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Fixed Sao Feng's Scary Bodyguards ( Park & Lian)


Storm Modder
I would not like to get into a fight with these two :no

They could do something really nasty to you with those hands :rofl



  • PotC JS SF Body Park.jpg
    PotC JS SF Body Park.jpg
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  • PotC JS SF Body Lian.jpg
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@Jack Rackham: Would this because these lines were missing from the "SaoFeng_guard" initModels.c entry?
  model.sex      =  "woman";
   model.ani      =  "towngirl";
   model.height    =  1.75;
   model.iscombat = false;
Or do you reckon something else is the matter?
Hmm, I tested them once. :confused: But maybe not in a fight situation. The model itself
behaves in the TOOL. That is look ok when cycling through animations.
Hmm, I tested them once. :confused: But maybe not in a fight situation. The model itself
behaves in the TOOL. That is look ok when cycling through animations.

Sorry I may have confused you by mentioning "fights" - their hands are like that all the time . It is similar to what used to happen to the lady storekeeper - named Jasmine Cotton I think - can't remember which town she was in though. :modding

Hmm, I tested them once. :confused: But maybe not in a fight situation. The model itself
behaves in the TOOL. That is look ok when cycling through animations.
@Jack Rackham, which animation are they supposed to use? I have now tried "towngirl", "woman_sit", "man_woman_sit" and even "man".
That last one seems to work the best, but still gets confused when she's waving her arms around.
I'm a bit at a loss here....
@Jack Rackham: I just tried setting Malcolm Hatcher again to the Liam/Park model.
Definitely better now than it was! Still some weird effects whenever "her" hands go to her head though.

But now that I know that it is the "33_Blazie" model that you used, I applied the same fix as for "Kate Blownhorn":
   ch.model   = "SaoFeng_guard";   //JRH
   ch.model.animation = "33_Blazie"; // PB
   ch.sex    =  "woman";
I haven't seen anything wrong anymore after doing that! :cheers
Malcolm has to be a "man" too. I think that was the main trick.
I changed that in JackSparrow TempQuest.c
I saw that, yes. But as far as I can tell, my above suggestion does work.
It is the same as for "Kate Blownhorn" who uses the same animation file.
So this is fixed?
So this is fixed?
@Jack Rackham had a different fix than the one I applied to "Kate Blowhorn" ages ago.
Based on my testing, it seems to me that the latter solution works most consistently, but I might be wrong.
Would definitely need some testing at the very least.

These are now fixed & OK . :onya

I think they made better bodyguards as the "original scary ones" :rofl



  • PotC JS S_Fengs Park_Lian.jpg
    PotC JS S_Fengs Park_Lian.jpg
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