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CoAS Combined Mod Version

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Update, for my own personal testing i have reset the totall amount of cannons for all but 1 ship, this is so i can try and make the ship rates more ballanced for COAS. The ship rates that i offer at the moment are.

Class 7
0-7 cannons

Class 6
8 - 20 cannons

Class 5
21 - 39 cannons

Class 4
40 to 55

Class 3
56 - 69 cannons

Class 2
70 - 99 cannons

Class 1
100+ cannons

This will give each ship class 7+ ships, the reasons class 2 is 70 to 99 is so it fills the class up with the likes of the shark, battleship, warship, heavy warship lineship etc. Many of the Frigates will remain in classes 4 and 5 as originally set, now fpr the problem with what is obviously trade ships, the carvel, fluet, galleon, how will they be rated?. if rated by gund then most trade ships will be class 5, that means the light and heavy galleon will share the same class which doesn't make sense. One way is to make low class trade ships class 5 and 6 and the other's class 4 any like the indianman with 80 guns should be rated by its guns, whats your opinions on this guy's?

While my above proposal has not been arranged in that i have not started testing yet, i have started testing the current arrangements, i have rearranged each and every ship by its current class in the ships.h file in the hope that this fixes the bug that provents ships from been generated. So far all is going well with that area. On another note however i have noticed that RTBL settings are still very much active in the latest version, i will have to fix that so that its close to vanilla settings because right now attacking ships is like attacking ships in COAS CM V2.
A few the POTC movie ships and ships based on real ships had or close to accurate gun #'s, perhaps you could leave those as they were?

For all other ships, I literally counted the guns they carried on the models and from there used the RN rating system to classify them. A handful of ships should have less guns because they had no cannons modeled on to them, the holes were just painted on. I'm guessing those were trade ships since Ive read that sometimes merchants would paint gun holes on their ships to appear as if they carried more guns than they really had. I decided to just give them the guns but perhaps you should look at the models and find the one's I'm talking about, I'm more than certain you'll find at least two, these would definitely be rated six.

In regards to the galleons, they only vary in speed and tonnage but they carry the same # of guns. I don't see anything wrong with light or heavy galleon's being in the same class.
The Heay has 36 guns compared to the Light Galleon other than that i guess you are right, i have entered several battles now and had no message saying ship XX could not be loaded so its looking good so far. :will More testing is needed just to make sure we can tick this one off the list. I said RTBL looked to still be active in this version, i think that is not fully true, i was in a battle at the time wherte i was in a Salamander firing at distance from 20 IBS cannons and very little damage was been done to the other ships. After firing at shorter range i saw a very different story. I will leave the ships as they are, but i will look into each ship and count there guns. I have added the Cursed Dutchman again aswell because i didn't give you the finished mod before the alpha release, its picture needs fixing so maybe Craiggo can do that.

I have checked for RTBL settings and the ones that are there do not effect ship to ship battles, they effect fort battles, the changes that are still there are the forts mounting 92IBS which is fine, the forts using round shots insteed of bombs which is fine too since it elliminates the weak points of the forts, and the amount of damage the crew will take which is fine too since forts kill the crew before they sink the ship. Of course the fort battles need testing to finalise that area whilest in alpha testing. The next area is masts, now i alway's said masts was too easy to destroy and in the original value's had knipple shots damaging the masts by 25.0 that has been reduced to 0.2. The full count down of shot to damage ratio's on damaging masts are.

Round shot = 0.1

Knipple shots = 0.2

Grape shots = 0.0 (well they was never used for destroying ships or masts)

Bombs = 0.1 (bombs never actually exsistsed back in those day's so they have no more effects than the round shots)

The only other thing needed to be looked at now is crew damage multiplier, but that can wait because i haven't done any testing with grape shots yet and it could be fine as it is with the current cannon damage multiplier settings as they are. More good news on the ships been generated, i have not had any more problems sometimes my computer will beep which normally indicates a ship could not be loaded, but all ships are been generated so far with no message indicating otherwise.

The current crew damage is set at 7.0 which is the vanilla value. I personally hope that is not needed to be changed but i have a bad feeling it will have to be, perhaps to 3.0, note the value for V2 RTBL was something like 0.5 which as we saw ment you would run out of grape shots before killing half the crew, so 3.0 should see a better ballance or maybe 3.5 exactly half of the default value, i will know more information after testing the default valuve's. The crew damage multiplier remains for now unchanged.

