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Solved Cartagena Firecracker Quest Bugs ( B14-3.4 ) Fixes

LAi_NoRebirthDisable(CharacterFromID("Sebastian Ortega"));


Ok I went back to a Save before the fight in the Residence garden and used this code in the console - then played through again.

Everything worked Ortega appeared on the ship deck and ran to the mast - then we fought on the Mast :dance


Am now continuing with the quest

:bowThanks Pieter & Bartolomeu :bow


This time I am stuck on the puzzles to open the tunnel in the Admirals Office.

I have managed to get the iron gate to rise by using the cannonball - but the door to the tunnel is still locked. :mad:

Can't find anything else to use anywhere - can't get into Lucia's house.

What do I do next ?


I think I have to get into Lucia's house - but the door from Palace Square is locked :(
i think this code from quests_reaction.c may be the problem :shrug

case "cartagena_puzzle_start":
       Pchar.quest.cartagena_puzzle_start1.win_condition.l1 = "location";
       Pchar.quest.cartagena_puzzle_start1.win_condition.l1.location = "Palace";
       PChar.quest.cartagena_puzzle_start1.win_condition = "cartagena_puzzle_start1";

       AddQuestRecord("Firework", "21");      

     case "cartagena_puzzle_start1":

       locations[FindLocation("Palace")].reload.l1.disable = 1;       //back to town
       locations[FindLocation("Palace")].reload.l2.disable = 0;       //to Residence
       Locations[FindLocation("Governor_Daughter_House")].reload.l2.disable = 0;   //to Bedroom

       pchar.quest.cartagena_pillow_check.win_condition.l1 = "locator";
       pchar.quest.cartagena_pillow_check.win_condition.l1.location = "Palace_Residence";
       pchar.quest.cartagena_pillow_check.win_condition.l1.locator_group = "randitem";
       pchar.quest.cartagena_pillow_check.win_condition.l1.locator = "randitem2";
       pchar.quest.cartagena_pillow_check.win_condition = "cartagena_pillow_check";  

       pchar.quest.cartagena_fire_irons_check.win_condition.l1 = "locator";
       pchar.quest.cartagena_fire_irons_check.win_condition.l1.location = "Woman_Palace_bedroom";
       pchar.quest.cartagena_fire_irons_check.win_condition.l1.locator_group = "randitem";
       pchar.quest.cartagena_fire_irons_check.win_condition.l1.locator = "randitem1";
       pchar.quest.cartagena_fire_irons_check.win_condition = "cartagena_fire_irons_check";

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No problem. :cheeky
Let's hope the test of this quest can be finished before next week-end so that Pieter can include the fixes for his next update.
No problem. :cheeky
Let's hope the test of this quest can be finished before next week-end so that Pieter can include the fixes for his next update.

I have managed to get into the tunnel – I think the time you have to get to the tunnel door is to short - I could not get from the clock to the door quick enough before the clock chimed – so I had to cheat by increasing the time in the code ( 5 or 6 might be a better number)

in quests_reaction.c

case "admiral_wind_up_clock":

       LAi_QuestDelay("admiral_clock_ticking", 2.2);

     case "admiral_clock_ticking":
       Locations[FindLocation("Admiral_Office")].reload.l1.disable = 0;


       LAi_QuestDelay("admiral_clock_striking", 7.0);  // TALISMAN -- was 3.5 this not enough time to get to door

     case "admiral_clock_striking":

       LAi_QuestDelay("admiral_lock_door", 2.0);

     case "admiral_lock_door":
       Locations[FindLocation("Admiral_Office")].reload.l1.disable = 1;
       Pchar.quest.admiral_clock = "off";



I am now in the Fort Cellar - come to iron gate and I get this log entry -- ERROR - Quest name _ NOT found in ANY function

It appears on screen and in the compile.log

But the quest does not break and continues ok . --- perhaps it is caused by the loop check in quests_reaction.c


System and Compile attached - no error log


  • system.log
    4.1 KB · Views: 301
  • compile.log
    2.9 KB · Views: 297
If you stand with your back to the clock you do get to the gate in time. I set it very short to be
difficult but if you think so, do as you suggested, change the time.
About the time to reach the Tunnel's door, I have no real problem to succeed this part :no. Of course, you must run to reach the door. I wouldn't like this part becomes too easy. Frankly, adding 1 second is enough.
If you stand with your back to the clock you do get to the gate in time. I set it very short to be
difficult but if you think so, do as you suggested, change the time.

What ?? - Who stands with their back to a clock when they are winding it up? :rofl

When you wind the clock up you can't move until it starts ticking - then you have to turn and run to the door - since there are no clues for the player as to what they are supposed to be doing by the time they have worked it out they will be starting to get very frustrated - ( I only managed to work out what I was supposed to be doing by looking at the code carefully and thinking about it. ):read


Completed the Quest - Attacked the Fort and everything went OK - liked the traps in the Fort cellars - and the Special Musket with its unique firing ( that was fun) :thumbs1

One small thing - on leaving the tunnel and entering the Fort cellar - Elting was standing in the cellar - just before you get to the locked gate - his icon was also showing on screen ( bottom left) as I went through the tunnel and the Fort Cellars :shrug.

Attached is the final system and compile logs in case you want to look at anything - covers the fight on the Fort Battlements ( the ERROR - Quest name _ NOT found in ANY function appeared a couple more times but nothing broke as far as I could tell.)

Excellent Quest and story

:bow:bow:bowBartolomeu :bow:bow:bow

:bow:bow:bowJack Rackham :bow:bow:bow


  • system.log
    48.3 KB · Views: 292
  • compile.log
    35.4 KB · Views: 289
Without having my back to the clock, I succeed in reaching the door at time. The clue is the locked door sound when you don't reach the door. Of course, most of the players won't succeed the first time. But, having something too easy is not really interesting in my opinion.
Remember the goal of this puzzle is to open the door. So, people should check the door if it is opened. Anyway, they will have the Pirate ahoy wikipage if lost ;)

About Elting, yes, he should appear close to you when you enter the fort cellar.
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Excellent Quest and story

:bow:bow:bowBartolomeu :bow:bow:bow

:bow:bow:bowJack Rackham :bow:bow:bow

Thanks Talisman, your compliment is my reward for the time I spent working on this quest.:onya
Thank you for testing this quest.
And thank you again for Jack Rackham for his help in improving the quest.:cheers
That would be useful. I'm not entirely sure I have all fixes....

Attached is the final system and compile logs in case you want to look at anything - covers the fight on the Fort Battlements ( the ERROR - Quest name _ NOT found in ANY function appeared a couple more times but nothing broke as far as I could tell.)
That is a bit odd; "_" is what is used on a DoQuestReloadToLocation when no quest should be called at all.
I'll put some return statements in the quest coding to prevent the game searching through all quest files for "_" and causing an error message because it doesn't exist.
Ok, i'll do the update. Otherwise, the "_" errors didn't appear in my game version when working on the quest. That's weird, indeed.:unsure