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Unconfirmed Bug NIgel Blythe Quest Issue


During one part of Nigel Blythe quest in Pirate Settlement on Nevis after you talk to the sailor from Nigel's ship at the tavern he directs you to Clauss, but when I go there and talk to the shopkeeper there is no option to talk about Clauss. Any idea what could be wrong?
The Wiki Just tells you to talk to the settelment shopkeeper about Clauss, unfortounatley the option just isn't there, just regular store dialogue.

Build 14 (21st May 2018)
Did you talk to this "Maxwell" character already?

Do you have Kate or Peter as Store Owner in Nevis?

Can you get into his/her "quests" dialog branch?
This is the same section where you talk about regular quest cargoes.
Talked to Maxwell and after this I get the quest book update telling me to head to the store.

Kate is the store owner.
Yes i can ask her about the cargo quests but not Clauss.
Maxwell's dialog concludes with this code:
       case "continue3":
           AddQuestrecord("nigel", 25);
           Preprocessor_Add("sir", GetMyAddressForm(NPChar, PChar, ADDR_POLITE, false, false)); // DeathDaisy
           dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[8];
           link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[9];
           link.l1.go = "exit";
//           characters[GetCharacterIndex("Lambrecht Fobes")].dialog.currentnode = "continue";
           pchar.quest.nigel_away_for_ship = "talk_with_clauss";
           npchar.location = "none";

That is picked up on in Kate's dialog file:
       case "quests":
           iTest = 0;
           Dialog.snd = "voice\PEBL\PEBL006";
           Dialog.text = DLG_TEXT[19];
           if (CheckAttribute(pchar, "quest.generate_trade_quest_progress.iQuantityGoods"))   // LDH was quest.quest.generate, fixed 01Jan09
               int iQuantityShipGoods = sti(pchar.quest.generate_trade_quest_progress.iQuantityGoods);
               int iQuestTradeGoods = sti(pchar.quest.generate_trade_quest_progress.iTradeGoods);
           if (CheckQuestAttribute("generate_trade_quest_progress", "begin") || CheckQuestAttribute("generate_trade_quest_progress",  "failed"))
               if (pchar.quest.generate_trade_quest_progress.iTradeColony == GetCurrentTownID() && CheckAttribute(PChar, "quest.generate_trade_quest_progress.iTradeExp"))
                   link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[34];
                   if (GetSquadronGoods(pchar, iQuestTradeGoods) >= iQuantityShipGoods)
                       link.l1.go = "generate_quest_2";
                       link.l1.go = "cargo_missing";
               if (!CheckQuestAttribute("generate_trade_quest_progress", "begin"))
                   link.l1 = DLG_TEXT[35];
                   link.l1.go = "generate_quest";
           if (CheckQuestAttribute("nigel_away_for_ship", "talk_with_clauss"))
               link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[21];
               link.l2.go = "clauss";
           link.l99 = DLG_TEXT[36];
           Link.l99.go = "exit";
Not sure what could be going wrong, but something to try is to execute that Maxwell line through console:
pchar.quest.nigel_away_for_ship = "talk_with_clauss";
See here point #4 on how to do that: Tutorial - Modding Tips & Tricks

Alternatively, replace this:
           if (CheckQuestAttribute("nigel_away_for_ship", "talk_with_clauss"))
               link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[21];
               link.l2.go = "clauss";
With this:
           //if (CheckQuestAttribute("nigel_away_for_ship", "talk_with_clauss"))
               link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[21];
               link.l2.go = "clauss";
That'll force the relevant dialog option to ALWAYS show up; regardless of the quest case.
(Meaning you could repeat it over and over, so you should restore it back to what it was after successfully completing this section.)

