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Thinking of getting POTBS



I am thinking of getting POTBS.... This board is awfully quite though... Anyone here playing... still playing?

I did the initial beta testing a bit and played at very beginning of launch but didn't continue as game still felt extremely rough.

Although looking at latest screenshots and reading forums it seems there is a small and dedicated community.

I am more of a solo kind of guy but don't mind to interact for quests ect if it is necessary. My concerns are:

If you need to rely on other people to get quests done is there always players available or is it very thinly polulated?

Can you have mulitple ships fot a character?

Is it relatively accessable to get a good ship soloing?

I heard rumours of supernatural encounters... don't mind them... is this in POTBS?

Can anyone recommend this now? Or is it best to stay clear?

I have played this game together with my father. The game has a good concept but it's empty...there are quests up to like level 30 and they you can just grind the next 20 levels which is painintheass, and when you finally get to 50 there is nothing to do. You can level solo for a few levels but for the grind you will need teams. Also for good ships you need a large guild (or whatever it's called) for crafters etc. I recommend you not to pay any money for it.
I have played this game together with my father. The game has a good concept but it's empty...there are quests up to like level 30 and they you can just grind the next 20 levels which is painintheass, and when you finally get to 50 there is nothing to do. You can level solo for a few levels but for the grind you will need teams. Also for good ships you need a large guild (or whatever it's called) for crafters etc. I recommend you not to pay any money for it.
I advise you to play POTC and download firstly the build 14 alpha 9.5, then the Buil 14 alpha 9.5 patch3. this is the best pirate game ever, I think :gday
Oh yes... don't worry, I have POTC with BUILD mod... simply amazing work.

However I was hoping that POTBS as an MMO will also be a nice fix set in that time period. Also the ship models from what I have seen looks cool.

I have decided to give it a try. got it for a 10ner via Steam with 30 days free play. Will see how I get on.

Aye Bootstrap, playn POTBS for last 16 months and still enjoy the game. Many changes since launch, most of them I like. Have only played Pirate on Antigua, most likley that where i will stay. Leveld 3 toons 1 Buccanner and 2 Cut Throats. 1 C.T for solo and other 2 Toons are in a Society.Ship models are gorgeous in my opinion. Here a few pics of my Pirate Hercules. one of the finest ships for a Cut Throat class. :cheers





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Hi Skull

Admitadly I have been pleasantly surprised and couldn't tear myself away from the PC for the weekend. I am now a level 17 Pirate Cutthroat on the Roberts server.

Love that ship of yours! If you have any hints tips and tricks I will be most greatfull.

Alternatevly I hope you don't mind if I pop over a question or two your way.

Thanks and take care,
Sure thing mate, any questions u may have, post them here and will do my best to answer them :cheers
Hi Skull

So I guess my first question is what ship type should I consider at my level?

I read that the Snow and some Cutter is good for this level but they are both quite slow...

In one of the PVE missions I managed to capture a Heavy Ketch which was quite nice... until I unknowingly stumbled into a contested zone, got intercepted by two big French Frigates and the rest is history...

I managed to get hold of a civilian snow but I am dissapointed with it's speed and manueverability... When I look at the auction house in the Bahamas region there is next to nothing to buy Ship Deed wise....

Do you have some ideas or where can I find a good ship for my level... I have around 30000 dubloons at the moment.

used a cutter until low lvl 20 and went to Posti or cerebus and then Cerebus M.C., good ship for PVE missions bow and aft cannons come in handy. Speed is a tad slow but for sure ye will not be able to outrun a frigate in the red as most lvl 50 have their ships rigged with blue speed mods so they will catch you. Best thing to do is surrender and maybe they will take any cargo and let you go. If you run, most likley they will sink you. Id go with a Cerebus and then Cerebus M.C. or Posti. for PVE. Join a society they can help u level and they have shipwrights can build you lower lvl ships usualy for free. Also they make mods so u can purchase cheap or get for free. Dont go in the red unless your in a group would be my advice,Ask in Naton Chat for escort in the red if u have to.

Thanks for the tips Skull! I will have a look at the ships you mentioned providing I can find them.

I think I need to get myself into a society. Although I have seen people running around doing invites left right and center like other MMO's.... Maybe I will just ask on the channel?

Thanks again for your help.

I suggest first trying the free version. If you don't like it, then explore another MMORPG. I personally don't like pirate MMO's.
Personally I'd advise against getting PotBS. The developers have been removing and wrecking good endgame ships (Particularly for naval officers) left and right as of late. It wasn't bad enough that they removed all ability to make 1st and 2nd rate SoTLs they've since gone about severely weakening many other ships to the point of being completely worthless. Naval officers are all but useless now and I'm pretty sure freetraders and bucceneers will end up being hit with an equally devastating ship nerf/removal package in the fairly near future. As well much of the remaining PvP community there are a bunch of vicious, unimaginative and immature 2 year olds who don't care if the game quality goes to hell and they drive out all the more casual players so long as they can enjoy their new forced easy mode (with no great unique ships) and will try to get anyone who objects to this new status-quo banned.

PotC/CoAS may be older and not have as many features as PotBS but at least you won't have to deal with kind of BS and your favorite ships WON'T go away or be rendered junk.
Sadly, that seems to be what happens whenever a paid MMO goes F2P most of the time. I'd been putting off trying POTBS until I had a little more gaming time, but I think I'll just skip it now. Taking away your ships that you've earned or bought (if you can but them) is just wrong.

The only F2P that was formerly paid game that I play, Team Fortress 2, is heading the same way, with Valve throwing in all these wickedly overpowered weapons to convince the new folks to buy them and get an edge over the regulars and clan folks. Servers are always loaded with hackers and immature dweebs now, too.
Saddest part is that they removed the 1st and 2nds while they were STILL pay to play. And the mindless remaining community (not just the PvP guys) for the most part praise the hell out of these idiotic dev decisions under the delusion that this sacralage will somehow bring about game balance (in a ship loss based combat and conquest system) when it actually will not. The current PotBS community as a whole are actually the worst part of the game now, as they really care nothing about ships or the actual age of sail and are only interested in the PvP part of the game (And not even a GOOD PvP either) as they forcefully demand some kind of...Mickey Mouse...easy mode form of PvP :wacko: where any old inept dumbass can feel like a badass as they constantly whine on their forums for nerfs on everything from ships to tactics.

On a more recent skim over the PotBS forums of mine I came across a thread about (and I kid you not) a demand for some kind of penalty for executing the basic naval manoeuvre of crossing your enemy's "T" (or T-Bonning as they called it) as doing this, knocking down their masts with chain shot, switching over to grape shot to take out their crew, and then boarding them is somehow cheating in a game ABOUT naval combat and tactics and should not be allowed. And the devs actually did recently heavily performance nerf a pirate refit ship, The Red Devil Xebec for just this reason so that the Red Devil couldn't use actual Xebec performance characteristics to cross the "T" of any SoTL or super heavy frigate very well anymore thus resulting in a frail undergunned ship with the handling of a normal frigate.

In the end I came across an actual dev and suggested to "Please go easy on all this ship nerfing" this apparently was enough to warrant the permanent forum ban on all my accounts as well as those of my roommates who once played. (who weren't even involved)

So yeah if you want to avoid one giant headache I'd avoid Pirates of the burning sea like the plague if I were you.