• New Horizons on Maelstrom
    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Awful Gameplay


I admire your guys idea of this new version of game and all new stuff that u added but packed like this its just bad.
1.Lets give u first expample,today it took me more then half hour to get from jamaica to barbados u wonder how?
I went out of harbor and what could i see 2 lvl 7 pirates lets call them a boats or even better barks attacked my 2 battle ships and 2 war galleons at my allied fort :) that is just what would everyday pirate do :),there goes like 5 min,i didnt made sail to another island without beeing strucked with 1 or 2 storms,which is retarded add 5 more.Even when i passed all those things,guess what waits me at brigtown,invisible storm that isnt on a map but it is in the game :).I landed at port and finished things what i wanted and when i wanted to get to my ship games crashes.I loaded game back to jamaica port and again when i tryed to go out pirates again :) i load game again and games crashes again.I dont wana talk more about trip to brigtown,when i got there i got attacked by 5 angry robbers :) those things just make this game mod bad and waste of time.
2.140 types of ships?
I saw like 20 types of ships in this game.You are proud and saying that u have 140 or 120 types of ships not sure of number but let us see them.I mean Shipyards are awful all i can buy there like 6-7 lvl ships sometimes maybe lvl 5 with old potc settings when u can buy whatever ship u want and i have 7 mil of gold what should i do with them??
3.I dont know what noob told that Old potc cant work without new mod i forgot where i saw it.I played old potc in 2004 and now in 2012 had gr8 expirience with no bugs or any anomalies.However i am sorry that i have installed this mod.
Umm you CAN see the ships if you keep looking, Unfortunaley for you storms, pickpockets, etc. Happend very much in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries- today too. Of course back then merchant captains prayed for a safe voyage, but it isnt always that- there ARE: storms, pirates, reefs, and sandbars. I sorry for your horrible trip to Bridgetown, storms are very common- so its realistic to have them- even though you may not like it. Those invisible storms- even today when you get to a port- you can sail into a storm. Pickpockets are realistic since there ARE people who find a way of getting money- kill,murder,etc. You sure have alot of negative things to say about Pa's modder' masterpieces. Perhaps if you tweaked some stuff in advanced options- set god mode, free money, etc. You'd have a better point of view of these great mods. The mods these modders create arent retarded either- as my father used to say: If you dont have anything good to say: dont say it". And the "noob" your talking about is most likely telling about the bugs in Stock POTC, beng fixed in modded POTC. Even with storms, pirate ships, and angry bloodthirsty robbers does not mean this game is a waste of time.
Let's paraphrase here...

...packed like this its just bad....
...i didnt made sail to another island without beeing strucked with 1 or 2 storms,which is retarded add 5 more....those things just make this game mod bad and waste of time.
...Shipyards are awful all i can buy there like 6-7 lvl ships sometimes maybe lvl 5 with old potc settings when u can buy whatever ship u want and i have 7 mil of gold what should i do with them??
3.I dont know what noob told that Old potc cant work without new mod i forgot where i saw it,but i am sure he is retarded as this new mod is.I played old potc in 2004 and now in 2012 had gr8 expirience with no bugs or any anomalies.However i am sorry that i have installed this mod.

No matter how many smileys you use, It's not alright to insult the work of these people. If you're that mad, replace the mod with the stock game move on. Don't post shabbily veiled insults aimed at the people who spent hundreds of hours of their free time to improve the game, making it more realistic and playable. We respect and appreciate everyone's opinions here, but posts like that, in my opinion, don't belong on this forum.
Hmmm. You have been playing a week and have 2 battleships and 2 wargalleons? You know how to use the console! It will take a bit for the game to catch up and start putting real warships up against you. The shipyards sell what was realistically available back then unless you tweak the "advanced options".
The best thing to do when you get caught in a storm is to escape to the world map. The alternative is storm after storm after storm.........My personal record is surviving 7 storms in a row. The 8th one sunk me.
You seem to have a lot of crashes. Try this engine.ini. It might help.

