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Fixed Jack Sparrow Storyline: Island "error" after reload

Found another bug that is related to this one... This is where I was transferred after leaving the Isla de Muerte island... I have included the compile.log also.
What exactly is the bug? You're reloaded to "middle of the ocean with no island around"?
Was that an auto-reload to 3D sailing mode triggered through the quest or did you manually go from shore into 3D sailing mode?
If it was the automatic one, it is probably because that reload doesn't have the correct island defined. :facepalm
From the log:
Can't find island sIslandID = error

We still don't have the Error Island in this game? :)
What exactly is the bug? You're reloaded to "middle of the ocean with no island around"?
Was that an auto-reload to 3D sailing mode triggered through the quest or did you manually go from shore into 3D sailing mode?
If it was the automatic one, it is probably because that reload doesn't have the correct island defined. :facepalm

No, I manually went from Shore to ship, than from ship to Open sea. I should be near the beach considering that I went from beach to ship.
From the log:
Can't find island sIslandID = error

We still don't have the Error Island in this game? :)
Sounds to me more like another quest error. If so, it would be related to this quest case:
"Quest name Chatter_to_smuggler2 FOUND in QuestComplete"

No, I manually went from Shore to ship, than from ship to Open sea. I should be near the beach considering that I went from beach to ship.
Did you have the "Aztec Compass" item with you at the time?
If not, I can imagine the Isla de Muerta would be missing.
Sounds to me more like another quest error. If so, it would be related to this quest case:
"Quest name Chatter_to_smuggler2 FOUND in QuestComplete"

Did you have the "Aztec Compass" item with you at the time?
If not, I can imagine the Isla de Muerta would be missing.

Nope, I didn't have the Aztec Compass with me. I got it back when I came to Tortuga after speaking to Annamaria.
Nope, I didn't have the Aztec Compass with me. I got it back when I came to Tortuga after speaking to Annamaria.
So you were on Isla de Muerta but did NOT have the Aztec Compass? How is that even possible?
Because if you don't have that item, as far as the game is concerned, Isla de Muerta does not exist either.
So getting an error and no island is therefore not all that surprising.
Here's the relevant code:
    case "Chatter_to_smuggler2":
       pchar.quest.Smuggler = "With_Smugglers_To_Tortuga";
       characters[GetCharacterIndex("quest_smuggler_01")].Dialog.Filename = "Port Guard_dialog.c";
       Characters[GetCharacterIndex("quest_smuggler_01")].dialog.currentnode = "Smuggler Talk";

       worldMap.playerShipX = -527; //stf(worldMap.islands.Turks.position.rx) + 19.;
       worldMap.playerShipZ = -540; //stf(worldMap.islands.Turks.position.rz) + 18.;
       worldMap.playerShipAY = 3.0;
       worldMap.playerShipActionRadius = 20.0;
       worldMap.playerShipDispX = stf(worldMap.playerShipX)- stf(worldMap.islands.Turks.position.rx);
       worldMap.playerShipDispZ = stf(worldMap.playerShipZ)- stf(worldMap.islands.Turks.position.rz);
       SetNextWeather("Blue Sky");
       pchar.quest.position_smuggler_ship.win_condition.l1 = "MapEnter";
       pchar.quest.position_smuggler_ship.win_condition = "position_smuggler_ship";
Indeed some funny business with worldmap coordinates; I do believe that can be cleaned up in one way or another.

So you were on Isla de Muerta but did NOT have the Aztec Compass? How is that even possible?
@Mirsaneli: Still hoping for a reply on that one. Or maybe @Talisman knows how it works with being on Isla de Muerta but not having the compass? o_O
So you were on Isla de Muerta but did NOT have the Aztec Compass? How is that even possible?
Because if you don't have that item, as far as the game is concerned, Isla de Muerta does not exist either.
So getting an error and no island is therefore not all that surprising.

I didn't have it. When Barbossa steals your ship, he takes the compass as well. Annamaria gives you the compass after you return to Tortuga...
I didn't have it. When Barbossa steals your ship, he takes the compass as well. Annamaria gives you the compass after you return to Tortuga...
That doesn't help then. What we should probably do is to take the compass away AFTER you leave the island.
Or add some extra stuff to ensure the island doesn't disappear like it normally does if you don't have the compass.

Found another bug that may be related to this one... This is where I was transferred after leaving the Isla de Muerte island... I have included the compile.log also.


This is after Barbossa has stolen the black Pearl & the compass from Jack in the 1st mutiny.:walkplank

So it is not on the Isla de Muerta. :no

It is the" small island" that Jack is castaway on after Barbossa mutinies and steals the Black pearl ( both occasions 2nd time Jack & Elizabeth).

It does not exist in the game - no island has ever been created - it is just 2 beach locations ( one where Jack is put ashore & one where he meets the smugglers / Norrington when with Elizabeth ) with a jungle location to join them together.

From the Wiki:-

Go into cave and find treasure – at treasure Barbossa will talk to you – QB Update

Go back to ship - go to world map - transported to Mutiny Scene on Ship Deck with Barbossa - then transported to beach. – Watch Black Pearl sail away. – QB Update <<<------HERE

Go through jungle and find beach with smugglers – Smuggler runs up and talks to you – QB Update   <<<<----  HERE

Sail to Tortuga - Smuggler says Thanks on jetty ( Q B Update ) ****

I always thought that was meant to be one of the two small islands we do have.
We could make a regular reload to one of those instead, I imagine.
I always thought that was meant to be one of the two small islands we do have.

