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What is this ship?


Field Marshall of Hot Tubs
Staff member
Storm Modder
Anyone know what this ship is?

It's a really nice little ship and I like it, but I don't think we should use it in CMV3.2 unless someone fixes the rear gallery texture. It's all messed up. The other thing that bothers me about it is that copper bottoms were first introduced on the HMS Alarm in 1761. This ship's pattern looks like it was built between 1690-1725. I'd like to see the copper bottom texture go away.


Mystery Ship: http://www.flickr.com/photos/49225014@N05/sets/72157625174677126/
That is an interesting ship, mind you I think she would look better if she was lower in the waterline. Maybe she is copper bottom prototype (non-historical). Do we know what king of vessel HMS Alarm was? This could be someones take on her.
Here is her sister ship. :dance


From the back it look the same. Its a corvette right if its so then it from a Russian mod

Cheer :cheers
The way I see it as someone has used the Corvette as the basis. Added a new deck with Galion. Looks like the Corvette AoPCT because there the copper plates were indegriert as armor. :onya
I thought the exact same thing Pgargon. :yes That's definately the AOP corvette being used as the base model.

A flat white texture in place of the sheathing and some nice looking gallery windows added, this could be a neat little model. It has a Russian pattern appearance to me typical of the ships built during Peter the Great's reign.

BTW one of the folders I'm adding for the modelers is Russian ships. I actually found good plans for a couple really pretty 17th cent Russian ships.

That ships looks so familar but i just can't think which ship it is. The stern reminds me of 2 ships while the imagies from the sides look like another ship, the sails are different aswell. I will have to look through the ships now to find out which ship that is otherwise it will bug me all day. Normally i can tell you what ship it is within seconds of seeing the picture but this one has me puzzled.

She's the new Frigate Craiggo added. She's now known as the Heavy Frigate in CMV3.2. :onya

Just fixed the waterline, what do you think?
Here is her sister ship. :dance

From the back it look the same. Its a corvette right if its so then it from a Russian mod

Cheer :cheers

The gallery texture isn't screwed up on the one you're showing. Where did you get it? We need to use it's texture file.

@ Luke & Craiggo, Water line looks much better now brother. It hides the copper sheathing now. I would honestly like to call her "Scout frigate" or "Baltic Frigate" instead of Heavy Frigate, or something like that because she's kind of a small ship. I think of a big 44 like Contitution or one of the early Dutch two decker frigates of 50+ guns as a Heavy frigate.

So the black one is add for the next update. So how about this one the mix up color with the copper plate.


I think this is the texture you want right?? Cheer mate :drunk
So the black one is add for the next update. So how about this one the mix up color with the copper plate.


I think this is the texture you want right?? Cheer mate :drunk


I want the one you showed in your first picture. I don't like the copper/metal plates.

@ MK

The two pic, are for the same ship the "Europe" for the main char. peter something,You can find it in the Russian MOD
SOFS2. List under frigate_l1 in the resource folder. This mod was post here in the forum but now i can find it. Well that where
i got it from.

Cheer :cheers