father Jacobi - ” Captain Heyn started. Jacobi interupted, “Not father - just Jacobi”. “Very well Jacobi, please inform your parishoners that they need to remove themselves from this place if they don't want it's rubbled remains down upon them.” Heyn added.

Jacobi, angrily but calmly replied, “Sir, how could you destroy the house of God and sanctuary of these poor wretches?”

Heyn answered, “Jacobi I don't regard any place that allows the idolotrous worship of infinite hosts of ensainted papist gods as the house of MY God. These lands and everything on them living or otherwise, are now the property of the Dutch East India Company. We will eventually replace this structure with a more appropriate edifice.”

“Luitenant Broekel, take those men outside” Captain Heyn ordered. He turned around and walked back out of the church. Several Dutch company soldiers disarmed and seized the Portuguese men and drug them out of the chapel by their arms. Jacobi turned to his flock and spoke in fluent Portuguese, “My children, God will protect you. We must leave this place now. Flee into the jungle and hide until our oppressors leave. If you have friends or family in Bacau go there and tell them what has happened at Dili.”

As the women and children bagan streaming out of the church, Heyn yelled out once again. “Luitenant Van Dorn, seperate the Iberian women and children from the rest and bring them to the ship. Let all the others go. Remind the men that rape will not be tolerated and will be punishable by castration.” Soldiers swarmed into the females separating Europeans from East Indian Natives.

Random matchlock blasts could be heard coming from the remnants of the fort and the jungle behind it. Gradually the fire lessened until it was quiet. Several captured Portuguese prisoners were escorted into the little town center. The Admiral and Governor-General had come ashore with their retinue and joined Captain Heyn. Luitenant Breokel reported, “Sir, the factory buildings are full of cloves and sandalwood ready for shipment. The remaining officers are also ready for questioning.” Heyn answered, “Very well Broekel, have the cloves and sandalwood put aboard the Jupiter”. “Aye Sir”, Broekel responded. The group then approach the five surviving Portuguese men standing in a line abreast heavily guarded by VOC soldiers. One was obviously a civilian by his dress. Heyn addressed him first in a Spanish-heavy Portuguese, “What ARE you Sir?”

The man was dressed in black hose with fine black leather shoes. He wore a magenta doublet and pantaloons topped by a large lacy white colar around his neck. Over the collar was a fine large gold chain of office hanging low upon his chest. He had been armed with a fine swept hilt rapier and matching dagger, but now wore only their decorated leather scabbards and multi-buckled belt. He also wore an ornately decorative morion helmet on his head. He answered, “I am Aloisio Fernendez, colonial Prefeito (mayor) of Dili.”

Heyn answered him comedically. “Not any more you're not.” He turned his head and spoke again, “Broekel, anyone else special here?” Broekel answered, “Just the captain of the fort Sir.” Heyn spoke again to the whole group, “Where is the fleet that is coming to pick up that load of cloves and sandalwood – and when is it expected?” The men were silent looking blankly forward or down at the ground. There was a long pause.

Captain Heyn spoke, “Broekel, motivate them.” Broekel knocked the morion helmet off of the garrison captain's head. He quickly flipped his dag in the air catching it by its barrel and then swung its knobby club-like handle into the side of the Portuguese officer's head. The blow knocked him down, but not out. The man sat up kneeling and holding his head with his left hand. Broekel turned the small highly decorated wheellock back around with the muzzle of the barrel pushing gently against the kneeling man's head.

The garrison captain stayed stubbornly quiet, but the mayor stepped forward and spoke up, “We are expecting the fleet within a weeks time. They will be approaching from the north out of Goa, and avoiding the Molucca straits specifically to avoid your countrymen.”

Heyn replied, “Thank you Senor.” He turned around and began walking away towards the Governor-General and his officers, “You know what to do Broekel.” “Aye Sir”, Broekel answered. “Detail, take aim....”

The Jesuit priest Jacobi jumped in between the Portuguese officers and the Dutch firing squad. He yelled out loudly imploringly, “These men have done nothing that warrants a death sentence. They have given themselves up in good faith and have answered your questions. You will have to kill me as well.”

Admiral Allertszoon intervened, “Now see here Captain Heyn. You've easily taken this place with only a few of our own wounded. There is no remaining resistance and you must recognize that these men are valuable hostages that could be exchanged. Are not their lives worth the release of a few of our own countrymen from out of King Phillip's galleys and prisons?”

Heyn responded, ordering loudly, “Luitenant Broekel, stand down your men and have the Portuguese officers taken aboard the Jupiter. I'll not have them on the Hollandia. “What of the priest Sir?” Broekel asked. Heyn turned around to face the priest. “What are your wishes priest?” he enquired. Jacobi answered, “I have already been thrown out of my order – I am actually no longer even a priest. I stayed only because the people wanted me here and because I could still teach the word of God and heal the sick and afflicted. The only man that protected me and insisted I stay, lies dead on the church floor by your own hand. If I stay behind or follow the others to Bacau, I will probably be accused of being a spy and likely taken back to Goa to be tried by the inquisition. God obviously means for me to dwell with my own countrymen once again.” The Captain spoke, “Broekel bring the missionary aboard the Hollandia. I have many questions for him. Send patrols out to ensure there are no surprises while the spices are loaded.

As the sun began to set, a nimble well armed pinnace entered the harbor flying the Dutch Tri-Color with the V.O.C. letters prominently displayed in the center of the flag - identifying the ship as belonging to the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie (Dutch East India Company). A courier came aboard the Hollandia and passed dispatches to the Governor-General. The Governor motioned for the whole party standing in the open air of the quarterdeck to move inside to the great gallery cabin, “Let's see what the cook has put together for us shall we. Invite that priest to dinner. I think he will make for some interesting conversation.”

The men sat around the great table and the Governor-General poured over the numerous papers brought to him. The table was laid out with fine crystal and silver and a great meal of meat, fowl, and tropical fruits were layed out for the Dutch gentlemen. The officers began to verbally fence and debate with Jacobi. Heyn sat back and ate slowly. He quietly observed the debate with an air of amusement – smiling slightly.

Back in Europe the wars of the Reformation were still raging. The Netherland's own eighty years war of rebellion against Spain was indeed part of this struggle and very idealogical at it's core. It was not just a war to claim independence from Habsburg Spain for the seventeen provinces, but was also centered around citizen's freedom of worship.

