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AoP2 Beautification

Faelan OConnell

Hello All, Just joined the community recently. After having loved this game since its initial release "back in the day" (Sea Dogs), I have always wanted to take on a project that enhances my experience. So I am launching a Beautification batch of textures for all ships very soon. I will take ya'll (Texan) through the steps of each ship to show the new detail (using the same exact texture sizes and formats, so the files replace seamlessly). I am just on a treck to find out how to take screenshots in game to show my first ship I took on, (Lyon Hoy). It has very realistic textures and colors (as if it was truly back in the time period, so no real bright colors, but the colors are still very beautiful).

I'll post up some things soon and release the textures for each ship as separate files so ya'll can share if you like, and to help replace only the ships you want.

Thanks again for this incredible community, and of course credit to those original artist who made these fantastic ships in the first place.

First few images show the new deck, and side boards of the ship (Lyon) Its darker in game a bit, but turned up the brightness so you can see the textures show up. I think the white woods came out gorgeous. I still have more textures to replace (namely rigging, and details, but the major parts are done).


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I still have more textures to replace (namely rigging, and details, but the major parts are done).

Make sure to tell me when you do the rigging. The texture for standing rigging looks way different than you would think. Most of the texture work I've seen in that area is wrong.

Nice deck texture, from what I can see here. The butt lines on the planks might be a bit too close together, though. (The ones at the end of the planks. In other words, the planks appeared too short at first glance.) Also the hull texture appeared a bit dark to my eyes. Can't elaborate further than that, I'm afraid I've run out of time.
Thanks for the updates :onya I'll check the panels, but also remember this is a direct texture swap, I did not bother with the UV Maps to scale them up (i.e. its using the absolute limits of the plank size, without scaling them down too small.) I have included new pics of the mast, and the mahagony add-ons like the cabin roof and random details. One of these days I'll start modeling some ships and correct the maps. Until then I'll be satisfied with the texture replacements. (ps. the deck is slightly dull-er in game and looks more realistic.) I also fixed the mast having too many "rope-bundles"...

I also plan on going into extreme detail of even replacing the crew on the ship textures (should be fun, but should look great).


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Some new sails showing up. These use realistic textures overlayed, subtley, to the current ones to get the best effect.


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Note that those sails in the game have already been replaced, but are not in the current version of GoF. We'll probably keep them, as they are very realistic and were made using real canvas sails as a reference.
And again, make sure to tell me if you decide to do new rigging textures for the stays. (ropes that don't move) The stock texture on that ship is completely wrong.

Again, I feel that while the hull texture is nicely detailed, I've never seen anything that dark/dull in any contemporary paintings. Usually, the paint gets lighter as it ages and the wood starts showing through the hull, and it starts fairly bright.
That's some nice work there mate! It's really GREAT to have someone else besides me working on visually improving AOP2.

You can't generalize as far as paint goes and I've discussed this before in painful detail. Very dark basecoat paint was the norm in the 14 and 1500s even into the early 1600s. So the bright colors you see on the Elizibethan and Spanish galleons had a dark contrast underneath - just look at the replica of the Golden Hind as an example. A lot of the earlier paint was pitch and tar based and was burned and applied hot.

Later and in the northern European countries (17th/18th century) more tallow, sulpher, fish and whale oils and flax oils were used with lighter broken glass - so the basecoat paints got lighter. I think your paint job looks great! I do not think its out of place for a mid 17th century sloop rigged hoy.

BTW I just got in an argument with a guy about decoration and paint being used on smaller ships so had already collected this batch of paintings....enjoy. MK
1m02.jpg 31722875.jpg Boats7.jpg nmm_nmmg_bhc4238_1_large.jpg Boats3.jpg nonsuch.jpg nmm_nmmg_bhc3600_large.jpg
New rigging texture is decididly becoming a pain. I have to find a "happy-medium" between the large textures and smaller ones. (as you can see in the image the vertical ropes are more to scale, while the smaller (horizontal ladder) seems too clusterred together.

I may tap into the actual 3d models and repair the u/v maps a bit to create a true sense of realism and scale. (also making things 100% more efficient. Can pull off the same look with 1/2 the polys and textures...)

I also brightened up the colors a bit ;)


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I hate to do this to you, but remember how I mentioned the rigging like three times? Here's what the standing rigging texture should look like:

On the far left here, under slushing:

This picture shows steel cable underneath the service, but the process is identical to the one used on rope, and much of the time you can't tell the difference between the two when they are properly done.
The black color comes from the tar used to preserve the line. The lanyards (the ropes at the bottom winding back and forth through the deadeyes) can remain the color they are now, or be tarred, but they do not get wormed, parceled, and served: (see figure 1.4 in the following)

MK- The reason this paint disturbs me isn't the actual color its self, but the inconsistent black wear on it and the inconsistent patters of wear in general. It doesn't really look natural at all...

Not to degrade your work, Faelan, The red texture in particular is very nice. My main problems are that it looks so much newer than the yellow, and that the paint on some of the planks looks twice as old as the paint on others.
I thought it was the tarred version. just was not too sure when I saw it. And yes I wanted to show wear on the ships, dont want anything too new... that and to add a little detail than just raw paint on wood. more like staining than painting really..
And yes I wanted to show wear on the ships, dont want anything too new... that and to add a little detail than just raw paint on wood. more like staining than painting really..

That's not a bad thing, but the wear looks inconsistent in places that should wear evenly and at the same rate. Some planks look brand new, and some look like they haven't been painted in a year or two, even though they are right next to eachother.
I may tap into the actual 3d models and repair the u/v maps a bit to create a true sense of realism and scale. (also making things 100% more efficient. Can pull off the same look with 1/2 the polys and textures...)
What's wrong with the UV maps and/or polycount on the Lyon Hoy? That's one of the models that was made extremely well. o_O
One would wonder what water resistant paints were used back then, as it is a problem even today.
It's not really a question of water resistance...its always been a question of bio-resistance. Its a matter of historical record that ships that were not treated (careened) in the tropics once or twice a year during the Age of piracy, would last no more more than three years before becoming rotten and untenable - and the fastest and sleekest of sloops and schooners could become so befouled underneath to degrade themselves to the speed of a garbage scow. Here's my last over emotional rant on paint if you care to read it...post 209 http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/remus77-christianus-trinity.18206/page-11

One would wonder what water resistant paints were used back then, as it is a problem even today.

They didn´t rely solely on paint, though. The White Stuff (a mixture of whale oil, brimstone and rosin) used to protect the underwater hull is not just paint, but an additional layer of planking, that could be easily replaced in a drydock after a longer voyage, leaving the actual hull intact.
Where? I had a quick look, but haven't seen it so far. I must be missing something. o_O
I mean it' s mentioned there but there's no download link. To that he spoke a day ago of an upcoming mod, it is probably this one.