• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Mod Release SD:TEHO 1.7.0 : Cheat menu v1.3 / Skill and SPECIAL uncap v1.0

distance lines should been in default of the game without mod because some time you want tank for ur boarder use trombone to keep them from dangerous enermy or run the fk away to lure enermy runing around, i post the line so you can add it to ur mod if u want to

about yoko, you can just copy and rename an existed mush model like "eng_mush" (for eng soldier with musket) to yoko_mush and it will work fine only officer will change model every time they equip an musket, but it is a low price to make a line of musket in your fighting squad with 4 musket, it was very satistfy when start a fight thou

you should keep the able to use musket line, i have wanted orther boarder can hold musket since i start to play, i replace model tichingu with orther npc can hold musket so he fine, real problem is Deluc, real Mary (i have fond for her, she is cute), real Rumba, and all Quest NPC their cant equip a musket make me sad. i try stay vanila, hard gain real earn, real Quest npc is more value than OP npc i spam when ever i want

=>>>i trying to modify your Enc_Officer_dialog so i can set npc CanTakeMushket = true through dialog, heck i just start learn modding this game...to day, i dont know the code, maybe have to do it manualy if i know where the file of those Quest NPC

deluc remodel to fox but cant hold a musket ...."tichingu" now handsome as hell
Well Rumba, Mary and some others are in .../PROGRAM/characters/QuestsUtilite.c, and ya best is to add the line can take musket be4 game creats them, and edit them as u want to, this is my quest mary that u get on the island of ships:
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Well Rumba, Mary and some others are in .../PROGRAM/characters/QuestsUtilite.c, and ya best is to add the line can take musket be4 game creats them, and edit them as u want to, this is my quest mary that u get on the island of ships:
sld = GetCharacter(NPC_GenerateCharacter("Mary", "Mary", "woman", "mary", 1, PIRATE, -1, false, "quest"));
    sld.name = "Mary";
    sld.lastname = "Casper";
    sld.Dialog.Filename = "Quest\LSC\Mary.c";
    sld.dialog.currentnode = "First time";
    sld.greeting = ""; // установим по нужным местам
    sld.SaveItemsForDead = true;
    sld.DontClearDead = true;
    sld.rank = 35;
    SetShipSkill(sld, 70+rand(20), 70+rand(20), 70+rand(20), 70+rand(20), 70+rand(20), 70+rand(20), 70+rand(20), 70+rand(20), 100);
    SetSelfSkill(sld, 70+rand(20), 70+rand(20), 100, 100, 100);
    SetSPECIAL(sld, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10);
    LAi_SetHP(sld, 450.0, 450.0);
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "BasicDefense");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "AdvancedDefense");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "CriticalHit");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "HPPlus");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Tireless");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "EnergyPlus");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Sliding");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "SwordplayProfessional");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "HardHitter");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "BladeDancer");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Gunman");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "GunProfessional");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Grus");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "ByWorker");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "ByWorker2");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "IronWill");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "ShipEscape");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Medic");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Brander");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Troopers");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "LongRangeGrappling");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "GrapplingProfessional");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "MusketsShoot");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "BasicCommerce");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "AdvancedCommerce");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "ProfessionalCommerce");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "FastReload");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "ImmediateReload");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "HullDamageUp");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "SailsDamageUp");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "CrewDamageUp");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "CriticalShoot");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "LongRangeShoot");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "CannonProfessional");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Carpenter");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "LightRepair");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Builder");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "BasicBattleState");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "AdvancedBattleState");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "InstantRepair");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "SelfRepair");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "ShipDefenseProfessional");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "ShipSpeedUp");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "ShipTurnRateUp");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "StormProfessional");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "WindCatcher");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "SailsMan");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Turn180");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "SailingProfessional");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Doctor1");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "Doctor2");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "blade_31");
            EquipCharacterbyItem(sld, "blade_31");
            AddItems(sld, "cartridge", 250);
            AddItems(sld, "pistol5", 6);
            AddItems(sld, "potion2", 100);
            AddItems(sld, "cirass4", 1);
            AddItems(sld, "Spyglass2", 1);
            AddItems(sld, "talisman8", 1);
            EquipCharacterbyItem(sld, "talisman8");
            EquipCharacterbyItem(sld, "pistol5");
            EquipCharacterbyItem(sld, "cirass4");
            EquipCharacterbyItem(sld, "Spyglass2");
    sld.location = "CeresSmithy";
    sld.location.group = "barmen";
    sld.location.locator = "stay";