The Netherlands had actually been successful enough in this endeavor that religiously persecuted people from all over Europe fled to it's large, prosperous walled cities. Hugenots, Lutherans, Hussites, and Jews were all welcomed as new citizens. The tolerance that came into being caused a different brand of more tolerant protestant Calvinism to become prevalent in the Netherlands. Catholics also were free to worship, however, because they were also seen as the enemy, many moved south. Catholics were seen as evil, insidious spies by many. It was a Catholic infiltrator that had snuck into Prince William the Silent's retinue undetected, and assassinated him – the first head of state to ever be killed by a small firearm. This event shook the protestant world. Queen Elizabeth's security was bolstered and indeed there was an attempt on her life. The “Gun-Powder Plot” caused the same sort of backlash in England. With Catholic Stewarts coming to the throne, the tension was made even worse, eventually causing that country to fall into civil war. Catholics were generally not allowed to hold any kind of public office in England, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the Independent Protestant German states.

In Rome, several successive Popes, very conscious of the increasing successes of the protestant movement, sought to reform the Catholic Church as Erasmus of Rotterdam and Luther had called for many years before. The wide-spread corruption was indeed largely curbed and indulgences fell off dramatically as a common practice. New orders like the Jesuits came about to assist with this new “Counter-Reformation” and to bring a new logic and intelligence to the application of Catholic doctrine. The men of the Jesuit order were called upon to convert protestants back into the fold and to go abroad to bring in new converts for Catholicism wherever European empires expanded.

“Tell me Jacobi, why do you insist on praying to the Virgin Mary instead of directly to God though our intercessor Jesus Christ?”, asked one of the zealous young officers sitting at the table.

“We do not pray to her, we venerate her. I myself, am not a fervent believer of this practice of veneration and there are many Catholics that believe as I do”, Jacobi responded.

“Not much of a difference in my mind between pray and venerate”, another officer responded, “they are both a kind of worship are they not?”

Jacobi responded. “Indeed, this is why I am no longer a priest. I argued this point with the Cardinal of Goa and was ejected as disobedient. Man has perturbed the truth and twisted it to help him achieve his own corrupt ends – but that does not diminish truth or make truth untrue. It is man that is defective, not the message of God. Do not reject the message because of the men that twist it. Because I was a novice instructed under Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, my beliefs were already Thomist, seen as overly humanist and as different, untrustworthy and heretical by many of my Portuguese brethren. Add to that my Dutch citizenship and you can imagine the challenges I faced.”

Luitenant Broekel spoke, “So are you just stupid then? If you don't believe in veneration any longer, then why do you stay with the papists? Why not come over to the truth of Christianity as we all have?”

There was a long pause. Jacobi was clearly angry. He responded to Broekel, “You call what you did today following TRUE Christianity? You killed men just a few hours past for no other reason than their nationality and religious belief. You killed when your country is in a state of truce. You killed for a commercial endeavor in the name of profit. I ask you again, is that following TRUE Christianity?”

Heyn who had been silent and amused up to this point, suddenly jumped into the debate, his demeanor immediately changed to searing anger. Heyn exploded, “Do not presume you can question anything done by any man at this table! They were all carrying out orders from me. You do not know any man here. Is there any man at this table who has not had a relative or friend visciously murdered by a Spaniard? I myself can name dozens of my own family back to my Grandfather's time that were mecilessly butchered by Spaniards. Tell me, does a “Christian” Catholic King approve and order the genocide and eradication of an entire Christian people? How many here have had relatives burned alive in their own homes or town's churches by armed companys of Parma's men? Raise your hands gentlemen.”

Every man at the table raised their hand – including Jacobi. Heyn looked confused and continued, “You Jacobi attest that you've had your own relatives killed by the Spanish, but yet you would stand with them and live with them. What kind of man are you?”

Jacobi answered, “I am a Christian and am upon the path that God has set me on - as all of us are.”

Heyn answered, “Do not the scriptures say, An eye for an eye, Jacobi?”

“Indeed they do Captain Heyn. Tell me, have you carried out your revenge to your satisfaction? Have you been able to right all of the wrongs done against you and your family from all of your killing?” Jacobi retorted.

Captain Heyn answered, “I will let you know when I get there. SO! - great dejected priest of the Jesuit Order, what would you have us do?”

Jacobi answered, “Do as our Lord commanded us, love your enemies and forgive all those that wrong you.”

Heyn answered, “I'm afraid the Heeren XVII would not be too pleased with me if I suddenly made that my prime mandate.” The men around the table all laughed out loudly.

Jacobi continued and began to preach, “Christ's mandate is so simple gentlemen. He took all of Moses's old commandments and crammed them into two simple rules. Love one another and treat your brother as you would want to be treated. Think about that. If I follow those two simple rules I do not rob or kill my neighbor, I do not lie to my brother or sleep with his wife – and I do not blaspheme against God. By living in this way I do not curse his name or live in rebellion against him, but am his creature in harmony with him. I tell you that revenge is the way of the devil and killing begets more killing and evil. I fear that the Dutch brand of Christianity no longer follows the ways of Christ, following the gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John, but is now much more concerned with following the ways of the Guilder, Guinea, Florin and Ducat.”

Governor Coen interceded, “ENOUGH! I will not have our great enterprise or our native land slandered by your thoughtless papist rhetoric Sir! If you cannot keep a civil tongue I will have you clapped in irons. Now to business. Captain Heyn, I must return to Batavia with the utmost speed. Seems the damned English are acting up again. They have only managed to get a small foothold on the tiny islands of Ai and Run, and have their little trading post and Ambon. The Directors are very clear about preventing the English from gaining any ground whatsoever. Every time they try to start a new field or factory, I send raiding parties to confiscate the trees or cut them down and burn their buildings. I am taking the Gouda back to Batavia. Admiral Allertszoon will be returning with me. Captain Heyn your orders are to continue with the Hollandia and Jupiter to raid and harrass the Portuguese settlements around Timor and attempt to seize the incoming ships from Goa. When you've completed this task to the best of your ability, return to Batavia.”

Early the following morning, the warship Gouda and the pinnace Maas embarked for Batavia with the senior Dutch officers and retinue aboard. Captain Heyn was now free to raid on his own once again. Over night, the spices and sandalwood had been moved on board and preparations were being made to get underway. The village huts and remnants of the fort were still smoldering in the morning mists. The silouette of the stone church could be clearly seen through the mist.

Captain Heyn walked out onto the quarter deck wearing his orange-red great coat and a stylish Dutch black felted leather captains cap. He stretched out his arms wide and breathed in deeply. “It stinks”, he said. “Bosun, make sail. Master Schutter, for morning gunnery practice, an extra taut of rum to the gun crew that can bring down the steeple of that church.” “Aye Sir”, the Chief gunner responded, and turned around, walking away barking orders. The hollow sounds of guns being loaded and rammed could be heard all over the starboard side of the ship. Gun port hatches could be heard opening and smaking against the hull – ropes and pullies sqeaking and crews yelling “heave”, as the guns of the starboard battery were run out of their ports.