I think Capt Maggee was hoping to use the deserted island that @Bartolomeu o Portugues created for when Bartolomeu is cast away ( but that does not exist on the world Map either).

We could make a regular reload to one of those instead, I imagine.

If you mean putting the 2 beaches and the bit of jungle - on one of those 2 islands - so that when you go back to sea with the smugglers / Norrington your ship is at the island.

Then that would work ( I assume you don't mean using the beaches that are already on the islands & relocating that part of the quest there ).

The best island would probably be the one between Hispaniola & Puerto Rico - not too far to sail to Tortuga with the Smugglers ( since you only have 2 crew - raising sails takes ages & if you meet hostile ships then firing guns & reloading is virtually impossible ).

If you mean putting the 2 beaches and the bit of jungle - on one of those 2 islands - so that when you go back to sea with the smugglers / Norrington your ship is at the island.

Then that would work ( I assume you don't mean using the beaches that are already on the islands & relocating that part of the quest there ).
That's what I was thinking, yes. Maybe just faking it would be enough.
So you could reload from the shore to 3D Sailing Mode, but never again back.
That should be OK; Isla Mona isn't used in the Jack Sparrow storyline anyway.
That's what I was thinking, yes. Maybe just faking it would be enough.
So you could reload from the shore to 3D Sailing Mode, but never again back.
That should be OK; Isla Mona isn't used in the Jack Sparrow storyline anyway.

Definitely a good idea! It's better than to go from shore to the open sea, surrounded by vast ocean on every side...
Extract attached to PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\quests and load the "marooned" save from here:
Unconfirmed Bug - Jack Sparrow Storyline: Quest Issues with Cortez Treasure | PiratesAhoy!

Then execute this code through console to try the modified scene:
  Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_Island_shore_01")].island = "IslaMona";

   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].island = "IslaMona";
   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.name = "boat";
   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.go = "IslaMona";
   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.emerge = "Reload_1";
   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.autoreload = "0";
   if (VISIT_DECK == 1)
     Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.label = "Ship.";
     Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.label = "Sea.";
   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].locators_radius.reload.boat = 9.0;

   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_Jungle_01")].island = "IslaMona";

   characters[GetCharacterIndex("Barbossa")].Flags.Pirate = 0; // PB: Jack Rackham Pirate Flag
   characters[GetCharacterIndex("Barbossa")].Flags.Pirate.texture = 0;
   setCharacterShipLocation(characterFromID("Barbossa"), "Deserted_Island_shore_01");
   characters[GetCharacterIndex("Barbossa")].sailaway = true;

   DeleteAttribute(pchar, "Ship");
   pchar.Ship.Type = SHIP_NOTUSED_TYPE_NAME;
   pchar.Ship.Name = "";
   // PB <--
   DoQuestReloadToLocation("Deserted_Island_shore_01", "officers", "reload1_3", "Barbossa_leaves_for_now2");
   locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_Jungle_01")].vcskip = true;

This moves it all to Isla Mona, allowing normal game behaviour, rather than odd workarounds. :cheeky


  • quests_reaction.zip
    53.7 KB · Views: 92
Extract attached to PROGRAM\Storyline\JackSparrow\quests and load the "marooned" save from here:
Unconfirmed Bug - Jack Sparrow Storyline: Quest Issues with Cortez Treasure | PiratesAhoy!

Then execute this code through console to try the modified scene:
  Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_Island_shore_01")].island = "IslaMona";

   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].island = "IslaMona";
   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.name = "boat";
   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.go = "IslaMona";
   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.emerge = "Reload_1";
   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.autoreload = "0";
   if (VISIT_DECK == 1)
     Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.label = "Ship.";
     Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].reload.l2.label = "Sea.";
   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_shore_02")].locators_radius.reload.boat = 9.0;

   Locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_Jungle_01")].island = "IslaMona";

   characters[GetCharacterIndex("Barbossa")].Flags.Pirate = 0; // PB: Jack Rackham Pirate Flag
   characters[GetCharacterIndex("Barbossa")].Flags.Pirate.texture = 0;
   setCharacterShipLocation(characterFromID("Barbossa"), "Deserted_Island_shore_01");
   characters[GetCharacterIndex("Barbossa")].sailaway = true;

   DeleteAttribute(pchar, "Ship");
   pchar.Ship.Type = SHIP_NOTUSED_TYPE_NAME;
   pchar.Ship.Name = "";
   // PB <--
   DoQuestReloadToLocation("Deserted_Island_shore_01", "officers", "reload1_3", "Barbossa_leaves_for_now2");
   locations[FindLocation("Deserted_island_Jungle_01")].vcskip = true;

This moves it all to Isla Mona, allowing normal game behaviour, rather than odd workarounds. :cheeky

I will have to restart the Jack Sparrow storyline to test this.
I will have to restart the Jack Sparrow storyline to test this.
No you don't. You can use your own save that you uploaded. That's what I was doing.
You just have to change '#define IS_SGV' to 14.926 at the bottom of PROGRAM\globals.c to be able to load it.
Works well enough to test the scene, though I cannot vouch for compatibility when continuing regular play from it.... :wp
No you don't. You can use your own save that you uploaded. That's what I was doing.
You just have to change '#define IS_SGV' to 14.926 at the bottom of PROGRAM\globals.c to be able to load it.
Works well enough to test the scene, though I cannot vouch for compatibility when continuing regular play from it.... :wp
It says Incompatible save when I want to load it...
I know. You didn't do everything I said above. I told you to change something. ;)