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Couple of Questions


Lost Soul
1. Merchants at the Store dont want to give me transport quests anymore. I used to do them for quite a long time but suddenly no one offers me such quests anymore.
2. How do i transfer my wealth to my crew money. (Or how do i use it)
3. Does Cozumel have anything interesting for other storyline /free play?
1. Did you fail such a quest? Or do you still have an active one?
2. F2>Ship>Crew>Donate Money to Crew
The idea is that you keep it though; it is a way of measuring how successful you are.
3. It is used in the Bartolomeu storyline as well. And there is a cave there you can use as your own private hide-out.
1. Did you fail such a quest? Or do you still have an active one?
Ive neither failed any quest nor do i have any active one.
2. F2>Ship>Crew>Donate Money to Crew
The idea is that you keep it though; it is a way of measuring how successful you are.
Who measures my success and what does that change?
3. It is used in the Bartolomeu storyline as well. And there is a cave there you can use as your own private hide-out.
And the Indian Temple in FreePlay?
New Question: Whats the difference between FreePlay and the StoryCampaigns (except for the missing storyline)
1. Strange. Can you upload a savegame of yours? Hopefully that allows me to check what is going on.

2. The F2>Nation Relations menu measures your success. You start out as "Unknown Freebooter" and can make it all the way to "Scourge of the Seven Seas".
It doesn't much impact the game, except that the more well-known you are, the quicker any fake flags of yours will be recognized.
So I could understand if you want to stay in relative obscurity; that is up to you. :cheeky

3. You can indeed visit the temple and the labyrinth, but can't get all the way to any treasure.

The biggest thing in the Free Play campaigns is indeed the lack of story, though there are several sidequests you can play at some point.
We recently enabled the Changing Nation Relations mod for them, so that's also new. Other than that, it's pretty much the same.
If you ZIP it up, you should be able to attach it to your forum post here.
Just press "Upload a File" at the bottom of the page.
That would be my most recent save. Jean Lafitte Free Play. My money is stored at a loanshark in Speightstown.


  • -=Pirate=- Open Sea 26-04-1815.zip
    803.7 KB · Views: 69
According to your character attributes, you did fail on a trade quest. Is that really not true? It is known that once you do so, you can't get new ones.

I do think I found why that happens though, namely the "failed" attribute is never removed from you.
Assuming that is the problem, I made a fix for this that will be part of my next release.

Open PROGRAM\console.c and find:
void ExecuteConsole()
    ref pchar = GetMainCharacter();
    if (!bSeaActive) ref lcn = &Locations[FindLocation(pchar.location)];
    ref ch;
    int i;
    int limit;
Below this, add:
DeleteAttribute(PChar, "quest.generate_trade_quest_progress");
Load your savegame and press F12. You will now be able to take trade quests again.
Hum; looks like the whole "failing trade quests" is bugged worse than I thought.
Problem is that all relevant attributes are being removed at the moment you fail it and NOT once you try to make the delivery after all.
Needs some further looking into. :facepalm
Well right now im playing Jean Lafitte FreePlay and im growing a little bit bored. I would really like to do some special sidequests but i cant find any. How many sidequests are in the game? And do some of them give a unique reward or even ship?`To be honest i think the unique ships should be obtainable through questlines and not by buying them on that well known island. But right now i do hope theres alot of sidequests with unique content... Is that true?
These one are available in Jean Lafitte:
  . Sidequests added from Standard storyline by Don Lasagnetti
    To the following storylines: Devlin Opera, Master & Commander, The Buccaneer and Tales of a Chevalier
    Sidequests added:
    > Baldewyn Coffier & Arnaud Matton
    > Find Angelique Moulin’s Father
    > Find the missing son of the Spanish Admiral
    > Help the Boatswain
    > Help the Lady
    > Saga of the Blacque Family
    > Saving Toff's Daughter
    > Zaid Murro's Problems
    > Elizabeth Shaw's Disappearance
    > Escort Vigila Mendes Ship
    > Rys Bloom Quest
    > Sink the Pirate Corvette
    > Cargo for Thomas O'Reily
    > Contraband for Thomas O'Reily
Walkthroughs here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/original-story-tales-of-a-sea-hawk/