Jacobi approached the Captain, “Sir I implore you to let it stand.” The Captain answered, “Jacobi, you will be my clerck unless I find some better use for you. I advise you not to cross me. I heard your words at last night's supper. They were not wasted, and they certainly do ring true. However, I still think you have much to learn about the world Sir, and perhaps there are some things I can learn from you. Now, lesson number one: The Captain is ALWAYS right.”

Captain Heyn commanded loudly, “Master Schutter, FIRE AT WILL!” As the Hollandia's anchors slowly rose above the water and sails were dropped into the morning wind, the relative buzz of working noise was abruptly silenced by thunderous random blasts, as the guns mercelessly spat out heavy firey destruction upon the little stone church. In just a couple of minutes the tower fell backwards collapsing into the roof of the chapel, its bells could be heard eirily ringing out one last time as they broke against the stone below. “Well done!” Heyn exclaimed, glancing over at Jacobi who wore an expression of resigned regret. The Hollandia's guns fell silent as her sails filled with wind and she gained speed heading eastward.

Stay tuned next weekend for Reale Ocho: Silvern at Bahia de Matanzas, MK
Good to see you again, mate! And even better to hear you're in a better state than you were. Welcome back! :woot
Welcome back mate, good to have you back were you belong!

It's been rather busy around here, you have got a LOT to catch up on! :mm
Thanks Thagarr,

I like to play catch up when it's something I love...like PA.

For some reason it's not letting me edit Mate.

Here's a picture that goes with Part 2. I have another that goes with Part 4, but I've got to scan it in still. MK



Curious, I don't know why it wouldn't let you edit it, everything looks right. :shrug

Ah well, no matter, I have added it for you, let me know if you have any more problems editing.
I don't know what the problem was Thagarr. It said "ERROR 403" everytime I tried to change or add anything. Many thanks for adding the picture. That was a fun one to draw. What did you think of it?

BTW I noticed the San Juan de Ulloa topic is gone from here and was wondering why it wasn't pinned. It at the very least should have a link up directing people to go to the story on the main PA site so that they could read it there. The one here had like over 530 hits. I think having a link to it here could at least get more hits over to the main PA site. Just a thought??? :rumgone

Strange, it's your article, you should have been able to edit it. Wait a sec, it may be because I posted it for you using your alias while you were away, I forgot about that. :shrug

I really liked your drawing MK, it's really quite good! It does a good job of portraying the situation as well. :onya

I am rather surprised it wasn't pinned as well. I am not sure what the forum pruning default is set too, but I think it needs to be a bit longer than what it currently is. It makes finding some recent posts a lot tougher than it should be sometimes. I do have it pinned to the front page anyway, but I can't do that here.

I have been a bit scarce around here for the past few days, things are hectic at work again, so I won't have much free time again for the next couple of weeks. :rolleyes:
Yeah, those filters are silly; I'd ALWAYS want to see ALL posts and that's that, but it default to "last 30 days". :facepalm

Thagarr, do you need any Moderator rights for The Burning Brig forums? Then you can sticky posts here yourself.
Alternatively, maybe you can write an index thread with interesting links, we can sticky that, and we can link to Modernknight1's work in there.
Then at least we wouldn't get too many stickies.
I wholeheartedly agree Pieter, turning off auto-pruning would be ideal, it would also show that some forums do have at least some activity there. It would be handy to be able to pin things myself, so I don't have to bother other mods to do it, a lot of them don't spend much time in the brig.

It would be good to have a thread like that, there are a lot of great posts that some people just never see because they are not linked in obvious places. I'll see if I can come up with something when I get some free time again. You guys do a great job in the Mod forums and most of the content can be found easily with just a little bit of looking. After 8 years though, I am still amazed by how little time the average user actually takes to look things up, most of them just post topics asking for what they want, even though 90% percent of the time the answer is right there in front of them, or easily found with just a few minutes looking. :rolleyes:
Just let me know what forums you want to have Moderator rights for, Thagarr! Alternatively, we could add you as global Moderator too. :doff
Thanks mate, PM sent!
Part 5 of Reale Ocho: Silvern at Bahia de Matanzas

is posted at the main PA site here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/

Also I have new screenshots up on my MODDB page here: http://www.moddb.com/members/modernknight1


Captain Heyn commanded loudly, “Master Schutter, FIRE AT WILL!” As the Hollandia's anchors slowly rose above the water and sails were dropped into the morning wind, the relative buzz of working noise was abruptly silenced by thunderous random blasts, as the guns mercelessly spat out heavy firey destruction upon the little stone church. In just a couple of minutes the tower fell backwards collapsing into the roof of the chapel, its bells could be heard eirily ringing out one last time as they broke against the stone below. “Well done!” Heyn exclaimed, glancing over at Jacobi who wore an expression of resigned regret. The Hollandia's guns fell silent as the ships sails filled with wind and gained speed heading eastward.

And now Part 5 of Reale Ocho: Silvern at Bahia de Matanzas

As the sun reached it's zenith, the day was hot and humid. There was a good wind blowing down from the northeast. Even though their course caused them to beat largely against the wind, the currents were with them and the geography of the coastline of Timor allowed the ships to stay on a beam reach most of the time.

Captain Heyn paced the quarter deck observing the running of the Hollandia. He had spent much of the morning talking to Jacobi about how his ship's routines worked and the two men compared their experiences of the Spanish concerning shipboard activities aboard both Spanish and Portuguese ships. Jacobi was as cold as granite and spoke with Heyn on a professional footing only. Heyn was amused by this and recognized the barrier for what it was - cracking the odd joke and testing the ex-priest's humor all throughout the morning. Jacobi remained pleasant and polite, but icy cool.

Captain Heyn looked up at the sun. Clouds were moving in briskly and their changing pastel shapes obscuring it slightly. The breeze was freshening and the waves had become a little larger as the ships ever changing angles became more pronounced causing the vessels to bob more eccentrically and gracefully ever forward. “Good”, Heyn commented. “We are making good time. There is another Portuguese settlement on the east end of the island and it will be a good place to cruise and loiter, waiting for the convoy, before we proceed further around to the southern coastline settlements. Let's go have some cheese Jacobi.” Heyn turned to Luitenant Van Broekel, “whose on watch?” Broekel responded, “Van Dorn, Sir.” Heyn gave orders, “Tell him to double the lookouts and then come have some lunch with us.”

At the mid day meal, Heyn and around half of his officers sat down around the great table. “You will sit on my right Jacobi”, Heyn instructed. The cook brought out a half eaten great cheese that was at least two and a half feet wide and eight or nine inches thick at its middle, along with some hard bread and soup cups. The men had removed their hats and Captain Heyn said a brief prayer. “Great God our Master, we thank you for this sustenance and ask that it strengthen us for all we must endure. Amen”, the officers all mumbled “Amen” in echo to their captain. The officers began cutting wedges out of the large remaining half circle of yellow wax covered cheese with their knives.

