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Kartuga GamesCom Trailer!


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Here is some more Indie goodness from InnoGames, the trailer for the European GamesCom has been released! The trailer has actual game play footage and of course shows quite a bit more detail in than the screen shots that were released back during E3. I am quite interested in this one because it uses one of the game engines that we had considered in our own development process. It's a browser MMO, and that would certainly have a lot of advantages. This game does look quite good!

Cologne, August 16, 2012. This week, InnoGames presents its upcoming 3D title, Kartuga, to European media at gamescom for the first time. Also, the new gameplay trailer premiers, displaying Kartuga's high-end graphics and action-packed PvP. It is available on YouTube now. While still in alpha, the action MMOG has made significant progress in terms of gameplay and visual quality since its world premiere at E3 this past June.

The big-budget browser game, developed by Hamburg's Ticking Bomb Games, is a Unity 3D - based pirate MMOG with several role-playing elements. Kartuga players choose one of three customizable ship classes to sail through a series of quests and missions. The ingenious combat system, along with a strong focus on cooperative PvP, guarantees long-lasting fun. The game is set to launch early 2013. www.kartuga.com gives players a peek into its stylized fantasy world with screenshots and a feature list. On www.facebook.com/kartuga, players receive regular information about the status of the game.

About InnoGames:
With about 80 million registered players, InnoGames is one of the world's leading developers and providers of online games. The Hamburg-based company has scored major successes with games such as Tribal Wars, Grepolis and Forge of Empires.

About Ticking Bomb Games:
Marco Schultz and Tobias Severin founded Ticking Bomb Games in 2008. Since 2011, they have been developing games exclusively for InnoGames. The development studio, which boasts over 30 employees, won the coveted Deutscher Entwickler Preis (German Developer Award) for its browser title Europe 1400. Their greatest expertise lies in Unity3D.


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seriously a browser game? this is gonna be a big failure. Sorry to say that but no way you can make a game look nice on a browser. They should make their own launcher. it would be way better for the game
Look at titles like Runescape. Are you telling me that those are failures? I applaud your optimism.

Edit: Of all the stupid, biased things I've heard on the internet...
Like that you might not even judge a game serie you never played.
I played runescape did you? Browser game mostly lack quality. Especially if you wanna sail. Also I don't hear any complains about how the riggin is wrong how the hull model is wrong. NOthing? so in fact I get the idea you only want to bash big titles if they do something wrong and not a browser game? Because it's optimistic?
You are misconstruing the course and purpose of that entire topic. We aren't complaining about the lack of accuracy here because they aren't offering up any false and brazen claims of accuracy.* Your prior statement contradicted your own rudely offered advice, and ignored common-knowledge evidence against your claim that the game would inevitably fail. Runscape's graphics may be poor-quality, but no one in his right mind could call the program a failure. Despite being produced years ago, it still retains millions of subscribers, and offers entertaining and rewarding gameplay.

*Please go re-read that entire topic and tell me who's correct here.
Ok mate, I have had of enough your adolescent twaddle, you have been badgering my posts for the past week, and have yet to put forth anything even resembling a coherent, intelligent or cohesive argument. Your ridicules comments above only prove the fact that you are simply looking for an argument. My patience is at an end, consider this an official warning.

No where has InnoGames stated that their browser MMO is historically accurate, and they do not have a sorted history of forcing intrusive draconian DRM on their customers. If you wish your stay at PA to be a long one, I suggest you take a bit of time and consider carefully just how you respond to this post.
You know the only thing is that I kinda hate it when ppl only listen to a couple of words and pick them out to make someone or a game look bad. (ACIII) related. because for the time being it looks a lot like you hate the game because of the DRM not because it's bad or because they claimed historically accuracy. watch this movie please and post again and listen to everything they say. They say we try to be as historically accurate as possible and still have a higher fun factor

Sorry for my earlier replies but it just pissed me off.
because for the time being it looks a lot like you hate the game because of the DRM not because it's bad or because they claimed historically accuracy.

I never once stated in any of my posts that I hated the game, or the Assassins Creed Franchise, nor did anything that I posted suggest that. I did say that I was not the least bit interested in the game before I found out that it had naval combat. In fact, I was quite excited when I heard this news, but further investigation has proven just what this development is. This makes the 4'th time I have tried to explain this to you, and it will be the last. I have blasted Ubisoft for what they are trying to do with their marketing strategy, including the propaganda video that you posted above, and the draconian DRM.

I did the same thing back when Dawn of Discovery was released. This is not a recent development, this is a strategy that Ubisoft and many other game developers have been trying to push on PC gamers for years! These big publishers would absolutely love it if the PC game market simply dried up and PC gamers stopped buying PC games and started exclusively purchasing console games. It is much easier for them to control both their content and the consumer when gamers are forced to use hardware that is designed from the ground up to give absolute control to the developer.

They have repeatedly tried to feed us the lie that PC gaming is dead or dying, and that is simply not the case. In fact, PC gaming has continued to increase over the past several years, and Indie development studios have exploded over the past three. I have yet to find an Indie game developer that forces it's customers to jump through hopes to play their games, in fact, most have absolutely no DRM at all. If you wish to disagree with my opinion, that is fine, but back your arguments with facts instead of blanket statements that are interspersed with expletives, it only makes you look like a Ubisoft fanboy.
Every shithead knows that PC gaming won't die at least not as long they don't make the consoles upgradeable. So that you need to update every year or something so it doesn't become looking worse than a PC. Also PC's are stronger and they know that. But the downloading part of it is easier on a PC than for a PS3. (Xbox 360 is easy)

I know the indie games don't have it but that's mostly because they are small budget games. No reclame and stuff so no need for a DRM
Every shithead knows that PC gaming won't die at least not as long they don't make the consoles upgradeable. So that you need to update every year or something so it doesn't become looking worse than a PC. Also PC's are stronger and they know that. But the downloading part of it is easier on a PC than for a PS3. (Xbox 360 is easy)

I know the indie games don't have it but that's mostly because they are small budget games. No reclame and stuff so no need for a DRM

So... You're telling me AC III is a great game, created by shitheads? That seems a bit contradictory don't you think?
But the downloading part of it is easier on a PC than for a PS3. (Xbox 360 is easy)
What are you on about, here? :confused: Downloading a game should be just as easy on all three platforms, as long as you have a stable internet connection.

Anyway, can you please stop dragging this argument on? This topic has become one big conflict, and if it carries on that way then it will be closed.
Oh right, that makes sense now. I thought you were on about legal downloads. :rolleyes:
I allready saw that on your replay and Thagarr i'm sorry and I won't bother replying to this kinda stuff anymore cause we won't ever get on 1 line. Actually this game kinda looks funny but I don't think it would be running that great. Also runescape goes sucky very fast. (I'm lvl 67 so I know) hope this is better but I'm kind of thinking it won't be big fun as it looks in this trailer.
I have absolutely no problem with you having a differing opinion mate, if we all had the same opinions on everything, this forum would be a very boring place. Next time however, you need to be a bit more judicious in how you choose to express it