A run down of what i'm currently testing.
* Ships been generated = priority high
* Ship to ship battles = priority low
* fort battles priotity low (currently not been tested)
* Cannon fall out = priority low
* Crew damage = priority low (currently not been tested)
* Mast damage priority medium (new value's changed to reduce total damage done after each broadside)
* ship cannons mounted priority medium (not in testing at the moment)

Thats the run down of testing i'm doing or have yet to do, i have also checked POTC for more ships to port over, i have only looked at ships with 70+ cannons mounted for 2nd rate ships for COAS, i have 2 ships to port over both are using the same ship nodel however that shouldn't be a problem.
So that's what the beeping meant. Glad to see that the ship name's are all in order now and I assume the name changes are all working well? Is the "Bounty" appearing as "Armed ship" now? For some reason that was the only ship name that wouldn't change.
I haven't come across the Bounty or looked for it in the shipyard but i will check to see what name its using, hopefully it will be "Armed ship". If not then i will change a few things and see if i can't get it to use the name its intended to use. :onya

I found the reason why the Bouty retained its name, the name had not been changed, i have now changed it and will make sure its new name is been used. ;)

Another update:
RTBL update, i have done alot of testing with ship to ship battles and i like the settings for that area of the game, the fort testing is soon to start but there is one thing that needs a little improving and thats the crew damage multiplier, i think reducing its damage multiplier by 2.0 should fix the problem and mean crew don't die so quick, i was able to completely clear the deck of a ship from 700 yards using round shot, in truth it was hard to aim the guns back then due to the limitations and how difficult it was to adjust them so hitting something 700 yards away and getting direct hits most of the time is not realistic. This is the only part that i believe needs fixing, i'm confident that the fort battles will be well ballanced already since alot of testing went into that before xmas and the later changes made the fort side much more ballanced. If this is true and the new changes to crew damage works well i'm happy to say that RTBL is finished and because its only fixes the mast, crew and fort battles it should take all day to sink a ship. Of course what ship you use, how many guns it has mounted and what there calibure is will make a big differenece which should be taken into account, for my testing i have been using the 20IBS since its got decent range, and its damage multiplier is not too big and more importantly for starting out its loading times are good enough. Mast damage which was ultered before testing today has been tested and it is still very possible to demast a ship, it will take a little longer but nothing like it use to in the old RTBL mods.

Update on COAS CM V3 Alpha, OP, i use to hate the fact that once you started using a Frigate, or ship of similar ability you would hardly find your self been chased down by pirates or enemy ships, this is no longer true since i like the ship "Nightmare" which has 44 guns and a nice cargohold its a nice ballance of MOW and merchant ship, even better after the Bermuda upgrades have been made. Anyway i just wanted to say how good it is to still be pestered by enemy/pirates even when in ships like the Nightmare.

Update on ships speeds, i was sailing around in the Sloop at first and at one point i was sailing faster than the wind was blowing, so i have reduced most ships speeds by 1.0, some ships like the Black Pearl AKA Wicked Wentch have speeds of 16 knots all ships like the Sloop, Xebec etv that had speeds of 16 to 17 knots now have 15 to 15.9 knots, this obviously has been tested and its much better now, the Enterprise once had a speed of 15.5 knots, its now 14.5 knots, the changes made to the ship speeds means that you will find Frigates, Corvette's etc will be harder to escape from.

Thats it for my updates at the moment, i'm now going to see if the Bount has now started using its new name. :onya

I have changed the name of the Bounty in every file i could and nothing has worked, it looks like that ship likes the name Bounty, as far as i know the only file that effects ship names is the common config settings file located in RESOURCE\INI\texts\russian.

I have a problem with this mod very serious prolem.

Tell me HOW change to CHANGE the VALUES of DAMAGES that cannos do to the HULL (how to change everything to te values that was in clean game )
I aplly Version Two Patch One (OLD Vanilla Patch) and Version Two Patch Two (Vanilla Patch) and that change nothng :((
Then I try to change values in .....\RESOURCE\INI\cannons in line [BALLS_HULL_DAMAGE] to firstly 20 (bals) 25(bombs),then: 40 50, 80 100, 1000, 1500, even 100000000 20000000 that to change noting

To tests I use dev mod (man-of-war and max skills ) <---with that I attack small 6 class ship. the damages I do to him was noting compare to damages in clean game
Small regular battle in this mod WITHOUT using hand-to-hand combat go for at least 3 hours (real time) that is hmm the word .... oh yes ridiculous

Ps: sorry for my english
PS2:excluding THAT this mod is very good

I have a problem with this mod very serious prolem.

