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Fixed Sinking The Vogelstruijs : crash


After returning to make a report to the French Contre-Amiral at Port-au-Prince you're supposed to go to Boca de Yuman , I didn't knew where it was and couldn't find it on the map so I checked the wiki. According to the walkthrough there's a disguised sailor which supposed to talk to the main character. He actualy stand right in front of the tavern door in his sailor outfit, and there isn't autotalk. So when I talk to him there is a line saying that the crew should prepare the ship etc... I take the ship and all the navigation features are blocked : I can't autosail to a near ship, I can't dock back at Port-au-Prince as well, and cannot use the sailing map. So I set sail and go around Hispaniola "manualy" and find the Vogelstruijs near Isla de Mona and attack her. Here either I sink here, or she surrender and I board to capture the ship ; I've made a couple attempts, the game crash here either way (on one occasion, a crash even occured when I closed the map).


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Are you able to board her yourself on purpose? The code specifically disables that for her.

You are supposed to fire at her until her HP drops below 3500.
If that happens, a QUEST boarding scene will automatically be triggered.

So don't sink her!
Do you have a savegame made RIGHT BEFORE the battle? I don't have time to play through it all.
No, like I said the actions of my ship are unabled, when I succeed to board her It was because she surrender. But on many attempts, the game crash after a nth broadside and I assumed it was because the ship sunk.
For the save I wanted to but the game did'nt allow me, it say "can't save when sailing"... like I said, when I set sail after talking to the sailor, I almost can't do much.
I'll try what you suggest and keep you to date.
The savegame you posted seems to be from before you accepted the quest.
Or at least: I could restart the quest for some reason.

What do we need to do to trigger the battle from that save?
I did indeed try to avoid that quest loop, but I misunderstood the code so it could still happen.
Added a better fix now. Still, that is unrelated to the actual issue.
Ok that works. I tried again, beeing cautious not to sink her and waiting she surrender. I had a long black screen : It wasn't the same when the game crashed after the ship sunk, so I waited and after a while the scene and the dialog happened.
I was perturbed by the limitations I mentioned before, and the first crash. But you were right all right :)
I hope you didn't bothered too much.
So it CAN work properly? Good, good!
I'll mark this one as "Cannot Confirm" then. :doff
Well, sorry to bring back the matter, it seems I sold the bearskin (I saved on the Vogelsdeck and quit after seeing the quest was going on). My game crash just after blowing the ship. I don't know how it supposed to be, if when returning in sailing mode you see the Vogel blowing or not, in my playgame she's just not there and the game crash just when the game appears to load the sea mode. I manage to pass this issue by anchoring in the bay and then go back on the ship. Here's my saved game on the deck before blowing she.


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I've just played through this successfully using your savegame.

In theory saving on the deck actually should be possible, though I did not test that.

I've added some extra code to prevent the player from accidentally sinking the target ship.
So maybe it'll work a bit more reliably next time....?
Turns out it IS possible for the game to crash there. But not consistently, apparently.
And with no clue of why it happens and whether it is even related to the quest at all.

It does seem that the ship is being sunk BEFORE the quest continues.
The actual problem was that you fullfil the condition to proceed quite easily, BUT the game doesn't actually check until it is too late!
One time where it DOES check is when a character has died. But that captain must not die by his ship sinking.

To get around this problem, open PROGRAM\BATTLE_INTERFACE\LogInterface.c and find:
          // PB: Check False Flags
           bool Recognized = false;
           Recognized = Recognized || CheckAllShips("forts", false);
           Recognized = Recognized || CheckAllShips("ships", false);
           if (Recognized)
               LogIt(TranslateString("", "We are recognized, captain!"));

           bAiUpdated = true;
           QuestsCheck(); // PB: Check the quests every minute
           bAiUpdated = false;
Add that line marked "PB: Check the quests every minute".

I am including this in the next modpack update, with an extra "CheckAttribute" so that this check happens ONLY for this sidequest.
Otherwise it might have a negative impact on game performance all the time, which should not be necessary.
I've put the line below the int limit; in the executeconsole thing as says in the modding tip thread, but the game keeps crashing after it loads the sea (just after the sea loading screen).
But maybe I didn't put it at the right place, I have a very limited skill in messing with files and scripts :p (so if I forgot a bracket or semicolon ... )

But if it work with a fresh game that's all good and really all that matters! don't bother too much with my save, like I said in a previous reply I managed to continue playing and avoid the crash by landing in Boco de Yuman and set sail again.
Thanks again!
If you reload from a save made on the ship deck, the damage is probably already done.
But it works from the save in post #1. :yes
Ok ! So, to enlighten my ignorance, why shouldn't have I saved on the deck ? If I can prevent it to happen again :d
If the quest works as it should, saving on deck should actually be OK.

BUT if the quest didn't work OK, then the boarding probably was not triggered until after you sank the ship.
So that means the "save on deck" would have been made after the damage has already been done.

The ship must not be allowed to sink and it shouldn't need to.
Only reason that happened is because the "quest check" wasn't executed,
so the quest was OK to progress, but the game didn't check on it so it didn't happen until too late.
This is what I have now fixed, but that only works from a point in the game where the ship hasn't sunk yet.