Great now i have to start over again, thank anyway

just so you know model "citiz_31.gm" to model "citiz_40.gm" and "mush_ctz4" to "mush_ctz6" is nomal sailor (mean your crew when boarding) with this also have case "citiz_31" to case "citiz_40" in character_face, i did remodel so i have a badass crew with out use "eng_patent" (which make holland try to sunk me)

if the make the script right i believe you can make mod change crew to cusred skeleton if u want to
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Great now i have to start over again, thank anyway

just so you know model "citiz_31.gm" to model "citiz_40.gm" and "mush_ctz4" to "mush_ctz6" is nomal sailor (mean your crew when boarding) with this also have case "citiz_31" to case "citiz_40" in character_face, i did remodel so i have a badass crew with out use "eng_patent" (which make holland try to sunk me)

if the make the script right i believe you can make mod change crew to cusred skeleton if u want to

P/s i cant find deluc in QuestsUtilite.c thoi
to change the look of my crew i used nations.c so in game the npc didnt changed only my crew... i liked malta look for mine
folke is created here FortFrance_Prison.c

then hes edited by another file to turn of imortality.... i hope it helps
and another way is edit enc_officer_dialog set up ther folke as u want (with stats and skills what ur orginal has) kick the orginal out and summon the edited one
good huntin folks
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to change the look of my crew i used nations.c so in game the npc didnt changed only my crew... i liked malta look for mine
folke is created here FortFrance_Prison.c
        case "Sharlie_6":
            chrDisableReloadToLocation = true;//закрыть локацию
            LAi_LocationFightDisable(&Locations[FindLocation(pchar.location)], true);//запретить драться
            // замораживаем ГГ
            LAi_ActorTurnToLocator(pchar, "goto", "goto17"); // 170712
            //создаем штурмана
            ref sld = GetCharacter(NPC_GenerateCharacter("Folke", "DeLuck", "man", "man", 1, FRANCE, -1, false, "quest"));
            sld.name = "Folke";
            sld.lastname = "Deluc";
            sld.greeting = "officer_hire";
            sld.Dialog.Filename = "Quest\Sharlie\OtherNPC.c";
            sld.dialog.currentnode = "Folke";
            LAi_SetImmortal(sld, true);
            sld.CompanionDisable = true;
            sld.rank = 5;
            LAi_SetHP(sld, 90, 90);
            sld.money = 0;
            SetSelfSkill(sld, 25, 28, 21, 24, 22);
            SetShipSkill(sld, 10, 5, 24, 22, 25, 15, 5, 15, 18);
            SetSPECIAL(sld, 8, 9, 6, 5, 10, 7, 5);
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "ShipSpeedUp");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "HullDamageUp");
            SetCharacterPerk(sld, "BasicDefense");
            GiveItem2Character(sld, "unarmed");
            EquipCharacterbyItem(sld, "unarmed");
            ChangeCharacterAddressGroup(sld, "Fortfrance_prison", "goto", "goto23");
            LAi_ActorGoToLocator(sld, "reload", "reload1", "FolkeStay", -1);
            pchar.questTemp.Sharlie = "takeskiper";
TY i need deluc to test musket working or so
TY i need deluc to test musket working or so, can u give me code for nations.c too ?
and another way is edit enc_officer_dialog set up ther folke as u want (with stats and skills what ur orginal has) kick the orginal out and summon the edited one
good huntin folks

by editing natons.c it requires new game that the changes take effect
now im off good hunting folks
anyway, i have a question that i using hook mod to see my crew in 1st person but still cant see them. do i have to turn it on some where ?
and another way is edit enc_officer_dialog set up ther folke as u want (with stats and skills what ur orginal has) kick the orginal out and summon the edited one
good huntin folks

by editing natons.c it requires new game that the changes take effect
now im off good hunting folks
i think just need to edit nations_init.c to get same result and i can turn them in to woman too
//Player boarding command
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_NATIONS; i++)
rNation.boardingModel.player.m0 = "citiz_31";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m0.ani = "man";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m1 = "citiz_32";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m1.ani = "man";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m2 = "citiz_33";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m2.ani = "man";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m3 = "citiz_34";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m3.ani = "man";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m4 = "citiz_35";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m4.ani = "man";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m5 = "citiz_36";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m5.ani = "man";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m6 = "citiz_37";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m6.ani = "man";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m7 = "citiz_38";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m7.ani = "man";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m8 = "citiz_39";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m8.ani = "man";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m9 = "citiz_40";
rNation.boardingModel.player.m9.ani = "man";
anyway, i have a question that i using hook mod to see my crew in 1st person but still cant see them. do i have to turn it on some where ?
hooks mod 1st u need right version of game 1.7 09.04.2020
this is the config:

