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red stats when sailing a bigger schip


Hello all, I have a little question for you, I just started playing COAS and I wandered why i get a pretty heavy penalty (-4 i believe) on every stat when i'm using a lvl 3 Ship. IS this because i'm to low in level? Will this dissapear when I climb up in level? Or has it another Cause? the penalty drops to a -1 when i'm using a lvl 4 ship.
Hi Flyerken

Yes you are right your level is too low for the ship, as your navigation skill increases as does your ability to sail higher class of ships, it would be best to go with a very good class 6 ship for now or class 5 if your skills permit. If your trading then the Caravel which has a good sizes cargo hold and can hold its down side is its slow but with about 30 cannons it should be able to fend off most ships.

As soon as you can sail level 3 ships, you should buy or capture a Corvette, its hold is ok but its speed is excellent and it can go toe to toe with the big ships like the Battleships etc.
Wel i levelled a bit, and i'm still having red numbers when using a class 4 ship but I just captured the Blue bird and damn that thing is sweet. Lot's of guns, lot's of crew, perfect handling. I'm using it even with the penalties it is a good ship.
Right click on your navigation skill to see what you need for a class 4 ship, and then see if you can find an officer in a tavern with a navigation skill high enough to handle the ship. Hire them and make em navigator and you'll be all good.
I was just about to say that Jonathan, i only found out last night aout that after i captured a pirate Corvette, nice 30 gunner with 32 Ips culverins which i swapped for Cannons later on, i like distance over power but with a Corvette you can afford to get up and personal with the enemy ships so i wanted power over distance this time. Anyway back on topic, i noticed after capturing the Corvette my skills was showing negative numbers and as i hired new officer's those skills began to change back to green numbers, the main offcer to change was indeed the navigator who's nav skill is 80.:D mine is 52.;(

As for the Blue Bird, damn you i'm still searching for that ship, i keep lookiong for a ship with different coloured sails on the world map but i can never find it, it will appear one day when i'm not looking for it you watch. Oh and i now have 2 Corvette's which i parked the second at the port control and put 100,000 piasters into the money lender who gave me a 2% interest rate on it, not much but it will do, every piaster counts in the early stages and i haven't done a single quest yet.
You won't find the Bluebird on the map, you'll have to do some investigating to find it (see the walkthrough thread for details).
You won't find the Bluebird on the map, you'll have to do some investigating to find it (see the walkthrough thread for details).

That'll explain why for the last 3 hours i've not been successfull lol, thanks for the help.;)