• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Solved Black screen


Helo guys,

Encoutering black screen after starting new game.
Could you help me fix it?

Win 7 64bix
nvidia 650m

Attaching logs below. Thanks!

RUNTIME ERROR - file: Locations\init\QuestLocations.c; line: 503
integer function return reference value
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\standard\Locations\init\QuestLocations.c; line: 832
function must return value
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\standard\Locations\init\QuestLocations.c; line: 832
function 'LocationInitQuestLocations' stack error
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\TempQuestEnemy.c; line: 169
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\TempQuestEnemy.c; line: 169
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\TempQuestEnemy.c; line: 169
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\TempQuestEnemy.c; line: 169
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\TempQuestEnemy.c; line: 169
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\TempQuestEnemy.c; line: 169
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\TempQuestEnemy.c; line: 169
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\TempQuestEnemy.c; line: 169
Undeclared identifier: SHIP_BATTLESHIP_FRANCE
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 42
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 42
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 42
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 42
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 42
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 42
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 42
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 42
Undeclared identifier: SHIP_SCHOONER2_ENGLAND
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\standard\Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 880
function must return value
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\standard\Characters\init\Officers.c; line: 880
function 'CreateOfficersCharacters' stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Locations\init\QuestLocations.c; line: 503
integer function return reference value
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\standard\Locations\init\QuestLocations.c; line: 832
function must return value
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\standard\Locations\init\QuestLocations.c; line: 832
function 'LocationInitQuestLocations' stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Reinit.c; line: 279
invalid index -1 [size:900]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: Reinit.c; line: 279
function 'Reinit' stack error
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\standard\StartStoryline.c; line: 89
invalid index -1 [size:32]
RUNTIME ERROR - file: storyline\standard\StartStoryline.c; line: 89
function 'StartStoryLine' stack error
Scanning modules\
Loading modules...
Loaded 0
Initializing CORE...
Creating atoms space: 128
initializing complete
Initializing DirectX 8
Techniques: 9 shaders compiled.
Techniques: 180 techniques compiled.
Techniques: compiled by 37119177 ticks.
Can't load texture resource\textures\CHECKER.TGA.tx
The method call is invalid For example, a method's parameter may have an invalid value
Can't load texture resource\textures\CHECKER.TGA.tx
Can't load texture resource\textures\CHECKER.TGA.tx
System exit and cleanup:
Mem state: User memory: 89527  MSSystem: 2400  Blocks: 150
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\ENGINE\SOURCES\compiler.cpp' line 1156, size 4096
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\ENGINE\SOURCES\compiler.cpp' line 364, size 25298
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\ENGINE\SOURCES\compiler.cpp' line 1156, size 8192
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\ENGINE\SOURCES\compiler.cpp' line 364, size 39717
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 880
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 836
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 792
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 748
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 704
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 660
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 616
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 572
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 528
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 484
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 440
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 396
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 352
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 308
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 264
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 220
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 176
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 132
Leak: 'C:\PROJECTS\DRIVE_V2\XINTERFACE\NODES\xi_strcollection.cpp' line 209, size 88
Gauging: StartGauging
Gauging: starting init
Gauging: interface
Gauging: Storylines
Gauging: Profiles
Gauging: starting init
==> BuildSettings: Sets to default
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
Gauging: load build settings
Gauging: periods
InitNations: NATIONS_QUANTITY=6, bGuest1NationExists=0, bGuest2NationExists=0
Gauging: nations
Gauging: preprocessor
Init encounters complete.
Gauging: enc
Gauging: cann
Gauging: ships
IslandsInit: 22 islands loaded.
Gauging: islands
Init weathers complete. 0 weathers found.
Gauging: weather
InitSounds (English): created 19 entries.
InitMusic: created 84 entries.
Gauging: Aliases
Gauging: sound
Gauging: goods
Main_LogoVideo() 0
Main_LogoVideo() -1
Gauging: initgame start
Gauging: createlayers
Gauging: stores
Gauging: sound
Gauging: delete sea env
Gauging: towns
Number of locations: 126
Gauging: locations
IslandsInit: 22 islands loaded.
Gauging: islands
Gauging: wdmap
Gauging: dialogs
Gauging: teleport
bool CreateParticleEntity()
Gauging: particles
Items initialization complete. Loaded 707 items.
Gauging: items
Gauging: quests
Gauging: sea ai groups
Gauging: questmapenc
Gauging: landenc
==> BuildSettings: Sets to default
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
Gauging: load options
Gauging: models - Total number of models: 937
InitSounds (English): created 19 entries.
InitMusic: created 84 entries.
Gauging: Aliases
Gauging: infoshow
Gauging: initgame done
Init character names complete.
SETTING MUSIC: music_main_menu
Init character names complete.
Init character names complete.
Gauging: start new game
Gauging: ng iface
Gauging: periods
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
Gauging: perks
InitNations: NATIONS_QUANTITY=6, bGuest1NationExists=0, bGuest2NationExists=0
Gauging: start NPC init
Gauging: done NPC init
::Completing characters initialisation - CHARACTERS_QUANTITY = 1601::
Gauging: done second pass through char array
Gauging: characters
Gauging: ships
Gauging: ng initgame start
Gauging: createlayers
Gauging: stores
Gauging: sound
Gauging: delete sea env
CaptureTownForNation: town=Santo Domingo, 1st=1
SetTownGarrisonForNation: town=Santo Domingo, 1st=1
Gauging: towns
Number of locations: 126
Gauging: locations
IslandsInit: 22 islands loaded.
Gauging: islands
Gauging: wdmap
Gauging: dialogs
Gauging: teleport
bool CreateParticleEntity()
Gauging: particles
Items initialization complete. Loaded 707 items.
Gauging: items
Gauging: quests
Gauging: sea ai groups
Gauging: questmapenc
Gauging: landenc
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
==> BuildSettings: New settings applied
Gauging: load options
Gauging: models - Total number of models: 937
InitSounds (English): created 19 entries.
InitMusic: created 84 entries.
Gauging: Aliases
Gauging: infoshow
Gauging: ng initgame stop
storyline\standard\quests\both_reaction.c not loaded, loading now!
storyline\standard\quests\quests_reaction.c not loaded, loading now!
Gauging: start reinit
Gauging: preprocessor
Gauging: nosave
Init encounters complete.
Gauging: RM mod and rumors
Gauging: shipberthing
Gauging: reinit stop
running qcase beg
Gauging: initial relations
Gauging: characters groups
Gauging: load mch in first
Gauging: done load mch in first
Tried to unpack archive again and noticed that a lot of files are reported as broken.
Guess i'll need to download archive again.
yeah it seems to me like a bad download. we are working on a fix for that problem.
no I mean we are trying to find a way to spot the bad download easier :p.
re downloading it will probally fix it
Considering that many are playing this mod daily with no problems we can not say it is a bad file, but that some people get bad downloads.

Same shite again.. Re-downloaded , checked, without errors. Unpacks without errors too.
I can play original game. But as soon as i apply mod, (directly or with installer) after loading it goes dark. I can open F1 and F2 menus.

Any other ideas? I would really love to get it going!

Attaching new log files.


  • error.log
    2.6 KB · Views: 112
  • system.log
    5.3 KB · Views: 98
  • compile.log
    4.6 KB · Views: 108
Finally got it working.

Put it out of program files. And installed strictly with installer on a original game.

Thanks for the help. Sorry for disturbing.