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I'm too famous!


Hey guys. I am back from the dead. Anyways, I have a problem in Build 13. I am too famous! I am always recognized when I run a false flag. And I want to know how to lower my fame level so I can be a sneaky rascal again. Thanks.
Hey mate! :gday

First of all, install build 14 patch 3.
Now, try to attack a civilian or take an escort mission, and sank the bloody ship. Do evil things mostly :shoot: :piratesahoy!
Well, if you just come waltzing in like you own the place in broad daylight it is hard to be sneaky. I always try to time my entrance to a port for the wee hours of the morning before the sun comes up. Things just seem to work better then.
okay one more thing... is the Fire Ship ability supposed to work? I order a ship of mine to explode on an enemy ship and it just sails off in some random direction. It would be really cool if it worked, but it looks like it is buggy.
L0M3N, you mean being recognized at sea, right? Your fame is influenced by all sorts of things,
such as your skills, whether you've got a wife or mistress or not, etc.
A lot of these you cannot influence, but one thing you can: Your personal wealth.
If you donate your wealth to the crew, your fame should decrease and you shouldn't get recognized so often anymore.
If you've got a LoM, you can also try to get rid of that to get rid of your land.

A Drop O' Rum, you are talking about your reputation, which is something else... :?

miklkit, in PotC you generally CAN just walk into an enemy town in the middle of the day quite safely.
If we can, I'd like to have something done about that one day, but for now it doesn't matter that much. :facepalm

tryade, I really don't know what you mean here. There's no such thing in PotC. Maybe in CoAS?

I don't remember if "fire ship" ever worked. :facepalm
i don't know wich game of the three or four it was, but in one there was a change guard time where sneaking was 50% more effective.
I don't remember if "fire ship" ever worked. :facepalm
I don't think it ever did; I remember trying it once, only to see my allied ship sail off in some random direction. So much for going up in flames next to an enemy ship! :no
What happends if I have a wife in a city, then for some unknown reason(treason, arson, pillaging, killing, "comandeering", stealing, opposing to a government official, kidnaping, extorting and etc) what happens to her?

How about the abily(need to buy it with skill points) to order an allied ship to try to conquer a fort, town or etc, and by the number of crew and crew experience it determines wether it's succesful or not, does that work? Because I tried it and again, the ship just goes in a different random direction.
hey I have another quick question. in the jack sparrow storyline, at the end after you escape norrington and reclaim captainship of the pearl, it puts you back in game next to the Dauntless. Are you not supposed to board it? Because I have twice now and had it surrender, but I cant talk to the captain. Am i supposed to just run away from it?
hey I have another quick question. in the jack sparrow storyline, at the end after you escape norrington and reclaim captainship of the pearl, it puts you back in game next to the Dauntless. Are you not supposed to board it? Because I have twice now and had it surrender, but I cant talk to the captain. Am i supposed to just run away from it?

Sail away just like at the end of the Film :keith

You can then do the Lucas & Justine Le Moigne quest and any of the Pirate Lord Quests that you have not done. :ixi
thanks for all the help guys.
I have yet another question.
I finished the jack sparrow storyline
and i liked the way the wicked wench looked,
so I painted the Black Pearl to look like WW again.
The problem is that it also changes the ship stats.
The speed went from 16 to 12.
Is there any way to look like WW and still be fast?

also.... how can I get the Dauntless as a ship now?
I visited Van der Drecken but I couldn't tell what any of the ships actually were.
All it gave was their ship type which didn't help me any.
Is there any way to look like WW and still be fast?
Not without changing the actual stats of the Wicked wench in ships_init.c. :no

also.... how can I get the Dauntless as a ship now?
I visited Van der Drecken but I couldn't tell what any of the ships actually were.
All it gave was their ship type which didn't help me any.
The Dauntless is one of the 90-Gun 2nd Rate ships. The other one is the Endeavour. I'd just save a game before buying one and try one of those two until you find the Dauntless. :keith
Hey guys. I am back from the dead. Anyways, I have a problem in Build 13. I am too famous! I am always recognized when I run a false flag. And I want to know how to lower my fame level so I can be a sneaky rascal again. Thanks.

I not sure if this what you want but in 14.3 in Programs/ open Internalsettings.h find"

// KK Mods -->
#define NATIONS_ENEMY_TO_FLAG_ALWAYS_HOSTILE 1 // BOOL - set to 1 to switch off detection of Nathaniel's LoM.
#define CHANCE_DETECT_FALSE_FLAG_BASE 0.1 // FLOAT - minimal probability of detecting false flag.
#define CHANCE_DETECT_FALSE_FLAG_MAX 0.49 // FLOAT - probability of detecting false flag when Nathaniel rank=MAX_RANK.

Change the parameters, hope this helps.
The Cursed Galleon is the movie version, while the Ghost Galleon is a different version of the Flying Dutchman.