Jacobi was surprised by the brevity of the prayer and how excellent the meager meal was that they were taking at mid day. He began to attempt to pick up the earlier conversation he and the captain had been having on deck, when the captain spoke first instead. “So, Did my prayer meet with your approval Jacobi?” Jacobi answered, “Captain Heyn Sir, I am accustomed to much more time spent on the noon day prayer - and also much less being provided in the way of victuals.”

Heyn laughed briefly, his laugh's raspy sound genuine, but coarse like sand on a stone floor. “Unfortuneately, your experience seems to be limitted only to Dago vessels man. This is a Dutch ship Jacobi. You papists grovel to God asking him to bless every little thing, taking way more time than is prudent to acknowledge our great creator. Don't you think he gets tired of that? We honor him in our actions and the asking of our prayer. We ask only that he strengthen us and stand with us. If God is on the ship with us, then who can stand against us? It is useless to ask him for all the other trifling things if we have his blessing to begin with. Hard work and cleanliness pleases God. This is why you will notice that our ship is much cleaner than any Spanish vessel – believe me I know!”

He went on, in a mentoring fashion, but with a jovial smile across his face, “As far as the food is concerned, this is one of our great secrets and a main reason we attract so many recruits on our ships - plenty of food and usually good food. Do you know that only half of our crew complement is Dutch? The other half are Germans, Swedes, Norse, Poles, Danes, Balts, some French, and we even have some Englishmen aboard. Yes, yes, some captains embezzle their victualing budgets by only spending half of their provided admiralty or company funds on poor food stuffs - or not procuring enough quantities of rations for their journey. Then they pocket the rest of the money for themselves. Despicable behavior on their part and many captains have fallen to the practice. But not I! In my opinion Gentlemen, those men will never be successful Captains and they cheat their own men in the face of providence and their creator. If I ever hear of any of you doing that when you have ships of your own, I will say I never knew you and spit on the ground if ever I hear your names spoken.”

His expression was now accusative as he scanned his officers, looking into their eyes for a sense of their understanding of his message. “Jacobi, if you like, you may give this evening's prayer.” There was a slight gasp as the men around the table fell silent. “Is there a problem Gentlemen? - Luitenant Leidel?” Leidel responded, “But Sir, He's a papist.” Heyn responded, “Aye lads, but in truth we have a few papists among the crew and this one here I think is not exactly sure of what he is. He is a Christian. You all heard his speech last evening and that should tell you he is a man of conviction – not some fat predikanten looking to fill his pockets from donations. That's good enough for me.”

The meal was not even halfway eaten when the Bosun entered the great cabin's large double doors and reported saluting Captain Heyn. “Report Bruijn”, Heyn commanded. “Beggin your pardon Sir, the lookouts have spied sails on the northeast horizon”, the Bosun answered. Heyn enquired futher, “How many?” “We count five ships Sir, but can't yet make out what they are”, the Bosun reported. “Bruijn, let us finish our lunch. In the mean times, give the helmsman a new course two points against the wind east by northeast. Strike our colors and run up Burgundy's cross.... and Bosun - strike the t'gallants.”

Heyn suspecting that the ships might be the the Portuguese transports, ordered the helmsman to change course two points against the wind on a course east by north east hoping to intercept them. The Captain ordered the tri-colors be struck and had the Spanish cross of Burgundy run up in their stead hoping to deceive the enemy into believing they were on the same side. He also ordered the top-gallants struck, as most Portuguese ships of the time weren't equipped with them.

The officers completed their meal and made their way out onto the quarterdeck. Captain Heyn opened his spyglass - a new state of the art invention only a few years in use that allowed viewing objects over distance, making them viewable three times larger in size and detail than they would be normally using only the naked human eye. In the scope's view he could make out five lumbering wide round hulls with exterior ribbing. Additionally, he could make out the distant slivers of the familiar red X on the small white spots of distant waving flags. Heyn smiled, knowing he'd found his Portuguese convoy.

Slowly over the next hour and a half the distance steadily narrowed to about a mile. Heyn continued to watch his quarry with interest. Suddenly the Portuguese ships could be seen turning about trying to run south in an attempt to escape. The Portuguese captain had obviously identified the Dutchmen's stowed t'gallants and could also make out the unmistakeable red Dutch lion figureheads and green colored clinker built foc'sles.

Heyn seeing their change in course, barked out orders, “Luitenant Broekel, run up the proper colors and set t'gallants.” “Aye Sir”, Broekel responded as he began to hastily move away. “And Mr. Broekel...” Heyn added. Broekel abruptly stopped in his tracks. Heyn continued, “Beat to quarters and run out yer guns. Have the officers report here immediately” “Aye Sir!”, he answered.

The drummers sounded loudly as gun crews scrambled to their stations and both wheellock and matchlock musketeers assembled at the gunwales and climbed into the fighting tops. The officers assembled on the quarterdeck and Heyn addressed them. Heyn had been watching the Portuguese ships closely and shared his observations with his cadre. “The enemy has five ships - four are carracks and one a small fighting galleon. All are obsolete, and no match for Jupiter and Hollandia. Only two of the vessels offer any threat to us. One of the carracks is larger than the others, and posseses a moderate battery of twenty guns or so run out on her primary deck. The other is the small galleon of about some thirty guns which is obviously their escort. I believe the galleon will lay back and challenge us, hoping to delay us as we've encountered so many times before. As usual, Hollandia will deal with her, while the Jupiter moves out ahead to capture the carracks – taking the largest first.”

As the captain had predicted the small fighting galleon changed course south-southeast bringing her starboard broadside to bare, reducing sail and slowly hanging back to delay the Dutch ships from intercepting the convoy. Heyn emerged from his quarters now fully armed and armored. The distance had narrowed to only five hundred yards and neither side had fired yet. Jacobi approached Captain Heyn and pleaded. His tone was no longer cold or angry, but now warm and loving, “Sir, I beg you to spare the lives of these poor men.”

Heyn turned to face the ex-Jesuit, “This is a ship of war Jacobi - you'd better get yourself below man. There is about to be a fight here, and there will be all manner of unpleasant things flying through the air very shortly.”

Jacobi responded, “I am not afraid Sir, and ask you again to please be merciful. Captain, YOU have the power here over life and death.”

Heyn answered, “Jacobi, my orders are to take this convoy and take it I will. I'm afraid that the men across from us will try to prevent me from successfully executing that mission by any means in their power. That means - very simply - the wounding and killing of the men here on this very vessel under my command. When that happens Jacobi, their fate is sealed. I have a ratio that I have always tried to adhear to. For every one of my own that is wounded or killed, I kill ten of theirs. From what I've heard, the enemy has heard about my technique and my ratio and after all of these years they usually fight to the death – to the last man - which is just fine by me!”

