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Spanish Quest Line - Dutch Interception


Ahoy mates,

I done other quests and Governor-General gave me task to find out is Dutch and French are planning something against Spain.I swem to Tortuga and came to Tavern.There I asked "Does Dutch from Curacao come to Tortuga much time?"Barmen tells "Yes" and I rented room for two weeks.And logbook shows that I have to "Intercept mail beetween Dutch and French" but I don't know how to do that!Please help me!
Ahoy mates,

I done other quests and Governor-General gave me task to find out is Dutch and French are planning something against Spain.I swem to Tortuga and came to Tavern.There I asked "Does Dutch from Curacao come to Tortuga much time?"Barmen tells "Yes" and I rented room for two weeks.And logbook shows that I have to "Intercept mail beetween Dutch and French" but I don't know how to do that!Please help me!

Look at here! It's on russian,but I hope this will help you! :onya

Hmm, I think this might help you:

7. Very easy quest now, go to Havana governor, speak with him for it. He has suspicions dutch and french governors are planning something. He gives u a french license.
7.1 Go to Tortuga, and visit the tavern.
7.2 Speak with the innkeeper and get a room for a week.
7.3 Go to Port Controller and speak with him for information for visitors.
7.4 Now what u want for the next 5-9days, but each day return to room for the night.
7.5 On the 6th day (_for me_) when i left the room ,there was a messenger telling u the dutch visitor is here.
7.6 After this start to speak with someone from the tavern from your right and ask him to bring the messenger to your room.
7.7.1 Go to your room and after 20-30sec. messenger comes and u can kill him and steal from the body the letter.
7.7.2 U can just get out of the tavern and wipe out the city (around 12 guards) and kill the messenger in public and get the letter.