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Solved Game Fuzzy/Blurry?


Is the game supposed to have a slight "blur" to everything, or am I experiencing something unique? Attached is a screenshot of what I'm talking about: http://s11.postimage.org/aikvrhg3l/blur.png (uploaded in .png so there's no visual artifacting to speak of)

So is this normal? I am forcing a widescreen resolution in the .ini, 1920x1080, could that be what's doing it? The blur to me looks awfully familiar to the blur encountered when running a game at a resolution that doesn't match the monitor's, and if so, is there a fix for this?
Here's another screenshot more similar to yours for comparison http://s8.postimage.org/b6g4rdjhf/blur2.png

Yeah, mine's definitely more blurry for some reason. It's most noticeable if you look at edges of objects, crew, and especially distant terrain textures. Yikes. Switch back and forth between your image and mine and you'll see mine's got some blur going on, for some reason.

Ideas I've tried:
1) Changing resolution. Nope.
2) Switching windowed/fullscreen. Nope.
Try setting up a video card profile just for this game. If you have an Nvidia card use "Cossacks II". It works for me. Then crank up the AA & AF to the max, and also the texture quality. In fact, just max out all settings and then back off bit by bit until the FPS is playable.
Ah, figured it out, right under my nose. Turns out the "post-processing" option in the config menu is just "blur" FXAA, should've seen that coming; compare the two screenshots, http://s8.postimage.org/b6g4rdjhf/blur2.png http://s9.postimage.org/glrxlczkd/noblur.png

In 200 years we're going to look back on FXAA in the same vein as slavery and the witch trials, "Whoa, people did that? What were they thinking? Unreal."

Anyway, thanks for the replies. Can't believe that didn't occur to me sooner.
Big difference there. :8q After many bad experiences I have learned to stay far far away from the config file.