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CoAS Combined Mod Version

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Current work i have or are still doing for COAS Cm V3 is.

RTBL Fix------------------Luke159
Ship speeds---------------Luke159
Sail hp-------------------Luke159
Cannon Calibures----------Luke159
Bore size-----------------Luke159

Here is a summery of what has been changed and the effects they will have :onya .

you would with higher calibure guns which means you can build your cannon/aiming skills up
faster than you would with the 12LBS for example and you should be able to fire more often
than the Ai if they have higher calibure guns mounted that is.

3) You have a little more room in your cargohold so you can make a little more money or carry
extra ammo etc.

4) The higher the cannon/culverine calibure the higher its hp value which means the longer
the guns will last in a battle but the higher the calibure the less room you have in your
cargohold and the ships speed will be effected by the extra weight, also the longer it will
take to load the guns. So the 4LBS have many advantages to captains just starting out but
they have a big disadvantage too, but never the less the advangaes out weigh the disadvantages
my tip would be to stick with the 4LBS till you have built your cannon skill up to at least
30 and then if you can afford to buy 12 or 16LBS cannons/culverines depending on what your
ship can mount, then continue to build your cannon skill up before mounting a higher calibure.
The extra speed you will have from not mounting higher calibure guns at the start might not be
much but it could mean the difference from escaping and been boarded, use knipple shots to hit
the AI sails and reduce there speeds if you feel the Ai ships are too close switch to round shot and
continue to hit the sails, you should be able to build some speed advantage up in no time and escape
with little damage and crew loses.

Bore Size
The bore size is the size of each calibure shot, the higher the calibure the bigger the bore size will
be, the bigger the bore size the more damage will be done upon impact which is one reason why the 92LBS
do so much damage even when very few shots hit your ship, the 92LBS has a bore size of 5.0 which on default
all other calibure bore shots was set to 1.0 and have now been changed so that the higher calibures will have
bore sizes of over 2.0 up to 3.0 while smaller calibure cannons/culverines have had there bore size reduced
to less than 1.0. Example 4LBs starts at 0.2 and every clibure above rises by a further 0.2 so 6LBs is 4.0,
10LBS is 0.6 and so on up through the calibures. This means that smaller guns are less effective which is
more realistic for example, in real life most pirate ships had small calibure types mounted. 1 reason is because
they take up less room and are lighter so the ship speed isn't effected so much but also because a pirate didn't
want to sink you they wanted to loot you so sinkiong the ships wasn't what they wanted to do.
I've just started testing the new edits made and i have again 5 MOW's all mounted with 48LBS cannons, i noticed a weakness with the forts which i'm trying to fix otherwise all the work on the forts will be done for nothing. Anyway the funny thing was (stupid Ai) i was heading to the destination to do these tests out when a pirate fleet of 2 ships attacked me, now thats ok they will see what my fleet has and run very fast in the other direction or so i thourght. One ship did that while the Heavy Lugger with its 78 crew and 12, 12LBs cannons carried on sailing towards me, now since they was far enough away i could have left the battle but i thourght i would put the new value's to the test and see how long that ship would last if it continued to sail; towards us. I ordered all the ships to stop and as the pirate ship entered the range of us we started firing. At long range we was hardly hitting this Lugger and the shots that did hit wasn't that effective most of our shots was hitting the water just ahead of the Lugger's bow. Anyway the ship made close enough to be almost within boarding range that didn't happen, we fired about 12 broadsides in total and it was the ones that was at half our range that was doing the damage. My final broadside took the ships hp down far enough thay another broadside would sink it, i waited hopping my cannons would hurry up and load so i could sink this ship and continue my journey but just as my cannons reloaded the ship was sunk by one of the companions after delivering the final blow from those mighty 48LBS.

Anyway i'm now at the fort having a battle and we have knocked out 1 of the 128 cannons, i have ordered 2 ships to use bombs and the other 2 to use round shots so that they don't all get in each other's way while trying to moneouver, its going well almost 90 game minutes have passed. And in that time we have taken 1 cannon out o the fort and sunk a war galleon which tried to break our line, hmm not a cleaver thing to do but then this is the AI thinking its in god mode the other ship that was with it a Sloop took the right idea and sailing in the opposit direction and sailed away without a single shot been fired at her. I will report after testing to say if this fort battle problem is fixed or not. :onya
Hear is a pic of the new Item images. Let me know how it is going isolating the files. :cheers

Have you guys been to these site?


