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Solved A Little Confused (WIP16)


Pirate Queen
Staff member
Storm Modder
I have a problem with Tia Dalma:

But it shows up(it just don't have a picture):

And also(Standard Storyline) QUEST: Reconnoitre captured Speightstown --The events that suppose to happen is not happening. The exchange of dialogs ain't right. I can't proceed through the story..
First I had this(my conversation with the soldiers seems right but an ERROR showed up):

Then at the Tavern, the owner just won't talk to me:

I get the same dialogs when talking to other people even the town folks:

and when talking to other people at the tavern, its just BLANK, even with Malcolm:
Is it something I did? :cool I didn't touch any of those dialog files. :no
How about the thing with calypso then?
I last played the standard storyline last month on WIP 12 or so and all was well. Could it be something you did? :shrug

I also just looked into starting a new game in the standard storyline and by clicking on the character picture I got a menu that I did not know is there.
Tia Dalma.jpg
well yes, the wip12 works just fine with the standard storyline. I only experienced this now with wip16.
I can't think of anything that was done in WIP 16 to mess up the Standard storyline like that. o_O
And also(Standard Storyline) QUEST: Reconnoitre captured Speightstown --The events that suppose to happen is not happening. The exchange of dialogs ain't right. I can't proceed through the story..
First I had this(my conversation with the soldiers seems right but an ERROR showed up):
View attachment 11673

In Beta 2.5 - in the quests_reaction.c file the case is called --- "FRANCE_SOLDIERS_in_oxbay_exit_returned_to_post":

this one I think:

case "Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles":
LAi_SetCheckMinHP(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_7"), LAi_GetCharacterHP(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_7"))-1.0, false, "fight_before_enter_to_oxbay"); // KK
LAi_SetCheckMinHP(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8"), LAi_GetCharacterHP(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8"))-1.0, false, "fight_before_enter_to_oxbay"); // KK
pchar.quest.Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles_2.win_condition.l1 = "locator";
pchar.quest.Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles_2.win_condition.l1.location = "Oxbay_town_exit";
pchar.quest.Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles_2.win_condition.l1.locator_group = "goto";
pchar.quest.Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles_2.win_condition.l1.locator = "citizen08";
pchar.quest.Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles_2.win_condition = "Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles_2";

case "Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles_2":
// KK -->
LAi_ActorFollow(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_7"), Pchar, "Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles_3", 10.0);
LAi_ActorFollow(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8"), Pchar, "", 10.0);

if (LAi_group_GetPlayerAlarm() == 0)
LAi_ActorFollow(pchar, characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8"), "", 10.0);
// <-- KK

case "Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles_3":
LAi_ActorWaitDialog(pchar, characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8")); // KK
LAi_ActorDialog(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8"), Pchar, "player_back", 1.0, 1.0); // KK

case "fight_before_enter_to_oxbay":
pchar.quest.Story_FraSoldiers_attack_in_jungles_2.over = "yes";
LAi_RemoveCheckMinHP(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_7")); // KK
LAi_RemoveCheckMinHP(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8")); // KK
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_7"), "FRANCE_PATROL"); // KK
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8"), "FRANCE_PATROL"); // KK
LAi_group_FightGroups("FRANCE_PATROL", LAI_GROUP_PLAYER, true);

case "FRANCE_SOLDIERS_in_oxbay_exit_returned_to_post": <<<<------------
//Îòïðàâëÿåì ñîëäàò íàçàä íà ïîñòû
LAi_ActorGoToLocator(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_7"), "goto", "citizen09", "Fra_occupant_07_return_to_post", -1); // KK
LAi_ActorGoToLocator(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8"), "goto", "citizen010", "Fra_occupant_08_return_to_post", -1); // KK

case "Fra_occupant_07_return_to_post":
LAi_SetGuardianType(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_7")); // KK
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_7"), "FRANCE_SOLDIERS"); // KK

case "Fra_occupant_08_return_to_post":
LAi_SetGuardianType(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8")); // KK
LAi_group_MoveCharacter(characterFromID("Ox_Soldier_8"), "FRANCE_SOLDIERS"); // KK

Okay, I'm getting worried now. I even tried a new game. But same results. And I even re-installed the whole game up to wip16. I never experienced this on wip12.


  • compile.log
    22 KB · Views: 92
  • error.log
    804 bytes · Views: 119
  • system.log
    8.5 KB · Views: 81
That ships.c problem mentioned in error.log should be solved in the update I'll be posting later this weekend; I restored those lines to their Beta 2.5 state.
I don't see how that could cause any of the weird issues people have been experiencing, but you never do know. It can't hurt in any case.

Also, that quest error in compile.log is very interesting. In PROGRAM\DIALOGS\Story_French Soldier_dialog.c:
But quests_reaction.c has:
case "FRANCE_SOLDIERS_in_oxbay_exit_returned_to_post":
Not sure why that isn't the same. Was it always like that or is it something new?
Either way, it won't be helping. Recommend changing the quests_reaction.c version to "fra_soldiers_in_oxbay_exit_returned_to_post" so they match properly.
Its something new.

Applied the recommended changes: and there's no error showing up when taking to the soldiers anymore.

But I get the same issues when talking to the tavern keeper and the town folks and with the blank conversation with malcolm and other people in the tavern.
Still bizarre. Can you perhaps upload a savegame of yours so I can do some analysing?
It just occurred to me: Isn't this straight after Bridgetown is occupied by France?
The "occupy town" code was rewritten; perhaps that is wreaking havoc.
This happened after Speightstown was occupied by france and the quest Reconnoiter Captured Speightstown cannot be completed because of this. thus getting stuck and cannot progress the story.
HA! I think I may have found the problem. In PROGRAM\Storyline\standard\SL_utils.c find:
if (isSoldier(characters[n]) != -1)
Replace with:
if (isSoldier(characters[n]) != UNKNOWN_NATION)
Now try from a save before Bridgetown was captured.

That function DOES change character dialog files. And -1 USED to be "unknown nation", but it isn't anymore.
Looks like the function wasn't updated correctly.
Mother's Love! IT WORKS!!! Yey!:dance (So, its just that -1 after all.Hehe)

:bow As Always, you Sire!:bow
And thanks a lot to you for finding and reporting it, of course. You were absolutely right there was something wrong. :doff

Oh... did you see my post about the Lady Won in a Card Game sidequest? I think I've got that one working now, but haven't tested it all the way through yet.