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Win a copy of Pirates! signed by Sid Meier himself!



I am writing you guys to let you know of a contest going on now at the video game site HSGamers. It is called the "Modern Day Pirate Contest" and asks participants to send in a story of the most pirate thing they have done in real life. The first place winner will receive a copy of Sid Meier's Pirates! signed by Sid Meier himself, and two second prize winners will receive their own copy of the game.

For more information on the contest, please visit:

<a href="http://www.hsgamers.com/contests/pirates.php" target="_blank">http://www.hsgamers.com/contests/pirates.php</a>

The first place prize will go to the person with the most interesting and `well-written` story. It doesn't have to be long, a paragraph or two will do. Originality is the key!

Thank you for your time, and I hope to see some of you entering!