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The letter...


I don't know if you guys remember me, but some time ago I was talking about seeing about getting any tools to decomplile or convert any game formats, or any tools for that matter from Akella. I determined from correspondence with employees at Bethesda and Akella that Disney had to approve this. Shortly after that my life got hectic, between school, a job, and getting ready to join the Military (I enlisted, I ship out to Marine Corps Boot Camp August 1st of Next year, such a long time that will goo so fast!) it got lost in the shuffle.

But now my life is falling into a more reasonable pace from now until next August, so I figured I should finish what I started.

This is basically going to be a generic request to talk to someone so that I can see about getting permission. I wanted critique on my letter. I don't know that I really explained it well, but I want to make sure that nobody who doesn't know what modding is decides to tell everyone we are doing bad things. That ispart of the reason I didn't include a link to the site.

<!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->(Insert Letterhead with my address, I do not want anyone dressed as a pirate showing up at my door so I hgave removed it)

Subject: Pirates of the Caribbean PC Game
To Whom it May Concern
I am a great fan of the Pirates of the Caribbean game, developed by Akella and published by Bethesda Softworks. One of the most attractive features of this game for me was that after I had played the original game for some time, I discovered a community of people on the internet who had taken advantage of the powerful game engine and added their own spices to the game. This alone has resulted in several acquaintances purchasing the game, who would not otherwise have done so.
They have accomplished some wonderful, innovative, and creative things that have lengthened the enoyment of this game for myself and many others. However, they are somewhat limited, in that they are restricted from changing some parts of the game, due to technological restraints. Because it is illegal to take apart the 'core' of the game (and they are a group of upstanding people who haven't done such a thing) without proper license and tools, they cannot accomplish some things that would lengthen the life of this already wonderful game.
Employees of both Akella and Bethesda Softworks have, through informal correspondence, made known that they would not be able to release any tools that they did have 'without the approval of Disney'. As a result I set off on a search for contact information, so that I could inquire about permission to release these tools.
I have been unable to find contact information for anyone representing Disney Interactive, and would greatly appreciate that this letter be forwarded to the appropriate party. If it is more convenient for response, my e-mail address is xxx@gmail.com

Very Respectfully
Frederick D. Nahrwold<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Tried to keep it short...

I figured it would be worth a shot, even if there is a slim change of Akella wanting to or having anything left to give us. The only stupid questions are unasked ones, right?

Much Love,
Nice and polite letter. Though I don't have much hope it can't do no harm to ask. In the very least it will make them aware what the player community would like to have.