There was a pause while Jacobi thought for a moment – Jacobi spoke once more, “What if they don't fire at or kill anyone Sir?”

Heyn laughed, “Really Sir, you do not know the ways of war. Your naivity is amusing, but is now becoming just a little annoying.”

Jacobi spoke again, “But if it were possible. If they did NOT FIRE or kill any of your men – if they gave up without a fight - would you spare their lives?”

Heyn was beyond annoyed now and exclaimed, “Very well Jacobi, IF by some grand miracle of providence, they were to give up completely without firing a single shot, I would SPARE their wretched Catholic lives!”

The Hollandia had matched the opposing galleon's course and their waists had come in line across. The distance had almost narrowed to two hundred yards – optimal cannon engagement range. Jacobi knelt upon the deck and pulled a large polished bronze cross from out of his habit, hanging around his neck on a silken cord. He grasped it between his hands and prayed fervently looking to heaven. Heyn's officers on the quarterdeck looked down at the priest as if he were crazy and glanced confusingly up at their captain, wondering why he had not yet given the command to fire. Jacobi suddenly arose and ran down the stairs amidships, nimbly jumping up onto the larboard railing and then climbing up the main shroud. Halfway up the ratline, he turned around facing the enemy galleon across from them. He precariously balanced himself on the rope ladder and held out his cross with his right hand while holding onto the shroud with his left. He yelled out as loud as humanly possible in fluent Portuguese, “If you do not fire, if you pull in your guns and close their port hatches, and if you heave to, strike your colors and signal your other ships to do the same, no man among you will be harmed!”

Stay tuned for Part 6 next week.... MK
Part 6 of Reale Ocho: Silvern at Bahia de Matanzas

is posted at the main PA site here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/


From last week...

The Hollandia had matched the opposing galleon's course and their waists had come in line across. The distance had almost narrowed to two hundred yards – optimal cannon engagement range. Jacobi knelt upon the deck and pulled a large polished bronze cross from out of his habit, hanging around his neck on a silken cord. He grasped it between his hands and prayed fervently looking to heaven. Heyn's officers on the quarterdeck looked down at the priest as if he were crazy and glanced confusingly up at their captain, wondering why he had not yet given the command to fire. Jacobi suddenly arose and ran down the stairs amidships, nimbly jumping up onto the larboard railing and then climbing up the main shroud. Halfway up the ratline, he turned around facing the enemy galleon across from them. He precariously balanced himself on the rope ladder and held out his cross with his right hand while holding onto the shroud with his left. He yelled out as loud as humanly possible in fluent Portuguese, “If you do not fire, if you pull in your guns and close their port hatches, and if you heave to, strike your colors and signal your other ships to do the same, no man among you will be harmed!”

And now Part 6...

There was a long awkward pause that seemed to last forever. The only sounds that could be heard were the running of the ships through the waves as they got closer and closer. The Hollandia was less than ten years old and a fine fast warship, dwarfing the little Portuguese galleon at over 450 tons and with two proud full gun decks of large bronze culverines run out. The bright paint on her green clinker built focsle and sterncastle trimmed in yellow and red, gleamed in the sunlight. She had galleon lines but was built in the typical Dutch/Flemish style of the times - often classified as a “fregatte”. Opposite the large Dutch ship was the smaller Portuguese escort galleon. She was well maintained and an attractive ship even if over forty years old. She was about 180 tons, brightly colored with blue and red checkerboard patterns along her gunwales, and long bright red strakes running down her length - contrasting significantly with the dark heavy black paint of her primary planking. She had a single gun deck of mid-sized bronze cannon and she wore multiple banners. Although Portugal at this time was ruled by the King of Spain and the ship flew the mandatory cross of Burgundy out of respect, she also flew other flags and pennants to advertize her true identity. She was adorned with the long thin squarish red Portuguese cross and traditional red and blue coat of arms of Portugal on both her sails and banners.

The distance continued to narrow to less than a hundred yards and still not a shot had been fired. Jacobi continued to madly wave his large gleaming cross in the air and repeated himself over and over again loudly, “If you do not fire and strike your colors, no man will be harmed! If you do not fire and strike your colors, no man will be harmed”

Suddenly and amazingly, the little galleon began pulling its guns back into her ports and closing their hatches. She also started pulling down her primary banners and bagan reducing sail to heave-to. Heyn who had been watching with interest was both dumbfounded and somewhat annoyed. Heyn thought to himself that while it was indeed surprising, that if he were in the same situation (out-gunned and out-manned at least five to one), he might do the same thing if given the opportunity.

“Boarders make ready!” Captain Heyn cried out. “Hold your fire unless fired upon men!” he added. The ships drifted very close - only a few yards apart as the boarding parties threw grappling hooks and used boarding pikes to bring the two vessels together – then dropping gangplanks between the two ships. “Boarders away!” Captain Heyn ordered. Dutch company soldiers rushed onto the galleon. The galleon's small crew did not resist. Luitenant Van Dorn led the boarding party and was surprised that the ship was manned with less than a hundred men. Captain Heyn walked aboard the captured Portuguese prize with a dag and sword drawn at the ready – Jacobi followed closely on his heels. Van Dorn reported to his captain with an odd smile, “Sir, the ship is ours – and without a shot fired.” “Well done Karl”, Heyn answered. “Now where is her captain?”

As the captain of the galleon was brought forward to speak to Heyn, fire rang out from the largest carrack upon the Jupiter. The Jupiter answered immediately with a devastating broadside, ten times louder and stronger than her opponent. This action caused the two groups of men on the galleon to look uneasily at one another. Most of the Portuguese were already disarmed or had thrown down their arms. A few still had dags and wheellock musketoons at the ready. The Portuguese captain was brought to the Dutch commander and looked fiercely angry as he addressed Heyn, “Captain Pieter Heyn I presume.” Heyn answered, “I am – and you Sir?” The Portuguese captain answered, “I am Capitan Hector Tarto and what I do now I do for God and my countrymen.” The Iberian captain quickly reached down into the splits of his brightly colored cloth pantaloon breeches, grasping an already cocked, short, small wheellock dag and pulling it upwards taking aim at Heyn. In the split second before he could fire, Van Broekel raised his own wheellock pistol and squeezed the trigger, releasing a fifty caliber lead ball which instantly passed into Torto's eye, shattering the entire right side of the man's face in an instant. The Portuguese captain collapsed in a bleeding heap, firing the pistol harmlessly into the deck as he fell.

