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Fixed Black Screen/sea after going to the ship.



I have this strange bug when i go the the sea, (mentioned above)
As soon after i go from land to the sea my screen is turning black, no error or the game stopped working is showing. just black.
I tried lowering the grahics.
Running it as a administrator.
starting a new game.
Maybe it is a Graphic bug?
I have tried the Intel fix and without the intel fix, no results :(
Oh and iam using build 14 Beta 3.2 with update files.
Maybe because it is a Beta version, it is showing this bug, and it needs a fix?
Picture is the black screen when i go to my ship.

Core I3
Nvidia 610m and a Intel card (Not sure if it is a 3000HD)
4GB Memory

Thanks :)


  • 1.jpg
    53.9 KB · Views: 146
Oops here are the compile, system and error.log files

Oh and the game and mod is installed in the C:\ Games map.


  • compile.log
    5 KB · Views: 120
  • error.log
    2.3 KB · Views: 127
  • system.log
    11.6 KB · Views: 126
No, only the sea quality was lower as seen from the land.

Edit: When i go to my ship my screen looks like the image posted above, but i can open character, ship, passangers menu.
Maybe it is my Graphics card?
i have a Intel with Nvidia those 2 are working together with NVIDIA Optimus it is a technology that switches to one of the cards and it is known to have problems, maybe thats the problem?
Oh i tried this fix: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/fix-for-intel-graphics-card-problems-laptop-nvidia-users.19956/
No difference :(
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What is your power settings? Nvidia uses more power than Intel so if it is set to power saving instead of performance it will use the Intel video.

These fixes work. They have been tested many times.
Your error and system logs are horrible. Are you sure the mod is installed correctly?
Can't hurt to to re-download and re-install the game. But what do you mean with Your error and system logs are horrible?
I'll redownload en install it again, let you know if it works.
Based on error.log: DEFINITELY installed wrong.

COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\TempQuestEnemy.c; line: 169
Undeclared identifier: SHIP_BATTLESHIP_FRANCE
This is not Build Mod code. In fact, it doesn't look like stock game code either.
Are you installing on top of Age of Pirates 1 or 2 instead? But the installer shouldn't even LET you do that! :shock
Well i dont know what went wrong, but i installed the mod and the game the same way i did before now it works :)
Thank you very much guys!

I have Age Of Pirates 2 on my pc but it is installed in Program Files (x86)
And POTC in C:\Games, very strange how a Age Of Empires 2 Code got installed in POTC.
But yeah anyway thank you guys this mod is awesome, keep up the good work!
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Perhaps it was stock PotC code, because the Build 14 Beta 3 installer EXE should give an error if you try to install it on AoP 1/2.
I can't remember the stock game code very well and cannot check now. Anyway, glad to hear you got it sorted! :cheers