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graphic errors during sailing


I tried to search the forum, cause i know i brought this subject up before. During sailing and especially during battle it seems when you damage an enemies sails, you get graphical anomolies that look like looking through a kalidescope, which obstructs your veiw and annoying. Sometimes if i raise and lower my sails it goes away. I think you guys said it was something to do with the flags. Anyway, i thought this would have been resolved by now. BTW, i'm using B14 beta 2.2. Thanks
Unfortunately, we haven't been able to fully address this problem yet. We're still not 100% certain that the flags are to blame, despite some tests suggesting that they are.
Without knowing the exact cause, it's very hard to find a solution, especially with our lack of programmers.
We have been working hard at fixing any flag-related errors that we encountered in an attempt to reduce on these issues, but have still been unable to resole it properly.
that would be great, thanks. Quick question, you press (F9) to make icons disappear but when u look through the binoculars and exit the icons come back on-screen. Is there a way to edit a file so that only you can manually push a key to bring back the icons?
No idea how to recode it so the icons remain hidden, so just use a workaround: Press F9 again. Twice if necessary.