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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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hard sailing


I used to play this game all the time when I was younger. Played the crap out of sea dogs 1. Basically my whole objective of my potcbuild14 experience is realism. I love starting out at the bottom rising to the top.. slowly. Thus I use the adventure profession (rebel starts with cheap cuirass.. too enabling that early in the game), evil stormy start, cozumel (because i like starting somewhere neutral and cargo only gets 2 extra food), swashbuckler, iron mode direct sail and thats without ever using R (anyone else do this?..). I even use a character model from the poor class haha. In a way I wish I could start out even worse off, like with no ship or any items at all (map, cheap spyglass, or cobblestones). Basically just a beach bum on some port town somewhere. Or maybe a plot that starts out with a castaway with no memory.. But ill live with my leaky bucket. ..Ive been wanted to suggest something. the game is very random and open world. Why not have a hardcore mode or a save and quit mode where you can only save when you exit the game. I have no self-discipline and will utilize the quick save option to its fullest potential trying to control a random universe. I wouldn't mind something to limit my use of that. Wouldn't mind being scared of pirates out in open water or walking into a tavern not knowing what to expect. Quick saving detracts a little from realism but satisfies my OCD need to have everything work out in my favor. ... just giving my input.
Also I have everything up to date but on the brave black flag plot the naval light brig does not show any little crew in 3rd person sailing mode? ok thanks guys.
I forgot to add. Ive looked up something about what actually salaries were like for sailors in the age of sail. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_code . They were paid almost nothing, even less than land laborers. What they expected was money from prizes and plunder. No prey no pay. Pirate crews signed articles which sometimes included wages. Carpenters, shipwrights were paid 150. Others 200. The surgeon would be paid 200 to 250 pieces of eight. So basically ive switched my salary multiplier back to the potc stock of 1. Which is like 40 pieces of eight per sailor monthly. I know people use the multiplier for more of a challenge but i dont know if its realistically set now. I could be wrong.

You want to make the start even harder? :8q

Sell your ship and everything and then go get robbed.

I don't know about that other stuff.
Sounds to me like you're already doing pretty much everything you can to make the start hard on yourself.

I forgot to add. Ive looked up something about what actually salaries were like for sailors in the age of sail. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pirate_code . They were paid almost nothing, even less than land laborers. What they expected was money from prizes and plunder. No prey no pay. Pirate crews signed articles which sometimes included wages. Carpenters, shipwrights were paid 150. Others 200. The surgeon would be paid 200 to 250 pieces of eight. So basically ive switched my salary multiplier back to the potc stock of 1. Which is like 40 pieces of eight per sailor monthly. I know people use the multiplier for more of a challenge but i dont know if its realistically set now. I could be wrong.
A "Divide the Plunder" mode is already available in the game.
But if salary is TOO low, there is no point in USING it! :razz