You can find the relevant files in PROGRAM\DIALOGS ; those .c files can be opened with regular Windows Notepad.
Okay, so i had a look for this in kate's dialogue c.file :
if (CheckQuestAttribute("nigel_away_for_ship", "talk_with_clauss"))
link.l2 = DLG_TEXT[21];
link.l2.go = "clauss";
and for some strange reason it wasn't there at all.
So I've added that line now and i get the dialouge option to ask about Clauss.
However now when i select said option i get the response "I'm all ears. What's on your mind?" but I am then not given any dialouge options at all i just press 'space' and the dialogue ends no update to the quest book or further response.
I presume it is this

Mod Release - Build 14 Beta [Last Update: 2 November 2018]
... including the Extra Fix Archive. Until recently, "Nigel Blythe" was fatally bugged in NH. Someone replaced Peter Blowhorn, the storekeeper in Nevis / Quebradas Costillas store, with Kate Blowhorn, and forgot to put the stuff about Clauss into "Kate Blowhorn_dialog.c". So you followed Blythe as far as Nevis and talked to Kate Blowhorn, who had nothing to say about Florens Clauss, and the quest broke. The fix for that is in the archive. Also, NH took pretty much the opposite approach to the way that Clauss originally started off in Quebradas Costillas and then suddenly shifted to Douwesen. You moved the whole thing to Douwesen, whereas NH kept him in Nevis - when you've paid Clauss' bill, he appears in the tavern. But the code for Kralendijk / Douwesen shipyard was still there, so if you went to the shipyard after meeting Clauss on Nevis, weirdness happened - that's fixed as well. I didn't do anything to the definition for Florens Clauss, being more concerned with fixing the quest to the point where you could actually play it to completion. But looking at the definition in "PROGRAM\Characters\init\Officers.c", it appears that he's been made a boatswain, with skills and abilities to match.

I can give you the current dialogue files (Kate and Clauss) and quests.side.c (I would back up quest.side.c to replace if you can finish with Nigel) but I'm not sure what else @Grey Roger had to fix to get to play to completion. The fix archive might need a new game though? EDIT Since the install has been updated those fixes will be in the new version NOT the zip extra fixes so definitely a new game to get everything. ENDEDIT


  • Clauss_dialog.c
    1.9 KB · Views: 179
  • Kate Blowhorn_dialog.c
    10.4 KB · Views: 175
  • Clauss_dialog.h
    1.4 KB · Views: 143
  • Kate Blowhorn_dialog.h
    2.9 KB · Views: 160
  • quests_side.c
    727.1 KB · Views: 161
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Can I presume that this bug has been fixed in the latest version? I saw Kate Blowhorn in the store and am heading over to the pirate hideout for a mission. What I heard here chills my spine.
I was looking through the codes. It seems the codes are in order, but Kate won't talk to me. Maybe because I at -91 relations with Pirate? It just says "I don't want to do business with you, I will call guard." I guess this is not the bug, correct? Btw, how do I improve relations with pirate. There isn't a governor to pay.
Is August 2nd update save compatible with the Apr, 2020 one?
I don't think so.

Kate won't talk to me. Maybe because I at -91 relations with Pirate? It just says "I don't want to do business with you, I will call guard." I guess this is not the bug, correct?
That's indeed not a bug.

Btw, how do I improve relations with pirate. There isn't a governor to pay.
Behaving like a pirate at sea will also do it.
Capturing/sinking non-pirate ships without having a Letter of Marque, for example.

Or being totally evil by capturing a ship while under a fake, friendly flag.
Perhaps fire on a friendly ship?
Note that these two will make you instantly loved by the pirates; but instantly hated by everyone else... :wp
I just ran into another potential bug. But I didn't save it so hard to reproduce it now. So after you talk to Kate about Clauss, you buy stuff stuff from Kate before you go seek out Clauss. Clauss will not spawn in Tavern. It happened to me once. But I later redid the quest without buying stuff from Kate. This time, Clauss spawned in Tavern.
You mean regular trading breaks the quest?
That shouldn't make sense...
yeah, regular trading. Only two things are different from each try. First time, I bought stuff and it was evening. The 2nd time, I didn't buy stuff and it was daytime. Not sure the time of the day has anything to do with it.
Confirmed, it's the time of day. I played the same quest, went to the store, talked to Kate Blowhorn about Clauss, paid his debt, then bought some supplies. That caused the time to change. As it happens, it was still daytime after I'd bought stuff, so Clauss was there. I reloaded a savegame, tried again, this time went to the tavern until just before 22:00, then went to the store. By the time I got back to the tavern it was after 22:00 and Clauss was not there. So I rented a room for the night, then went downstairs, and probably surprised Clauss because he stands on the stairs facing the door, so I was behind him. :p