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Crashing-windows7-Entering port


Hey , i used to play this game a hell a long time ago without this mod , recently really been on a hunt on playing a decent pirate themed game like this nothing beats blowing the crap out of another ship with a big bunch of cannons :p but on topic

Everytime i try to go to port in jamaica or any other island since i left the starting island of barbados my client crash's

so the detailed part , i have windows 7 32bit , my game is not installed on my windows drive or program files , i have build 14 + patch 5 (yes iv ran the bat file)

the error code i get is

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: ENGINE.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 52454542
Fault Module Name: ISLAND.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 3f03e829
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Offset: 000023b5
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 798b
Additional Information 2: 798b721ec63ac417413789cee3581260
Additional Information 3: 4a43
Additional Information 4: 4a43df2b03a917a494f608ee4c516a21

Iv attached both log files also in this post as i know that will be a help and speed the process up , im not a computer noob i just dont really have much knowledge the way this game or mod works code wise etc :) thanks

another weird thing which may just be unfinished yet but alot of other ships that iv managed to steal while going around all seem to have the starter ship deck when ur standing on it is that normal :S


  • system.log
    4.7 KB · Views: 86
  • compile.log
    11.8 KB · Views: 97

Seeing that "ourgroup" stuff in the log and getting ctd's when going to islands is a sign of a sick game that I have seen recently. Are you seeing those ship decks during boarding or when sailing the ship? One guy about 8 months ago got that deck on his ship, and it turned out he had a sick computer. I hope someone else can give you better news.
well i sort of fixed the problem of docking at places , i moored first then went to port rather then just trying to jump to port :)

im seeing those ship decks when i go to ship deck ,

my computers definately not sick :D i put the thing together myself and put windows 7 in less then a week ago :D
:facepalm I misunderstood you. I thought it was crashing at the "land ho!" message.

It sounds like you are seeing the generic ships deck where you can go to the captains cabin, the crews quarters, and the hold.

That other guy had the generic ship deck all the time.
Yeah i only see generic ship deck at the ship deck option however sailing the seven sea's i see the proper ship :) at the moment im using a light frigate but iv tried 4-5 other ships which all have the generic shipdeck , and one other thing is when im going to repaint ship it often says description of lightfrigate ct2 or something like that :) im not entirely sure whats normal for this mod as its not entirely finished etc :D

Edit -

i just got a heavy frigate which actually shows the shipdeck :) so im guessing some ships just aren't finished yet
There are 240 ships in PotC and they are finished, except for the ones we are updating. :wp That said, all ships in a certain class share many things. All but 2 of the corvettes and light frigates have the same deck with only detail differences. The frigates share a common deck, as well as the pinnaces and fluyts. If you have only been sailing the light frigates, then they would look similar as the main differences are in the colors, trim, and sails. If you repaint them in the shipyard you will see.....I bet you didn't get the Christmas Ship Pack. :facepalm So many don't. With that pack you can see each ship in the shipyard so you know what you are getting.

Please go here and read post #1. It is well worth it. http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/17187-ship-pack-updates/
Added the christmas pack , i had seen it but just never really thought about adding it , thought more things installed may cause more complications or crash's however constant crash's are just as regular as ever :p but now it seems totally random sometimes i get 10 minutes of gameplay sometimes i get nearly a hour and crashing at different times and places , anyone know any tips which could help reduce these crash's or just one of those things u gotta live through to enjoy this lovely game :)
I hate those ctd's. :j3

A year ago I was getting up to a dozen ctd's a day. Nothing anyone suggested helped. Long story short, the hot rod video card I installed drew a little bit more power than my psu could supply. The "experts" said I was ok, but they were wrong. A new psu and now I rarely get a ctd. :j2