The remaining armed Portuguese men reacted to the shocking death of their captain by instinctively firing their arms and drawing what weapons they had, charging into the Dutchmen. In a few fierce moments the Portuguese sailors were overwhelmed and slaughtered by the experienced Dutch soldiers. Jacobi stood next to Heyn gawking mouth open in shock at the events that had just unfolded in less than a minutes time.

Heyn looked down at Jacobi, “I admire what you tried to do my friend. Admirable. However, you see that hatred runs in all directions. I think it might have gone better for the poor wretches if we had fought it out without your actions. I owe you my thanks Sir. You see Jacobi, it should be clear to you now that God is with us and the Devil with them.” Jacobi sighed and shook his head in regret. Captain Heyn smiled and reached down to retrieve the small dag that had almost been his undoing. “I collect them”, he said to Jacobi. “This is not the only one I have that has had its muzzle pointed at my face.”

The men looked down at the grisly corpse of Tortola contorted on the deck – his face frozen in a painful grimace with half the mangled face unidentifiable with bloody exposed pink muscle layed open and strips of bloody flesh twisted like swabbing-mop strands on the deck. Captain Heyn turned to Broekel, “Formidable shot, Sir – and not the first to save my life. I thank you Andreas.” Luitenant Van Broekel responded, “I couldn't let him kill you Sir, and by my accounting I still have a few more deeds like that one owed before we are even.” The two men laughed and Heyn slapped his right hand down onto his subordinate's shoulder in thanks, acknowledgement and friendship.

The Jupiter had taken her quarry and all seven ships were now hove to rolling along on the low swells. The weather was fair and brilliant colors of crimson and purple were smeared across the eastern sky in a stunning panorama as the sun began to make her descent in the west. Officers moved back and forth between the ships in launches surveying the ships cargoes, survivors and damage. The ships had not cargo of value other than common ships stores. Their bottoms were empty awaiting the spices and sandalwood from Dili that was already in the Dutch holds. All of the captured officers were moved aboard the Jupiter. Heyn to everyone's surprise, gave in to Jacobi's suggestion to parole and release most of the other prisoners, allowing them to leave on the smallest oldest nao among the captured prize ships.

With all preparations made, Captain Heyn ordered the Jupiter to return to Batavia accompanied by the prize ships, cargo and prisoners - with the exception of the small galleon which he renamed the Wijsheid (Wisdom). Heyn put Karl Van Dorn aboard her as captain and she remained with the Hollandia as an escort. With orders issued and good byes said, the two groups of vessels seperated for their new destinations. The Hollandia and Wijsheid continued on their course to raid the east Timor settlements.

During supper that evening, the officers recounted the days events and joked about Jacobi's behavior. They patted him on the back and gave him complements. Jacobi was not happy and shook his head in silence, unable to even crack a smile. Broekel commented sarcastically, “all things have a purpose and all events happen for a reason – the Jesuit has been sent to us as a new weapon of God against our enemies!” All the men laughed loudly. Jacobi scowled with his mouth turned up tightly at one corner – but he held his toungue.

After supper Heyn toiled, scrawling down and recounting the days events in the ships log. While this occurred, Jacobi began playing a slow haunting hollow tune on a miniascule recorder. Heyn stopped to look up at this new sound. For a brief moment he was annoyed and irritated, but the beauty of the airy music caused him to stop writing completely and to listen intently. Piet was truly impressed by the cleric's musical talent. The tune seemed to lift him and cause him to float in thought. The notes painted pictures in his mind of his family and times long past. He wondered when he would return home again. With the tune concluded, Captain Heyn continued with his log entry and commented to Jacobi, “beautifully played man – blow me another tune.”

Jacobi smiled, glad that the prickly captain appreciated the music. At it's conclusion, the men talked a little. “So I was glad that you spared so many lives this day Sir”, Jacobi said. Heyn responded, “I think that was your doing, not mine – those mens fates are in the hands of God now.”

“Indeed – tell me why you hate these men so”, Jacobi asked. Heyn responded, “I spent my whole youth aboard King Phillip's galley ships and learned the full measure of Spanish and Catholic justice, ethics, and culture – cruelty, torture, lies and deceit all. When I finally made it home after so many years.... my father was dead. The last time I spent with him was in our recovery together from both being imprisoned on one of those damned hell-ships. God has clearly forged my purpose to be his avenging instrument and I am glad to bear his yolk and serve him in this capacity.”

Jacobi responded, “You cannot brand all men as wicked or good because they are Spaniards or Catholics, Captain Heyn. You cannot be both judge and executioner. Remember the words of our Lord. “Vengeance is mine!” It is for him to judge Sir, not you.”

Heyn answered, “Don't think me simple or stupid Jacobi. I have sometimes thought the same and know God is our great and mighty judge, but when I am faced by their arrogant Dago faces, I simply want to kill every last one of them. We shall speak of this again later. I have some stories and situations to tell you about that I very much doubt you will have wise solutions for. Now I must retire for the evening.”

As the following morning dawned, the two warships approached the next Portuguese Timoran settlement. As the boats were launched and the ships opened fire, another Dutch vessel was spotted sailing around the coastline. Just as the assault was launched, the new-comer hove to and the small rakish single-decked Dutch fregatte launched boats full of Dutch soldiers to assist.

Heyn was in a dreadfully bad mood. Whenever he was this way his officers and men were just as cross and mean spirited as their captain. As a result a general slaughter ensued. Very few survivors were rounded up and Jacobi was mortified with righteous indignation. With the massacre over, Captain Heyn with his armor and weapons covered in blood, approached his officers and the officers of the newly arrived ship.

The two captains knew each other and shook hands in greeting. “How are you Piet?” the arrived captain warmly enquired. “I am well Captain Lucifer you old devil!”, Heyn answered. “So why do you join us?”, Heyn asked. I was on my way to you when I ran across the Governor-General's ship and he told me where you were heading and to find you with haste. I have orders for you. Captain Lucifer handed Captain Heyn a bundle of papers - “You have been recalled to the Fatherland.”

*Authors note: Captain Lucifer was a real historical Dutch captain that raided in both the east and west indies during this timeframe – I did not make up this name.

Stay tuned for Part 7 next week. MK
Part 7 of Reale Ocho: Silvern at Bahia de Matanzas

is posted at the main PA site here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/


From last week...

The two captains knew each other and shook hands in greeting. “How are you Piet?” the arrived captain warmly enquired. “I am well Captain Lucifer you old devil!”, Heyn answered. “So why do you join us?”, Heyn asked. “I was on my way to you when I ran across the Governor-General's ship and he told me where you were heading and to find you with haste. I have orders for you.” Captain Lucifer handed Captain Heyn a bundle of papers - “You have been recalled to the Fatherland.” *Authors note: Captain Lucifer was a real historical Dutch captain that raided in both the east and west indies during this timeframe – I did not make up this name.