Get the files here though: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-3-progress.20686/
There was at least one error with the sidequests that is fixed there.
These one are available in Jean Lafitte:
  . Sidequests added from Standard storyline by Don Lasagnetti
    To the following storylines: Devlin Opera, Master & Commander, The Buccaneer and Tales of a Chevalier
    Sidequests added:
    > Baldewyn Coffier & Arnaud Matton
    > Find Angelique Moulin’s Father
    > Find the missing son of the Spanish Admiral
    > Help the Boatswain
    > Help the Lady
    > Saga of the Blacque Family
    > Saving Toff's Daughter
    > Zaid Murro's Problems
    > Elizabeth Shaw's Disappearance
    > Escort Vigila Mendes Ship
    > Rys Bloom Quest
    > Sink the Pirate Corvette
    > Cargo for Thomas O'Reily
    > Contraband for Thomas O'Reily
Walkthroughs here: http://www.piratesahoy.net/wiki/original-story-tales-of-a-sea-hawk/

Get the files here though: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/build-14-beta-3-progress.20686/
There was at least one error with the sidequests that is fixed there.
Too be honest i expected a little bit more. You can finish those quests in a hour or two...
Exactly one month ago, there were ZERO sidequests outside the Standard and Jack Sparrow storylines. Now we've got 14.
Haven't heard from Don Lasagnetti for a while, so I'm not sure if there are more underway from his side.
See here for our recent discussion and work on this: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/sidequests-for-additional-storylines.20555/

Indeed I'd much rather have ALL of them as well, but somebody has to do it. It is a fairly easy job, even for beginning modders.
I'd welcome anyone to try his hand at it. Even one quest ported would be another step in the right direction! :cheeky

As it is, we have VERY few people who care about actually getting some work done.
In fact, this here is the easiest modding job in the world, but the way it is going I'm going to have to do it on me onesy again.
I sure hope it won't come to that! :whipa
Exactly one month ago, there were ZERO sidequests outside the Standard and Jack Sparrow storylines. Now we've got 14.
Haven't heard from Don Lasagnetti for a while, so I'm not sure if there are more underway from his side.
See here for our recent discussion and work on this: http://www.piratesahoy.net/threads/sidequests-for-additional-storylines.20555/

Indeed I'd much rather have ALL of them as well, but somebody has to do it. It is a fairly easy job, even for beginning modders.
I'd welcome anyone to try his hand at it. Even one quest ported would be another step in the right direction! :cheeky

As it is, we have VERY few people who care about actually getting some work done.
In fact, this here is the easiest modding job in the world, but the way it is going I'm going to have to do it on me onesy again.
I sure hope it won't come to that! :whipa
Pity that i have zero knowledge about modding....
I was just wondering why the loading screen says that there are sooo many secrets in the caribbean... Are there any other things that make exploration in free play worth it? (If so pls dont say what it is exactly)
We all started with zero modding knowledge. In fact, Don Lasagetti had zero modding knowledge one month ago and ended up porting 14 quests.
I do know how it works, so can explain things as needed and trouble-shoot if required too. I just don't have the time to do it all myself.

As for stuff to do in Free Play, let's see:
- Gain rank from a nation and get married
- Find an "island that cannot be found, except by those who already know where it is"
- Have you found already the Haunted Maltese Knight Abbey, Apothecary and Opium Den?
- Always available: Cargo Haul, Escort, Governor Ship Hunting, Treasure

And when you sail around at sea, all sorts of things could happen.
Oh! Did you walk into a fort yet and talk to the citizens there?
Ive already done most of that yeh... Btw how many points do i need to progress beyond commodore (britain)? And with all sort of things at sea do u mean something special or just a variety of ships?
Not entirely sure of the points for the next rank. Would have to calculate that and I don't really have time for that.

With stuff at sea, I mean that there are an infinite number of combinations between encounters and weather and position, etc.
Especially if you use DirectSail instead of the worldmap and avoid using Fast Travel, all sorts of situations can develop simply by the way the game works.
Switch to Realistic Game Mode and these situations become even more challenging and varied.
That is what most people do who have played this game for a long time.