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Cannot Confirm fort firing bug

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
Twice now when getting close to land the game will slow down dramatically and even freeze momentarily. Both times a fort was fighting a ship and when the battles ended performance returned to normal. Here is a save from the last battle towards the end. Free play.


  • -=Mikey1=- Open Sea April 24th, 1690.7z
    480.1 KB · Views: 80
Some slow downs still occur while firing cannons.
I don't know since when that happens, but that's been a long time as well.
I figure is a "number of cannons" thing. More cannons firing makes for more calculations to be done.
No. The freezing ONLY occurs when shots from a fort strike a ship. Ship to ship shots are fine as I have traded shot and delivered and taken hits with no issues. And that is in this new game. I never saw this before.
That's odd; I've definitely had the framerate dropping from ship-to-ship fire before as well.
Could it be that for ships you hardly notice but for forts you do because they've got more cannons?
But then it should also apply for some of those crazy big ships we've got in the game....

Do you have any .log files to go with this? Maybe those hold a clue?
Could it be that forts are calling the wrong getSkill functions or something like that?
No current logs and I didn't notice anything odd in them anyway.

Marigot fort isn't very big and I have traded shots with a 52 gun Heavy East Indiaman. That didn't work out so well for my 8 gun Hoy.

Misses from the fort didn't seem to cause any change in frame rate but hits from the fort caused the game to stop. Freeze. Pause. This is new to me as I have not had any drops in performance from shots in a very long time. Even cannon smoke does nothing.
@Hylie Pistof: Please extract attached file to your PROGRAM folder and see if that makes any difference.
This one disables all officer/item-dependencies in the skill rewrite I did last week, leaving only the very bare minimum.
If this doesn't solve the problem, then we have ruled out any of those pieces of code to be the culprit.


  • Leveling.zip
    12.9 KB · Views: 72
Ok done, but it might be a while as the only place I have seen any fighting is at Marigot and I am off on a treasure quest at Cayman.
@Hylie Pistof: Have you been able to determine if the file posted above makes any difference one way or another?
I'd like to know if the "performance increase" changes to the skill system are somehow responsible or if we need to search somewhere else for the real cause.