Tell me HOW change to CHANGE the VALUES of DAMAGES that cannos do to the HULL (how to change everything to te values that was in clean game )
I aplly Version Two Patch One (OLD Vanilla Patch) and Version Two Patch Two (Vanilla Patch) and that change nothng :((
Then I try to change values in .....\RESOURCE\INI\cannons in line [BALLS_HULL_DAMAGE] to firstly 20 (bals) 25(bombs),then: 40 50, 80 100, 1000, 1500, even 100000000 20000000 that to change noting

To tests I use dev mod (man-of-war and max skills ) <---with that I attack small 6 class ship. the damages I do to him was noting compare to damages in clean game
Small regular battle in this mod WITHOUT using hand-to-hand combat go for at least 3 hours (real time) that is hmm the word .... oh yes ridiculous

Ps: sorry for my english
PS2:excluding THAT this mod is very good

As you can see by reading the above, the mod is still in playtesting, I know that it's a pain in the ass with the dmg modifier atm, but in time we will make it happen. I will not recommand this mod for real playing, if you want to real play the game, play it stock for now. Luke is working on a new method for the RTBL, when this is finish, he mention that he will work on the Vanilla version, we just need time. :)

Cheers, :cheers
Hmmm but there must be the way I can restore basic damage setings, for example overwriting mod files by Vanilla files but... WITH files i must overwrite
That can`t be so hard to do
I haven't come across the Bounty or looked for it in the shipyard but i will check to see what name its using, hopefully it will be "Armed ship". If not then i will change a few things and see if i can't get it to use the name its intended to use. :onya

I found the reason why the Bouty retained its name, the name had not been changed, i have now changed it and will make sure its new name is been used. ;)

Another update:
RTBL update, i have done alot of testing with ship to ship battles and i like the settings for that area of the game, the fort testing is soon to start but there is one thing that needs a little improving and thats the crew damage multiplier, i think reducing its damage multiplier by 2.0 should fix the problem and mean crew don't die so quick, i was able to completely clear the deck of a ship from 700 yards using round shot, in truth it was hard to aim the guns back then due to the limitations and how difficult it was to adjust them so hitting something 700 yards away and getting direct hits most of the time is not realistic. This is the only part that i believe needs fixing, i'm confident that the fort battles will be well ballanced already since alot of testing went into that before xmas and the later changes made the fort side much more ballanced. If this is true and the new changes to crew damage works well i'm happy to say that RTBL is finished and because its only fixes the mast, crew and fort battles it should take all day to sink a ship. Of course what ship you use, how many guns it has mounted and what there calibure is will make a big differenece which should be taken into account, for my testing i have been using the 20IBS since its got decent range, and its damage multiplier is not too big and more importantly for starting out its loading times are good enough. Mast damage which was ultered before testing today has been tested and it is still very possible to demast a ship, it will take a little longer but nothing like it use to in the old RTBL mods.

Update on COAS CM V3 Alpha, OP, i use to hate the fact that once you started using a Frigate, or ship of similar ability you would hardly find your self been chased down by pirates or enemy ships, this is no longer true since i like the ship "Nightmare" which has 44 guns and a nice cargohold its a nice ballance of MOW and merchant ship, even better after the Bermuda upgrades have been made. Anyway i just wanted to say how good it is to still be pestered by enemy/pirates even when in ships like the Nightmare.

Update on ships speeds, i was sailing around in the Sloop at first and at one point i was sailing faster than the wind was blowing, so i have reduced most ships speeds by 1.0, some ships like the Black Pearl AKA Wicked Wentch have speeds of 16 knots all ships like the Sloop, Xebec etv that had speeds of 16 to 17 knots now have 15 to 15.9 knots, this obviously has been tested and its much better now, the Enterprise once had a speed of 15.5 knots, its now 14.5 knots, the changes made to the ship speeds means that you will find Frigates, Corvette's etc will be harder to escape from.

Thats it for my updates at the moment, i'm now going to see if the Bount has now started using its new name. :onya

I have changed the name of the Bounty in every file i could and nothing has worked, it looks like that ship likes the name Bounty, as far as i know the only file that effects ship names is the common config settings file located in RESOURCE\INI\texts\russian.

