• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Something wrong with the download process

Perhaps try a full reinstall starting with installing the stock game from CD. There are some odd things in those files, e.g. in "compile.log":
FLAGS: The '#stown_name# Fort' has spotted us at 10.232 and will remember us as Spanish in Model_CursedMariana with visibility=832.5
That failure to replace "#stown_name#" with the town's name was a bug which was supposed to have been fixed years ago, and I have not seen it since.
It might be because Ricardo Orellana starts off at sea, while almost every other character starts off in a port. I haven't done much checking with that character but I've a vague memory that starting off as Davy Jones produced some errors as well, probably for a similar reason. See what happens if you start the storyline "Tales of a Sea Hawk".
If it works properly for characters other than Ricardo Orellana and Davy Jones, then that is probably correct. :yes

Ricardo Orellana is at least allowed to land at a port later, so his game should sort itself out in due time. Davy Jones is cursed - regard this as part of the curse!
The whole point of Davy Jones' curse is that he can not set foot on land! If you want to sail the Flying Dutchman without that curse, try playing Will Turner instead.

(Technically Davy Jones can set foot on land once every 10 years. A timer could probably be set so that, if you've played for 10 years game time, you can moor and walk ashore. And then, when you go to sea again, the curse would need to reset so that you'd need to play another 10 years. But is anyone likely to continue the same game for 10 years?)
Wrong curse - you want the Cortes curse, not Davy Jones' curse. Play as Barbossa. ;)