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The Cursed Pearl


Hi all,

Just a quick question aimed at those who have sailed the Cursed Pearl with Build 14 patch 3.

Whenever I fire a 'Salvo' of cannons only 1 cannon actually fires, only 1 cannonball comes out, only 1 puff of smoke appears and only the sound of 1 cannon firing rings out. When I check my cargo hold it shows that 1 cannonball was fired and not multiple. This happens on all sides of the ship and during auto fire and manual fire alike. This only happens on the Cursed Pearl and not any other ship I have.

Has this happened to anyone else or is my ship the only one firing blanks? =)
If you check F2>Ship, does the ship even HAVE cannons?
And are the minimum and maximum crew numbers ridiculously low?
I noticed that as well; it should be fixed in Alpha 9.5 Patch 4. :doff
Thanks for such a quick response Pieter,

Unfortunately when I said I was running patch 3 I ACTUALLY meant patch 4..... not sure why I typed that!

Had a look at F2>Ship and I have 36 cannons fitted.
Crew compliment 299.
Min crew 60.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction!

I changed a setting in the options menu for the crew to always fire the cannons (just to prove your theory) and this has made all cannons fire as they should.

Following this I have gone into the Program/Ships folder and increased the crew compliment and min crew. This has now solved the issue.

Thank you so much! Theres nothing worse than preparing to sink your foe with a full broadside only to hear a small 'POP' and 1 cannonball dropping out!!! Quite laughable and embarrassing really !!!

Kind regards and many thanks
What option did you change? I just checked in my Alpha 9.5 Patch 4 installation and the Cursed Pearl's cannons fire just fine.
Did you use manual on-deck fire or auto-fire? Note that for manual fire, you need to press the V-key and not spacebar.
Spacebar is auto-fire on deck too.
I went into Advanced options and then 'Min. Sail Crew'

2 options were available....

a) All available crew will reload cannons. Affects only reload times.

b) Cannon crew will be reduced by crew to sail the ship. realism mod.

I selected option 'a' which started all of the cannons firing.

After this I went to the Ship_ini file, located the 3 Black Pearl ships and upped their crew compliment and min crew values.

I then went back into the 'Min. Sail Crew' setting and re-selected option 'b'

Started a fresh game with the Black Pearl and all of the cannons now fire.

WRT Manual on-deck fire and Auto-fire, I used both of those methods to see what was happening (using the space bar and V key alternately to see if it changed anything....it didnt)

Judging by your reply I may have installed incorrectly although I did follow the instructions by the letter and it installed first time. This was with a fresh install from the ground up.

Just out of curiosity, what is the crew compliment and min crew values of your Cursed Pearl?

I might extract patch 4 to a seperate folder and compare its Ship_ini file to see if its any different...

Everything else in the game seems to be running fine though.
This is my ships_init.c entry:
// Cursed Pearl by Kazeite
refShip.Name				= "BlackPearl";
//refShip.BigPicTex			= 1;
//refShip.BigPicTexName		= "SHIPS1";
refShip.SName				= "CursedPearl";
refShip.id					= SHIP_CURSED; // Fudge Dragon: Re-enable skeletons
refShip.Nation				= PIRATE;
refShip.unique				= true;
refShip.Class				= 5;
refShip.Walk				= "BlackPearl";
refShip.Cannon				= CANNON_TYPE_LONG_LBS24;
refShip.MaxCaliber			= 24;
refShip.Weight				= Tonnes2CWT(1100);
refShip.Capacity			= 2200;
refShip.CannonsQuantity		= 36;
refShip.Cannons.Borts.cannonf.qty	= 2;
refShip.Cannons.Borts.cannonb.qty	= 2;
refShip.MaxCrew				= 300;
refShip.MinCrew				= 60;
refShip.SpeedRate			= 16.5;
refShip.TurnRate			= 36.5;
refShip.Price				= 180000;
refShip.HP					= 100000; // stronger
refShip.SP					= 100;
// KK -->
refShip.EmblemedSails.normalTex = "sail_BlackPearl.tga";
refShip.EmblemedSails.nationFileName = "sail_BlackPearl.tga";
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeType = 5;
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeModel = 1;
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeColour = 2;
refShip.Viper_SailsTypeDesign = 0;

refShip.BI.Tex = 14;
refShip.BI.Pic = 0;
refShip.QDeck = "ShipDeck6";
refShip.CannonsDeck = 2;
refShip.CargoHold = 1;
refShip.Cabin = "Cabin4"; // Thomas the Terror
refShip.DeckTexturesDir = "BlackPearl";
refShip.Flags.Mast3.Flag1 = FLAG_ENSIGN;
// <-- KK

refShip.Model = "BlackPearl"; // KK
refShip.Type.Trade			= false;
refShip.Type.War			= true;

refShip.CanBuy				= false;
refShip.CanEncounter		= false;

refShip.WaterLine			= 0.3;
refShip.SpeedDependWeight	= 0.3;
refShip.SubSeaDependWeight	= 1.0;