And yeah, crying in your beer only gives you watered down beer.


  • engine.ini
    35 KB · Views: 69
You are of course entitled to your opinion Milan123, but it seems to have changed considerably in the past week since you joined the forums.

This mod has been a work in progress for almost 10 years and it has improved the stock game play dramatically. I am not going to take the time to refute your arguments because they are not worth the effort. I will simply agree with what Buck, Post Captain and Hylie have said above. If you are not satisfied with the mod, then by all means feel free to uninstall it and continue playing the stock version with all the original bugs, pathetically ugly ships, and pointless gameplay in tact.

On the other hand, since you seem to know exactly what the game needs to make it "better", maybe you should stop complaining, put your criticisms into an actual cohesive argument, do something about it and actually fix it yourself! That is precisely what we did to begin with.
Ok i am sorry for bad words but you have to undestand me.I was happy when i saw this mod and i wanted really to play it.I mean u guys have gr8 idea but and gr8 foudation to make gr8 game but in my opinion there are things that shouldnt be in game.First of things:
1.realistic as u wanted this game to be tell me if u were pirate and u have boat lvl 7 would u attack battles ship at their fort??
2.Storms in my opinion they are just too much,maybe it was alot of storms in this period but i dont think that people wana play this game just get thru 8 stroms.I bet that everyone wana enjoy and relax in this game,and that is impossible with these type of weather :) tell me what is wrong with storms in old potc.
3.140 types is is alot.Old potc shipyards had more types of ships then this mod and there was like 20 different ships in game,i am just saying that i would like to see alot of new ships,that it some of main reasons why i play this mod and i dont see it.And my settings in options are good.
4.Crashes(worst crash that i saw is when my friend jumped from frigate to battle ship i think he even made to get 2 battle ships in 1 fight got lucky with less crew in those ships,and imagine u went to save and game crashes).My melee skill didnt improve i had problems with boarding,thats what i think everybody is encountering.
I said some bad words up in 1 first mail but that was cos it really pissed me off i came from town to do 1 quest and in 1 hour i managed to do it half even i knew everything.I am not saying anything bad now take it as nice advice.
If u ask me what is better game i would say new mod
If u ask me where i had better expirience i would say old game and i am not glad with it.
3.140 types is is alot.Old potc shipyards had more types of ships then this mod and there was like 20 different ships in game,i am just saying that i would like to see alot of new ships,that it some of main reasons why i play this mod and i dont see it.And my settings in options are good.
I have no idea where you got the number 140 from. There are over 200 ships in Build 14, but what you're failing to realise is that they're spread out across six time periods, so you can't encounter all of them in any one storyline. Sure, the encounter chances still need tweaking, but there should already be a far greater variety in each time period than in the stock game.

What you need to do is visit multiple shipyards (different nations offer different ships), and get into more sea encounters if you want to see more of the ships.
The AI is something that we have tried to work on, but have had very little success over the years. As Armada points out, there are several different era's, and that is one reason why you are not seeing all of the ships. I would also like to point out that in the stock game, you could buy a lot of ships at the shipyard that would never have even appeared in the Caribbean, let alone in a shipyard in the Caribbean. Even if you could have, you would never have been able to crew or supply a big ship of the line, or even a frigate without government backing.

Having only played the game for about a week, you have yet to encounter even a fraction of all the things that have been added to this game, or the reasons they were added, over the past decade. Have a look through the manual if your curious just what you are missing.
And I do recommend you go through the Options>Advanced Options menu and change the settings to your liking.
Most of the things you don't like can be taken care of there; after all, we've always believed that all players should be able to play the game they want.
I did it before however i started it playing again and it goes nice.I understand that with time periods and i will continiue to play and will see where it will bring me :).At the end i heard that u guys wana make real serious game out of this.I wish that u guys succeed in it and make alot of money of it :).I will buy it no matter what if it shows around and i am sure alot of other pirates too :).

Thanks for the well wishes. We won't make a cent out of the new game though. But that's on purpose. That's not what we're here for. ;)