is all is right and still aint working new game required perhaps
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i think just need to edit nations_init.c to get same result and i can turn them in to woman too
ah ya sry forgooten its _init meant that file, new game is required that the changes take effect by all the _init files
ah ya sry forgooten its _init meant that file, new game is required that the changes take effect by all the _init files
better is if you spawn a capt2 officer (passenger) then assist him as an officer then spawn the same that capt2 officer again new officer will overdrive the officer you have and wont double

but if you not assist and keep him as passenger the officer will double and ovedrive,
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Thaks for the help captain! I found the 1.7 rpgutility file by using stormex & I have change the file according to your guidelines & managed to increase stamina by 20000!!! Also I manage to increase the carrying weight by 3000. now I have 20000 stamina and 3000 carry weight!!! :woot so far It's working without any errors with 1.7 :D I will attach the file here so you can check it
Awesome! You should add this to your list. :dance So a new game is not required, I reckon?
ah ya sry forgooten its _init meant that file, new game is required that the changes take effect by all the _init files
i check the nation_init but dont see the line for musket crew, is it some where else ?

and about the Fra_patent if you change nation_init and equip the fra_patent ur crew turn in to fra soldier, how to keep ur crew model ? Fra_patent cant remove
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i check the nation_init but dont see the line for musket crew, is it some where else ?

and about the Fra_patent if you change nation_init and equipip the fra_patent ur crew turn in to fra soldier, how to keep ur crew model ? Fra_patent cant remove
Iv got fra patent in my mod coz i loose it ever damn day, well in TOL 3 iv got the admiral one
to nations init player faction dosent hase musketters, and by some quests game will use vanila bording part
dosent matter if u edit nation init or u use patent, so ya if u replace models in resurces u will have allways/mostly same looking gang
its tast thing
Iv got fra patent in my mod coz i loose it ever damn day, well in TOL 3 iv got the admiral one
to nations init player faction dosent hase musketters, and by some quests game will use vanila bording part
dosent matter if u edit nation init or u use patent, so ya if u replace models in resurces u will have allways/mostly same looking gang
its tast thing
so is it possible to mod crew uniform when use Fra_patent ? i realy dont want to Newgame again (even thou i Newgame countless time after 3 month now) or that thing to easy to lost so dont need to border ?
so is it possible to mod crew uniform when use Fra_patent ? i realy dont want to Newgame again (even thou i Newgame countless time after 3 month now) or that thing to easy to lost so dont need to border ?
kepp french flag on ur ship and hit by accident any ship/fort from frence or dutch or english, ur patent is gone

damn in my stupid cheat menu sneak a bug now im looking on 6k lines and try to find it:(
found 1 thinking same snuk in into my previous uplodes and all 3 mods broken:((((
\PROGRAM\dialogs\russian\Population have file of the monk with line

case "capellan_3":
LAi_ActorGoToLocation(npchar, "reload", "reload1_back", "My_Campus", "rld", "loc1", "Monk_Capellan", -1);
pchar.questTemp.ShipCapellan.id = npchar.id;
DeleteAttribute(npchar, "LifeDay");
DeleteAttribute(npchar, "CityType");//óäàëèòü ïðèçíàê ôàíòîìà
AddPassenger(pchar, npchar, false);
SetCharacterRemovable(npchar, false);
pchar.questTemp.ShipCapellan.Yes = "true";//êàïåëëàí â êîìàíäå
ChangeCharacterComplexReputation(pchar, "authority", 5);
npchar.reputation = 60;

to recruit the monk to ur ship, may be u want him in ur mod too this dude hard to find and easy to lose anyway
\PROGRAM\dialogs\russian\Population have file of the monk with line

to recruit the monk to ur ship, may be u want him in ur mod too this dude hard to find and easy to lose anyway
well as i care about my patent, or try not to loose it, i sail alot under black flag, and this guy aint like it

btw was working on ur issue with to command ur quest officers to switch to musketters i think i found a solution however by testing it i noticed my mods are broken so didnt yet got to it or confirmed it
well as i care about my patent, or try not to loose it, i sail alot under black flag, and this guy aint like it

btw was working on ur issue with to command ur quest officers to switch to musketters i think i found a solution however by testing it i noticed my mods are broken so didnt yet got to it or confirmed it

Wasn't it is the reason ? after he left because the black flag when u change to the france flag again just spawn him right back. or it lock ?
Wasn't it is the reason ? after he left because the black flag when u change to the france flag again just spawn him right back. or it lock ?
when u hoist the pirate flag the priest leaves, but ur patent is safe
and tbh whats more important having a priest on board or shit load of rum????
i take the booze any day:p

EDIT:oh sry i missunderstood was down below the deck cheking with my crew on the rum supply, didnt tought bout the monk, and he fell of from the ship, to muche hussle with them got a good boatswine:D and good supply of rum no monk cheating needed:D
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