And Now Part 7

As Captain Heyn poured over his new orders he let a slight smile escape his bloodied countenance. While he despised all Catholic subjects of King Phillip, he would much rather kill Spaniards than Portuguese. Even though the truce still held, the depredations of Spanish and Flemish privateers against Dutch shipping had become much worse since he had last seen his homeland. Indeed his orders transferred his commision to the Staats General. Heyn was now working for the Navy again. Piet was filled with mixed emotions of longing and excitement. The hardened commander completely locked away his feelings, only cracking a slightly pleased smile – but in reality he looked forward to returning home with more exuberance than he had ever felt before.

Much had changed since he had left home six years before. It was true. Rather than being seen as a rebellious, loose group of rogue Spanish possessions, The Netherlands had become a legitimate “Fatherland” to her citizens during the truce. Treaties and pacts had been signed with England, France, and the Hanseatic League recognizing the Netherlands as an independent sovereign state. There was no going back now. Even though the truce that had begun in 1609 still held, relations were as bad as ever and most believed it could not last much longer. While the Spanish Army of Flanders was holed up in the southern cities, Flemish privateers openly seized Dutch prizes. Captain Heyn was badly needed at home to deal with this increasing threat. The Heeren XVII had no issues with making the transfer of Heyn's commission to the Admiralty of Rotterdam - as the VOC was losing more shipping to the privateers than any other merchant interest in the Netherlands.

Captain Piet Heyn's reputation was now known far and wide. His bold leadership and experience would be utilized well in home waters against the Dunkirkers and Oostenders. The opposing piracy and privateering had become intolerable and the sources of their support could not be neutralized. Both cities possessed heavily protected harbors that were surrounded by formidable walls preventing attack from either land or sea. Each boasted numerous surrounding bastions and large, multiple massive sections of heavy cannon batteries, making them virtually impregnable fortresses.

During the course of the decades long war, the Spanish made great gains initially, but in the last decade prior to the truce, the Spanish Army of Flanders found itself pushed south beyond the great rivers. Cities were taken in prolonged sieges lasting for years and then retaken by the other side. Just prior to the truce, both sides had almost exhausted all resources, men and material. The Spanish now relied almost solely upon heavily fortified occupied strongpoints. Three great cities made up the backbone of this defensive bulwark. Antwerp which had fallen to the Spanish in 1585, Ostend which had fallen in 1604, and Dunkirk, allowed Spain to continue to maintain a strong military presence within the southern Netherlands(Flanders). These Spanish havens allowed Spain's generals to resupply their occupying armies fairly easily by sea.

Antwerp which had been the richest entrepot in Europe hosting the first great banking houses and a magnet for investors, gave way to Amsterdam after Spanish capture. Antwerp quickly declined in importance after it's fall, with an almost constant blockade of the Scheldt river maintained by the Dutch navy. Amsterdam's own golden age as Europe's (if not the world's) entrepot had begun.

Not only was Spain commissioning the latest most advanced warships yet built in Dunkirk and Ostend's dockyards, but also using their harbors as havens and refitting facilities for multiple squadrons of Spanish naval vessels. These squadrons had two purposes. One: to prey on incoming Dutch convoys from the East and West Indies with dubious privateering licenses. Two: to break and oppose the occassional Dutch blockades and Sea Beggar raids, as well as support and defend any incoming Spanish resupply or troop transport convoys.

Indeed privateering had become so widespread and profitable, that many Catholic Spanish and Flemish merchant captains had commisioned specially outfitted hybrid ships specifically built for privateering into the English channel. These Oostenders and Dunkirker privateers would also take their fast, nible, well armed pinnaces and fregattes further out to intercept vessels on the incoming Indies convoy routes and into the North sea as well, to prey on incoming spice, sugar, salt, herring, or timber convoys.

Despite the best efforts and depredations of the privateers, the investors in Amsterdam and the other six Admiralties cities still continued to become rich beyond reckoning from the majority of the returning ships that did make it safely home. Spain which desperately needed Flanders to maintain her empire was slowly losing “the northern jewel” in her crown. Attrition eroded Spain's power and resources waging wars in multiple places against numerous enemies both in Europe and abroad. The truce was almost a necessity for both sides, but had the result of allowing the Netherlands to consolidate power, and increase in wealth beyond expectation. Holland's merchant companies were constantly growing and uniting - and her investors continued to pour capital into them from all over Europe via her ever-growing banks.

Captain Heyn issued orders and men snapped to work loading cargoes, transferring supplies, and preparing the vessels for departure. With Heyn's existing crew, soldier, and vessel disposition, he knew he had neither the time nor the numbers of men needed to leave behind a significant enough garrison in East Timor to make long-term occupation currently feasible. Heyn contented himself that the raids on Timor were more than successful - given the spices, sandalwood, prize ships and prisoners that had been seized, as well as the destruction they had wrought on their competitors. With the new orders in hand, Heyn transferred the Wijsheid over to Captain Lucifer, whose instructions from Coen were to continue to raid the south Timor settlements. Heyn also assigned a “plotton” of Dutch company soldiers over to him as well. Heyn recalled and retained Luitenant Van Dorn and some of his crew from the prize-ship and seperated himself from the little squadron, departing Timor alone for Batavia in the Hollandia.

The journey took less than a week's time with an oddly favorable wind. As Captain Heyn entered the familiar, bustling Dutch East India port of Batavia once more, he was surprised to see how much it had changed in just the few months he had been away. The progress on the new fortifications and facilities was impressive. He wondered if he would ever see it again and what it might look like a hundred years hence. The voyage to get there from Europe could sometimes take as long as a year depending on the weather and the ship. Heyn had seen the east now and thought to himself that he would rather not go through the ordeal again. Rather he relished the idea of fighting in European or Carribean waters once more.

The harbor of Batavia rose from it's low beaches into rolling tropical hills beyond, surrounded by strong walls and stone forts. A growing low, extensive stone fortress spread wide along the waterfront and against the banks of the Ciliwung river. The port had been hard won. The Dutch had established a presence there in 1595 with a trading post and an embassy to the ruling Prince Jayawikarta. In 1605 the Dutch seized the existing Portuguese fort on site and began contruction of a larger stone fortress of their own on the east bank of the river. Relations continued to degrade with the local population as the Dutch presence increased. Tensions came to a head when the Prince allowed the English to build a fort on the west bank of the river to counter the Dutch.

