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Fixed Ardent storyline no reward

Arrows often aren't used up anyway because you get them back after you've fired them. At least, my officers seem to do so. I gave a bow and three arrows to one of them and took away the officer's gun so he had to use the bow to shoot. Next time there was a battle, the sound of whizzing arrows indicated that he was using the bow - it certainly wasn't anyone else using a bow because nobody else on the deck of an enemy ship ought to have one. After the battle I checked the officer's inventory and he still had three arrows.

Do the poisoned/flaming arrows still work with Ammo Mod off? What happens if you have both curare and tar - does the target get flamed and poisoned, or does one override the other?

And are arrows supposed to be stealthy? I tried using them instead of poisoned throwing knives while testing the earliest version of the "Kidnap" quest and was spotted every time. Throwing knives were sometimes spotted but not always.
@Grey Roger .Well I play with ammo mod on now, no reason to have it of. I cant make the Tar or
the curare to do anything, they just disappears from the inventory when shooting
the bow, nothing happens. There is no option to equip those Items?
Another thing I forgot to mention: The guy at the lighthouse on Isla Mona has no text in the dialogue box.
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No. I started a new game to have all the 22May update working.
Do the poisoned/flaming arrows still work with Ammo Mod off?
No, I see that that function is inside a very big if(ammomod == on) etc

So maybe it's better to put tar, curare and quiver back to where they were. (only if ammomod on)
These functions are so ammorelated that I think it's ok with them only when ammomod is on.
As you won't consume any normal arrows if ammomod is off you don't need a quiver to carry many arrows.

What happens if you have both curare and tar
Currare overrides tar.

And are arrows supposed to be stealthy?
Don't know anything about that function.
So the recommendation is to keep those items limited to Ammo Mod ON?
Since I do like the idea of them being a reward in the Ardent storyline, maybe give a different reward only if the ammo mod is off.

Don't know anything about that function.
It's one of the Special Weapons options:
  // Cobblestone
  itm.id  = "pistolrock";
  itm.sound  = "OBJECTS\duel\sword_inbody.wav";  // soundfile played when used
  itm.throw  = 1;  // new attribute, weapon that you throw, so only one time use
  itm.stun  = 0.75;  // stuns targets
  itm.stealth  = 0.75;  // doesn't alarm victim

No. Maybe @Grey Roger will remember it? If not I could do the Quest to that point again. I
started a new game witch are doing well, so I only do it if needed very much.
The alternative is the bug remaining. If you don't think it is important enough, then neither do I. ;)
Simple version then:
    case "get_bow":
       AddQuestRecord("Inca Temple", 6);
       CloseQuestHeader("Inca Temple");
       if ( ENABLE_AMMOMOD )
         TakenItems(PChar, "bladearrows", 3);
         AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, 10000);

I'll await something better. :)
@Grey Roger .Well I play with ammo mod on now, no reason to have it of. I cant make the Tar or
the curare to do anything, they just disappears from the inventory when shooting
the bow, nothing happens. There is no option to equip those Items?
Another thing I forgot to mention: The guy at the lighthouse on Isla Mona has no text in the dialogue box.
Which one? The tavern keeper should have a dialog. There may be someone in the room at the base of the lighthouse who has no significance to the story; if he's there then it's because a different storyline which uses Isla Mona put him there.

You don't need to restart the story. Just go back to Isla Mona whenever convenient. There might not be a quest going that way but that doesn't stop you from going there again just to visit the locals. Talk to the person who has no dialog, then post the log files, please.
Maybe give one "bladearrows" together with the bow even if ammomod is off.
You can use the bow without arrows but then you have to sheathe your blade
afetr every shot to "reload" it.

There is no option to equip those Items?
No, it's enough to have them (if ammomod is on) together with normal "bladearrows".
Maybe give one "bladearrows" together with the bow even if ammomod is off.
You can use the bow without arrows but then you have to sheathe your blade
afetr every shot to "reload" it.
Thanks for that. For now, I'll make it this then:
    case "get_bow":
       AddQuestRecord("Inca Temple", 6);
       CloseQuestHeader("Inca Temple");
       TakenItems(PChar, "bladearrows", 3);
       if ( ENABLE_AMMOMOD )
         AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, 10000);
Temporary until @Grey Roger does something better. :cheeky
There may be someone in the room at the base of the lighthouse who has no significance to the story;
Yes this is the guy with out text. I have done the Ardent storyline as long as it goes and all savegame is deleted.
This is done to have a clean 22 May update.
I don't want to post my current version of "quests_reaction.c" yet as I'm part way through something. But, rather than the alternative reward of 'AddMoneyToCharacter(pchar, 10000)', have this:
       if (ENABLE_AMMOMOD)
         TakenItems(PChar, "bladearrows", 3);

Note that the gift bow also goes inside the Ammo Mod check - you're supposed to be getting the whole lot as a set.

You'll also need these. They're not tested yet so there's an even chance the Indian chief won't say anything at all next time you talk to him - if so, please supply log files. Otherwise I'll test them next chance I get and post corrected versions if necessary. The Indian chief shouldn't tell you that you're getting things to make your bow more powerful when you're getting something else instead. ;) The Isla Mona Taino aren't all that rich and have no local gold mine, but the chief should now explain how they got the item of jewellery in question... (Incidentally, what he says there makes a bit more sense if you've also talked to him about how they get along with the pirates. ;))

Where is the Ammo Mod controlled, and do you need to start a new game or can you disable and enable it within an existing game?


  • Isla Mona Chief_dialog.c
    6.1 KB · Views: 124
  • Isla Mona Chief_dialog.h
    7.6 KB · Views: 97
Yes this is the guy with out text. I have done the Ardent storyline as long as it goes and all savegame is deleted.
This is done to have a clean 22 May update.
OK. He's not that important, so I may simply lock that door, or give him a basic "Hello, goodbye" sort of dialog.
Where is the Ammo Mod controlled, and do you need to start a new game or can you disable and enable it within an existing game?
It is in the ingame Options menu.
I think New Game is not required, as long as you press F11 after toggling it.
You'll also need these. They're not tested yet so there's an even chance the Indian chief won't say anything at all next time you talk to him - if so, please supply log files. Otherwise I'll test them next chance I get and post corrected versions if necessary.
They've been tested. This is what happens if you return to the chief with the rug and without the Ammo Mod:
It works for me. I've yet to see answers showing that it works for other people. If @ANSEL says it works now then it's fixed. :D

You can also have this. It should lock the lighthouse and the house in the clearing. That ought to stop anyone else from wondering why the occupants can only say "......". xD


  • StartStoryline.c
    5.4 KB · Views: 107