Unless I get a bad install...... :j3 I have gotten bad downloads from the MODDB, so suggest you dl from this site. This is probably your problem. I reinstall every few months myself. :nerbz
well i can assure u its not my graphics card :D or psu like i said in a earlier post i just made this computer and installed windows about a week ago and iv been hammering alot of high end games :D so i guess its the download from moddb (iv been getting ctd's every 10-15 mins now and its driving me crazy (im one of the sad people who does storyline and im working through the official storyline at the moment annoying to keep getting thrown back or AFTER you just happened to capture a big ship and then bam ctd and a little tear from my eye as i lose the ship :(

which download link do you suggest?
One thing you need to consider is this game wasn't even a high end game when it was released 8 years ago, so todays high end hardware really means nothing when it comes to older games like this. Some new state of the art hardware won't even play some older games. Does the game run fine without any mods installed? One thing you may try is installing DirectX 9, it is far more backwards compatible than DirectX 11, and will install alongside 11 just fine.
One thing you need to consider is this game wasn't even a high end game when it was released 8 years ago, so todays high end hardware really means nothing when it comes to older games like this. Some new state of the art hardware won't even play some older games. Does the game run fine without any mods installed? One thing you may try is installing DirectX 9, it is far more backwards compatible than DirectX 11, and will install alongside 11 just fine.

I have direct x 9 and 11 installed :) yeah the game runs pretty nicely without mods installed ( i am downloading the download from this site rather then moddb now) however do you know which is more stable patch 4 or 5 iv seen mixed opinions about both.

just realised my a error log has appeared also in my game directory :)

iv attached it does it shine light on anything?


  • error.log
    3.5 KB · Views: 89
While the stock game is pretty easy on the hardware, the mods put considerable stress on the system. Rendering water takes a lot of power plus the draw distances are huge. Plus DX8 isn't nearly as efficient as DX9. Old games can push a system harder than new ones. They do mine. I have one DX7 game that uses 6-8ghz of cpu to run. I have 10ghz total.

You found the link. :cheers

Patch 4 or patch 5? I liked patch 4 and had trouble with patch 5 at first. Then it started working ok. I'm a lab rat and have to run the newest stuff and get more ctd's than most. I killed 2 installs in the last week. :boom So maybe someone else should answer that question.

The error log? I got some of that stuff in the last install that died.
Looking at the the change list for Patch 5, there is no reason whatsoever why Patch 5 should be any less stable than Patch 4.
The only possible reason for any such thing is that the draw distances for ropes was increased, but modern computers should be able to cope with that just fine.
Well i did a fresh install and things seem to be going fine i went for patch 5 and seems ok :S since i redownloaded it from this site havent put much time into it at the moment just went from a lugger to a sloop then to a english war galleon then to a heavy frigate (a ship iv always liked :D) so iv done abit of game time with minimum ctd's

my computer is more then enough to handle this game even with all the mods in the world :p running on a 5870 with 6 gig ram :S and a quadcore bit overkill i know but i only built it over a week ago :D plan to make it last a while

i see that the armada's ship thingy is almost done just needs a bit of fine tuning which means patch 6 soon also :D (im a horrible forum whore)
What you have is not overkill. I have a similar rig with a quad core, 8 gigs ram, and a GTX275, and still get knocked down to single digit fps most every day. With your ATI video card you should get a better looking ocean than I do with my nvidia.

I didn't know you could run DX9 and DX11 together, so dl'ed it. My graphics rating went from 7.2 to 7.3. :drunk

Yup. Patch 6 is coming soon. :bow
you get knocked down to single digit fps? on what this game?? if so im pretty shocked :)

:D im dieing for the new ship pack + patch six and iv only been playing this mod for a few days :p altho i did play the original potc quite abit :) and pretty much every other pirate game that is half alrite :D including original pirates ;)
I run Fraps all the time for screenies and yes, at 30x speed single digits happen. Also battles with 20-30 big ships all blasting away can do it. :piratesahoy!

I don't know how the ATI control panel is set up, but mine has 2 parts. Global settings and program settings for individual programs. PotC works as Cossacks II there for some reason and I have the settings mostly maxed, so my fps is probably lower than most. But I get good screenies! :))