There are several lines in the common.ini files which concern word Bounty :

string = Shnyava,"Shnyava"
string = ShnyavaGen,"Shnyava"
string = ShnyavaAcc,"Shnyava"
string = ShnyavaDat,"Shnyava"
string = Bounty,"Bounty"
string = BountyGen,"Bounty"
string = BountyAcc,"Bounty"
string = BountyDat,"Bounty"


string = MSG_RPG_3, "Bounty: "


string = Loyality,"Loyalty"
string = Bounty, "Bounty"
string = Career,"Career"

I think that is one of these lines
sorry for my english

I'm not sure I understand you're question. It sounds like you using the vanilla version of CM v2 but say it isn't?

Are you certain you are using vanilla and not RTBL or have the game set on hardcore? The Vanilla version of the mod does not modify ship or canon damage values at all and retain the original settings that the stock version of the game has. If you have a second, un-modded version of the game installed, you could use the original files in the cannon folder, this will reset all the guns.

Then you must d/l the original version of the JSCM mod which you can find a link to on here in the forums. Then use the shipsint file from that mod and place it in your program/ships folder. That will overwrite all the ships to their pre COAS CM mod values.

Then start a new game.
It seems that I instaled vanilla version of CM v2 but demages are like in RTBL, meaby I do someting wrong in instalation proces?

1.First time I simply unpack the COAS Combined Mod Version 2.7z to te main folder then COAS Combined Mod Version 2 Vanilla Patch.7z and then COAS Combined Mod Version 2 Vanilla Patch.7z and COAS CM Version 2 Vanilla Patch 2.7z
2. I try to modify cannons in ini folder...
3.Now I use generic mod eneabler to eisier modifaing

Now I try your method Officerpuppy thanks

PS:http://www.moddb.com/mods/city-of-abandoned-ships-combined-mods that is JSCM mod ?
Sorry Solid, i don't understand why vanilla isn't working as intended, maybe something was missed however the cannons are set to the vanilla settings, the new added cannons have there value's based around the vanilla value's. I can help you with your problems if the plan OP said doesn't work, i have already got RTBL almost fixed, its working as it should in that you will not spend several hours trying to sink a ship before realising you don't have enough ammo to sink the ship. The new value's will not effect ship hull damage, the new value's will only reduce the amount of crew killed with each broadshot of grape shots, the mast hp so that masts are not as easy to destroy but no where near as hard as in the old RTBL mods. When i ready your post earlier i started looking through files to see what could be the problem and as of yet i have not found an answer, i will continue to search though. :onya
Sorry mates, its finals week for me again. When I am don i will be able to help out. :keith

Thank God for luke getting back into it! :onya
Thanks Craiggo its good to be back. :onya

I did the fort testing last night and i thourght it was too easy, the fort wasn't damaging the ships as fast as i would like and crew wasn't killed fast enough either so that needs fixing, the fort its self was just as hard as would be expected in real life. Testing on the new value's will be done sometime tonight. ;)
I have a question about thing that I`ve noticed recendly

It`s about shipsint file that Officerpuppy write about
In COAS CM2 version of file and JSCM mod is one huge diference in line "refShip.SP" of each ship
The values on CM2 in this line are (much)higher than JSCM

Meaby this is te reason of "inmmortiality" of ships?

Question: for what this line is responsible

EDIT: Officerpuppy method dosen`t work (c++ runtime error)
I have a question about thing that I`ve noticed recendly

It`s about shipsint file that Officerpuppy write about
In COAS CM2 version of file and JSCM mod is one huge diference in line "refShip.SP" of each ship
The values on CM2 in this line are (much)higher than JSCM

Meaby this is te reason of "inmmortiality" of ships?

Question: for what this line is responsible

EDIT: Officerpuppy method dosen`t work (c++ runtime error)

That would increase the time it takes to sink ships yes but if the setings are vanilla for damage multiplier then the extra ship hp should only delay the ship been sunk by a few more broadsides not several real hours. I have noticed that this problem is also in the new mod which is in testing so as soon as i find out where the code is i will tell you so you can fix it. :onya

When you get the chance, could you check out the bug forum? There are a few bugs that need addressing from V2.

When you get the chance, could you check out the bug forum? There are a few bugs that need addressing from V2.

I will do the Edward Low Quest sometime tomorrow if i get chances, i have noticed the Enterprise is still giving that annoying beeping sound when loading in sail mode, i can't see why that is happening since every file i have checked are fine. I will keep digging, it might be 1 letter is missing from its name in a file or something daft like that.
We had the beeping for a ship that we got from CoAS and I tried to fix it but ended up making the ship 100 times worse (half of it got deleted)
I doubt it, but could it be something to do with the poly count? The Enterprise in V3 Alpha is not the same one from V2.
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