refShip.InertiaAccelerationX = 0.4;	refShip.InertiaBrakingX = 2.0;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationY = 10;	refShip.InertiaBrakingY = 4;
refShip.InertiaAccelerationZ = 4.0;	refShip.InertiaBrakingZ = 2.0;

refShip.Height.Bombs.Y		= 1.0;	refShip.Height.Bombs.DY = 0.5;
refShip.Height.Grapes.Y		= 2.0;	refShip.Height.Grapes.DY = 1.0;
refShip.Height.Knippels.Y	= 10.0;	refShip.Height.Knippels.DY = 8.0;
refShip.Height.Balls.Y		= 1.0;	refShip.Height.Balls.DY = 0.5;

refShip.GeraldSails.rey_b2	= 1;
refShip.GeraldSails.rey_b3	= 1;
That will be the problem then. The Ship_ini.c file in the Patch 4.exe I've downloaded is different to yours... not by much though.

refShip.BI.Tex = 14;
refShip.BI.Pic = 0;
refShip.QDeck = "ShipDeck2";
refShip.CannonsDeck = 2;
refShip.CargoHold = 1;
refShip.Cabin = "Cabin4"; // Thomas the Terror
refShip.Flags.Mast3.Flag1 = FLAG_ENSIGN;

This is a small ex from my ship_ini.c install directory and its exactly the same as the file I just extracted into a different folder to compare it with.

refShip.BI.Tex = 14;
refShip.BI.Pic = 0;
refShip.QDeck = "ShipDeck6";
refShip.CannonsDeck = 2;
refShip.CargoHold = 1;
refShip.Cabin = "Cabin4"; // Thomas the Terror
refShip.DeckTexturesDir = "BlackPearl";
refShip.Flags.Mast3.Flag1 = FLAG_ENSIGN;

This is from your Ship_ini.c.... as you can see its slightly different.

My other two Black Pearl entries had the "SHipDeck6" already, but the refShip.DeckTexturesDir = "BlackPearl"; part was also missing.

I've inserted the differences from your file into mine, started a new game with the Black Pearl and all cannons work as they should (putting all of the crew numbers back to normal as well)

I wonder why they were different??

Thank you so much Pieter for all yor help and especially getting back so quickly.
None of those differences have got ANYTHING to do with the cannons.
Both lines are for the decks you see when you go walking around on your ship.
The reason for the differences is that I've been working on making the Black Pearl's decks actually black.
This is not released though. The refShip.DeckTexturesDir = "BlackPearl"; line has absolutely no effect in Alpha 9.5 Patch 4. :no

I noticed that the cursed Pearl has "ShipDeck2" in Alpha 9.5 Patch 4, but I haven't a clue why.
The other two Pearls have "ShipDeck6" and I do like that better, so consider that a fix. ;)
Hello, my first post in this forum. A question about the Black Pearl.
I use build 14 Alpha 9.5 Patch 4.
When Davy Jones gives me the Pearl, it has a speed of 16.8, but when i buy it from Hendrick Vanderdrecken, it has a speed 17.8. Why is that?
One is probably the Cursed Pearl, the one that Davy Jones gives you is uncursed.

There is 3 Black Pearls (with one of them being better than the other 2. The Cursed Pearl gets an extra boost with the other 2 Pearls being the same ship but with different sails ;)

So the question I ask is "Are the sails on the one you bought from Vanderdecken torn :yes"
I have also noticed that ships don't always have the same speed. It varies based on nationality and also for other reasons that I'm not quite sure as I haven't fully looked through the code. I have seen the same exact ship get sold at several different ports and at each location have a different speed, crew size, hold capacity, etc. I'm not sure what else affects it, but the ships don't always stay with the same stats.
This is a good question. Doober is correct about national modifiers on the ship stats,
but that only applies to ships that DON'T have the ".unique" attribute and all instances of the Black Pearl do have that.
For that reason, the Pearl's ingame stats should be the same as the stats from ships_init.c.
Now the uncursed version have got a speedrate of 16.8. However, the cursed one has a speedrate slightly LOWER? 16.5. :wacko:
I checked, and all ships with the pearl´s icon have higher speedrate than 18. I saw Hendrick in the Assassin quest. Could the ships have different speedrates in different periods?
Another question just to be clear. Why does the Pearl has bow and stern cannons?
I wanted to know this since i played POTC with build mod 13
I just looked at some pictures of the Pearl and it looks like the movie Pearl DOES have them so that is why it DOES have them (as the Pearl is movie accurate ;))
And even if she doesn't, we like having bow and stern chasers anyway for gameplay purposes.
There's only very few ships in the game that don't have them.
Roche, although in the movies the Black Pearl doesn't have bow and stern cannons (sorry Captain Maggee :) ), I've added them for gameplay purposes, like Pieter has said.
No worries (must have been a fake picture xD:)

I agree that for gameplay purposes it does NEED them though ;)