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Included in Build Changed female animations

Grey Roger

Sea Dog
Staff member
Storm Modder
The attached file contains revised "initModels.c" and "characters.c" which, between them, should allow female characters a lot more freedom of action.

As reported here:
Screenshots thread | Page 63 | PiratesAhoy!
the "BeatriceA" model did not work when the officer using it was sitting down. This is because "BeatriceA" uses the "Beatrice.ani" animation file, which has no entries for sitting animations.

A bit of experimenting with "Animation Viewer" and "TOOL" shows that almost all female models are quite happy to use the "woman_sit.ani" animation instead. The few that aren't, e.g. "33_Blazie", have their own specific animations. So this version of "initModels.c" has the female model entries changed accordingly.

Variants of "Danielle" already used "woman_sit.ani". Even so, if you capture a colony for yourself and try installing one as a governor, and that governor normally sits, it doesn't work. It turns out that "characters.c" calls for a set of governor-specific animations, and female animation files don't have them. Two files control an animation; a ".an" file which I'm guessing controls the actual moving of polygons, and a ".ani" file which references various sections of the ".an" file, labelling the sections for use by other game code. Altering the ".an" file is beyond me. The ".ani" file is plain text and easily edited, but can't create an animation if it's not in the ".an" file. I got "Animation Viewer" to play the whole lot from frame 1 to the end, and "woman_sit.an" just doesn't have the animations used by governors. So the best I could do is amend "characters.c" to have female governors use some of the tavern sitting sequences instead. The results, after some major jiggerypokery with "console.c", are as follows:
Three of Speightstown's permanent female residents conscripted as officers and made to sit in the tavern:

Beatrice Applegate now using the aptly named "BeatriceA" model, the subject of the original report:

Contre-Amiral Beauregard and Isabel de Cussy have swapped places:


  • PROGRAM.zip
    55.8 KB · Views: 337
The last screenshot isn't very ladylike now is it ;).
Well, no. She's evidently decided that the piece of paper on her desk is more important than you. :p