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    Maelstrom New Horizons

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Hello Everyone !

Drake Nawell

Hello ! I'm new on the forum and I just thought I'd write this to make a little presentation of myself.

So I'm 19 yrs old, I live in France and the reason why I joined this forum is mainly because I'm following the advancement of the PotC mod since a while. ( PotC being one of my favourite games ^.^ ).
The second reason ( and the last ) is because since 5 or 6 years now I'm learning all sorts of programming language such as C/C++, C#, Python, PHP, Java, Javascript ( C#,Java and PHP are those I know the most ) to one day be able to make a mod of the PotC game on my own. Not something big or extraordinary, not even something I'll release for others. Just something for me, to 'train' me. I already developped some mini-games but never released one until a few weeks ago. I'm actually working on a web game made with Unity. It's still in a eraly development stage but it's quite playable as it is now.

So, by joining this forum, the main questions I'd like to ask is :

Is it possible to develop something with the source code I have in the game folder or do I need the Storm Engine ?

If I can develop without the storm engine, from wich part could I start ? I'm kinda lost searching for somme specifics things like adding a simple quest, translate the dialogs etc..
If I can't, where can I find this engine ?

It is possible to create a whole new story with a whole new lands, quest, boats, NPCs... ? ( I'm not planning to do so, it's just for an information purpose ^.^ )

And this is it for me :)
Hope to see you guys soon and keep doing this 'cause it's amazing !

Thanks for all :)
Ahoy Drake, welcome aboard mate! :dance

We are always happy to welcome new members, especially those interested in learning! The best way to learn is to have a look around the forums, find something that your interested in and jump right in! Since your interested in POTC, the best place to start would probably be the Build Mod Forum, or the Gameplay and Tips. You will also probably find some usefull information in the Storm Engine Coding Forum, but a lot of that is for CoAS and storm 2.8.

Just to quickly answer your questions, you can begin development very easily with just what you have in the vanilla game folder, but I would highly recommend installing the Build Mod, as it fixes many issues with the stock game. It is possible to add all the things that you asked about, some of them just require a LOT of work to accomplish! I would also recommend you have a look through the Tutorials and History PDF, it explains a whole lot about the basics of modding POTC by tutorials written by the original modders. You can download that HERE!

We do have access to the Storm 2.8 engine, but that is something that you need to be a trusted member of our modding team to have access to. We chose to start work on a brand new game from scratch, rather than be stuck with the limitations of a decade plus old engine. You can find out more about that project if you are interested HERE!
Ahoy mate! Welcome to the forum.
Glad to see another fan of ye olde PotC game in these waters. :cheers

The source code of the PotC Storm Engine is unavailable. Apparently nobody on the planet has that anymore.
We tried to find out and that is what we heard.

You can do a LOT with the PotC code simply through modifying the PROGRAM folder.
You could theoretically replace EVERYTHING and create a game set in Asia instead. Engine-powered ships are not even impossible either.
The amount of work required would be quite insane though. Not recommended!

What IS recommended is to do as @Thagarr says and to base your modding work on the Build Mod we already have.
Start simple and if you have something worthwhile, share it! We could include it in a future update. :woot

You're working with Unity? Did you know we are making a game from scratch based on the Unity Engine?
See here for more details: http://heartsofoakgame.com/

We can always use more help on PotC Modding and development of Hearts of Oak, especially from people already familiar with coding!
So you'd be very welcome to join us on either of those. :doff
Thanks for all, about your project. I won't be able able to help you in any ways. School starts in a few weeks and I won't see the light of the day for 3 weeks ^.^' also, I'm very busy with my own project :x
I never tried to look at the source code from PotC but now I have enough skills ( I hope ) I want to start modding this game by adding some small features at first and why not work on something bigger one day hehe
Well, have a look at PotC's PROGRAM folder and see if you can make any sense of it.
If you tell us what you would like to accomplish, we can point you in the right direction. :yes
Have a look at copying the Rys Bloom "sidequest" from the Standard storyline.
That one is pretty simple.
Ohw that's why, I was searching in the source code of the standard game ( with no mods ) ^.^ I'll check this after installation.
Rys Bloom is in the standard, unmodified game. ;) But Port Royale isn't. In the stock game, it's Redmond.