Just a year earlier the situation had degraded to the point of violence. Heyn had been there fighting alongside Governor Coen when the hostilities broke out with the Prince's army - supported by an English fleet of fifteen ships and the English fort's garrison. Coen lost the naval battle against the English and retreated to bring back reinforcements. The Dutch nearly lost the city in the subsequent siege and fighting. Only the arrival of Coen's reinforcements and allies from one of the Sultans of Banten - just in the nick of time - allowed for a Dutch victory. The Sultan lodged complaints with the Rulers of Banten who subsequently deposed the Prince on the grounds that he had no authority to entreat with the English. The Dutch were then given full control of Jayakarta and the surrounding region. Subsequently, Governor Coen expelled the local native populous and burned the existing city of Jayakarta to the ground. He then laid out the new city of Batavia in its place on a European plan with extensive buildings and fortifications going up non-stop since that time forward.

The port itself was a wide forest of masts clad in countless yards of light canvas, topped in bright flowing colors. Mostly Dutch flags could be seen – fluttering ribbons of red, white, and blue – yellow ensigns emblazoned with the red sword wielding rampant lion of Holland. Flying along with them, a few red crosses of St. George from England, white - gold fleur-de-lis speckled flags and blue and white crossed ensigns of France, as well as multiple banners of other Asian and European countries like Venice sporting the Lion of St. Mark. This patchwork of colors contrasting against the dozens and sometimes hundreds of Dutch tri-colors. Craft of all types could be seen cluttering the slips and open harbor space tied off and at anchor. Ships were constantly moving in and out of the busy harbor - docking, careening, refitting, unloading, loading, and departing. Chinese junks, Javanese fustas and praos, Arabic dhows, Persian garukhas, and European galleons, naos, pinnaces and fregattes of every size and shape bobbed and drifted about the great eastern port city's harbor.

Heyn went to the Governor's new estate and VOC offices to say his good-byes to Coen and the other company officals he had come to know well during his years with the VOC. He closed out his affairs there and departed for home in two weeks time aboard the Hollandia. Still in command, Heyn's ship had been restocked and victualed for the long journey home as well as loaded with spices destined for the warehouses of Rotterdam.

The Hollandia acting as flagship, was to lead a large convoy of some thirty heavily laden Dutch East Indiamen homeward. The great captain was allowed to take selected officers and men with him. Heyn made the move voluntary, but commanded such loyalty among his crew that most men wanted to come back with him – many just to get out of the tropics. He elected to take most of his luitenants (who were German or Dutch), as well as Mr. Bruijn his bosun, Mr. Maddocks, his Welsh navigator, Mr. O'Shiel, his Irish surgeon, and of course his new Dutch clerk, Jacobi - who was actually eager at this time in his life to return to his homeland.

The journey was long and arduous. Thankfully the storms were negligible and subsequently little in the way of a refit for any of the vessels was necessary during the customary stop-over at the European trading outpost of Kaapstad under Tafelberg (Table Mountain) on the Kaap de Goede Hoop(Cape of Good Hope), positioned strategically on the southernmost tip of the African continent. (*AUTHOR'S NOTE: Capetown would not become an exclusively Dutch VOC outpost until 1652) More supplies were loaded – mainly fresh beef traded with the local Khoikhoi tribesmen, who had allowed the European trading post to be set up there. Several of the convoy's captains checked in with the VOC concierge to see if there were any messages, orders, or mail to be conveyed forward to their homeland. With all resupply and preparations made, the fleet convoy set sail once again heading west until they hit the northern trade winds – well out of sight of the west coast of Africa.

During this long passage Jacobi and Heyn learned more and more about one another. Numerous nights of discussion allowed the men to see into each others minds. Over this time Heyn came to appreciate and respect his new friend at a level he had never known for any other man before, save his own father. Heyn's temper was soothed by Jacobi's playing of the small recorder, indeed the ships officers came to appreciate the music as well after many a meal. Mr. O'Shiel was a fiddler and Luitenant Van Dorn played a respectable lute. This odd trio was soon making the most joyous noise the ship's company had ever heard before. Heyn came to realize that Jacobi was an immensely knowledgeable scholar as well. As the unlikely friends played chess night after night, they discussed philosophy, religion, history, navigation, human nature, and morality. Three months later, the two men knew as much about one another as brothers might that had grown up together.

As the convoy entered European waters, Captain Heyn doubled the watches in fear of Spanish privateers or pirates. A few sail flying Spanish colors were seen in the distance on several occassions, but none of the sightings appoached to a threatening distance. No attacks at all occurred as Captain Heyn's convoy entered the English channel only three weeks later. Small courrier vessels met Heyn as the rich convoy entered the “Hook of Holland” into the wide river estuary of the Maas and beyond to the great port of Rotterdam. As the covoy entered the burgeoning port of Rotterdam, the local populous gathered at the docks to witness the large returning warships and East Indiamen enter their slipways and come to anchor. Captain Heyn was dumfounded as he departed the ship's large launch, stepping up onto the stone jetty surrounded by cheering crowds. As he stepped forward, he met an entourage of city fathers, clergy, burghers, and the Mayor of Rotterdam. Heyn was a hero and received a hero's welcome.

The following day, Heyn entered a large aging, gothic styled, red brick building. As his boots clod along the large smooth stone slabs of the floor, his foosteps echoed in the spacious, vaulted gothic hall. As he moved closer to the men seated at the other end of the great hall, he looked upwards at dozens of tattered regimental and ships banners hanging from the ceiling. Some were slighly burned. Most had been captured from the Spanish and Flemish over the last fifty years. As he finally came to the end of the room and stepped upon a fine red Flemish rug, he removed his wide brimmed black hat and bowed low to the Admirals of the navy board of Rotterdam.

Heyn was dressed in his finest trappings and arose to respectfully gaze upon the assembled gentry - all sitting behind an immense, ornately decorated, darkly varnished oak table. The aged, but great and respected Admiral Van Noort (first Dutchman to circumnavigate the world in 1601) addressed Heyn.

“Well Captain Heyn, it seems that every report we've received concerning the East Indies over the last six years seems to mention your daring battles and countless captured prizes. The honor of the Hereen and the Admiralties are in your debt and we offer you our congratulations and most genuine gratitude. Tell me Sir, Do you believe that you can pull off the same sort of miracles here - against the damned tormenters threatening our home's very threshold, close upon our own back steps?”

Heyn smiled respectfully and bowed slightly again. He thought a short moment and answered, “My Lords, I am certain of the outcome and assure you that I will bring these privateering mongrels of Oostend to heel.”

“How can you be so confident and so sure of this outcome where so many others have failed Sir?” Van Noort querried.

Heyn answered confidently with a widening smile, “Its simple really My Lord. You see your Honors, its a matter of knowing their tricks and how to turn them back upon themselves. In short, Mijn Heren... it takes a hopelessly damned wretched pirate, to catch a hopelessly damned wretched pirate.” The aged Admirals all laughed in unison in answer – their laughter echoing throughout the gothic hall with a pitch and noise that outshone the ghosts haunting the ancient place.

Stay tuned for Part 8 next week. MK