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Alexithymia and Emotional Neglect

A good critical overview of treating childhood trauma caused imbalances in the body, with some interesting and very insightful creative suggestions:

As an autistic person, I find it amusing how stimming (both-hand-grasping, tapping) is working treatment for dealing with post-traumatic symptoms. The Autistic community has been telling professionals this for many decades with little heed -- how stimming helps to balance, regulate, and calm the human body, to process feelings and healthily stimulate the brain and body, to ground, to bring and express joy.

If you can reprocess a bad memory/experience while stimming and having a positive body experience, it can help you absorb and understand that negative memory/experience, to deal with it and to grow past it. That's half the healing process. The other half is learning about people and relationships, and how to better protect yourself from abuse, gaining (skills for) personal safety/security going forward.

I can also deeply recommend meditation for both self-regulation/recovery and getting in tune with your body and emotions, learning about yourself. It teaches you insight that then you can apply to any situation in life to better understand what's going on inside you and in your environment. So if you need to get in touch with your body and emotions, definitely give quality meditating a dedicated try-run.
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My mum "pulled a narcissism" on me just now.
As per usual.

In response, I blocked her on WhatsApp.
That's a first.
Just be careful with what you are doing, as narcissists don't take kindly to you alienating them, and as a parent they can jeopardise your relationship with the rest of your family:

Don't act without careful planning/thinking.
I believe I have watched a few of her video's already, but indeed not those ones.
Thank you for recommending them!

Just be careful with what you are doing, as narcissists don't take kindly to you alienating them
Thank you for the warning.
I believe I'll be okay, but indeed you're right that I am taking some risks here...

as a parent they can jeopardise your relationship with the rest of your family
I say: let them try. I don't fear my family.

I still have good contact with @TechnicJelle, who lives with them.
I believe it'll blow over.

Don't act without careful planning/thinking.
Tomorrow I'm calling the psychological help people again.
We were supposed to schedule a meeting for later this week, but that didn't happen yet.

Thankfully I'm glad to say that I'm not completely alone.
You are here. And @The Nameless Pirate, @Grey Roger, @Jack Rackham and @Bartolomeu o Portugues.
But I also have friends at work who try to help me as well.
And that makes a world of difference...

In fact, I wish something similar to you.
Because I firmly believe you deserve exactly that.
Thankfully I'm glad to say that I'm not completely alone.
You are here. And @The Nameless Pirate, @Grey Roger, @Jack Rackham and @Bartolomeu o Portugues.
But I also have friends at work who try to help me as well.
And that makes a world of difference...

In fact, I wish something similar to you.
Because I firmly believe you deserve exactly that.
If you and/or Bri need anything, I would be happy happy to help as much as I can.

As you said we will support you, that is what friends are for.
As you said we will support you, that is what friends are for.

And also...

Thank you.
Both to you and to @Cerez/Bri.