@ Craiggo

I was able to sort out the files you uploaded, I used about 90% of what's there. I replaced a lot of the swords and icons.

In regards to your second link, I see something about the musket that could come in handy though they seem to have had some problems with it as we have. I'll check it out and see if I can isloate their changes and implement into CM 3.
@ Craiggo

I was able to sort out the files you uploaded, I used about 90% of what's there. I replaced a lot of the swords and icons.

In regards to your second link, I see something about the musket that could come in handy though they seem to have had some problems with it as we have. I'll check it out and see if I can isloate their changes and implement into CM 3.

cool! :keith
let me know if there is anything i can do to help with the mod. There seems to be a new way that the Russians use the inventory in the game with the hardcore mod but I get a broken inventory and cant get the new functions to work.
If you want I can upload the two mods the Russians have out form there websites unless you have them? :cheers
Hear is a pic of the new Item images. Let me know how it is going isolating the files. :cheers

Have you guys been to these site?


ROTFL! You made this pic using a phone\camera xD You don't know what's FRAPS, do you?
Hear is a pic of the new Item images. Let me know how it is going isolating the files. :cheers

Have you guys been to these site?


ROTFL! You made this pic using a phone\camera xD You don't know what's FRAPS, do you?

No, i don't have fraps, where can i get it? My screenshot function doesn't work, it was discussed in an earlier post in this thread. its a windows 7 problem. :shrug
Off the top of my head, for V3, I've made a few changes to the hero describe file, added new model swords and new icons to go with them, plus a few new icons for regular items. Tweaked the pistol and musket sound effect. Updated ship models and textures from a Russian mod, some ships even have damage to the actual models, very cool stuff.

I'm currently digging around the texture files, so far I've enabled one-three new female citizen models, and I just found what looks like a hidden hero texture.

There are a few more that I found, women mostly but they don't have models. They were most likely AOP characters that didn't get put into the game. Not in that picture is another "horse" character ;)

The soldier also has three other textures of different curiasses which leads me to believe he was ment to be a hero character. The texture needs a little work but I'll have it working in no time.
Cool stuff going on here for CoAS. :onya

But how about fixing cannon accuracy? :? I want game to be easy and fun not a chore.

Something I was playing around with. The texture was in the character mods that the JSC had, I just edited it. The flag was something I did for fun using the POTC East India Co. flag. It's the West India Co. It only makes sense....East India...everything east of India, and West India, everything to the west. The French and Dutch both had east and west companies, why not the English? :rolleyes:

I might include the soldier in V3, but since no one here really knows how to make a working quest in order to use it in, it would be just eye candy in the GM Viewer.
Making a quest in CoAS can't be much different from PotC.
And for PotC, we've got people writing whole storylines.
While tinkering with the musket problem I found something else by accident............

I got the cat working! :onya

void DailyRatsEatGoodsUpdate(ref chref)
int iGoods = GOOD_POWDER + rand(GOOD_OIL - GOOD_POWDER);
int iQuantity = GetCargoGoods(chref, iGoods);
int iSeaGoods = LanguageOpenFile("ShipEatGood.txt");
if (iQuantity > 10 && rand(5) != 2) // øàíñ íå æðàòü, åñëè âåñü ñïåêòð
if (GetCharacterItem(chref, "indian11") > 0) return; // ïðîâåðêà êðûñèíîãî áîãà
if (GetCharacterItem(chref, "cat1") > 0) return;

I'd like to make it so rats only eat food, but I'm not sure what to change. int iGoods seems like the line I need, but it only says powder and oil which is confusing because in COAS rats eat virtually everything in the hold, even weapons. Then I thought perhaps it has something to do with the shipeatgood.txt, but that file also controls what I think is the loot you pick up when a ship sinks so if were to comment out everything but the food, then perhaps when a ship sinks, all the loot you find is food :shrug
Looks like the rats can eat any good that is defined between powder and oil.
You might want to reorder the initialization of the goods.
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