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Iron man arcade mode?!?


Storm Modder
Ahoy maties!
Upon reading ye fine documents, I eye'd a keen piece of litterature that confused me more than women on a ship. :mm
I read that Iron man mode using the Arcade mode is possible but then what features would be available? :?
Would ship speeds be fast but unable to world sail?
Would be loving some responses and so would me parrot :nk

Lots o rum :cheers

PS: As usual fine work lads :bow
You'd have the general gameplay of Arcade Game Mode, with the differences mentioned for Iron Man Mode:
- Spyglasses:
. All spyglass additional information disabled; they only enlarge the view so you have to do the observations yourself
. Pay special attention to ship type, colour scheme and -when closer- the flags to discover the encounter's nationality and therefore whether they are hostile or not
. Exception: ship's name is shown for ships very close to you for quest purposes

- Worldmap Sailing/DirectSail:
. DirectSail enforced; Worldmap not accessible

- Sail To:
. Completely disabled

- Compass/Minimap
. Minimap completely disabled, leaving only the compass
I'm not saying this combination would make much sense, but the way I coded it, it IS possible. :wp
Cheers Pieter.

Wait... when you say you need to pay attention to the flags to see if they are hostile. Do you mean you can't see the red "aura" around their ship picture....

Ah is that menu completely disabled?
Sail To: Completely disabled
So indeed you will need to gather their hostility from your spyglass. Hard, but realistic. :shrug
Not sure if there was another thread on the Iron Man Mode Pieter, maybe i'm thinking of your post on ModDB for it? Anyway after spending alot of time chasing storms and getting through them in resolving the spin left bug, it occured to me that AFTER a storm event you have to go to the map navigation mode don't you? Now that could be a big issue, but i'm not sure if forced to stay in Direct Sail mode you would ever get a storm event in the first place(maybe they only happen on the map navigation mode?). So either an issue or not, or if we get storms to happen in Direct Sail mode it could become one for Iron Man Mode?
Storms do happen in directsail mode. The seas get rough for a while before hand, so it is not entirely unexpected. After the storm the seas stay rough and it is possible to get caught in another storm soon after. After the third storm one usually has no sails left and the world map is the only way out.
Technically, it is not required to go to the worldmap after a storm, especially not a DirectSail encountered storm.
But apparently Hylie Pistoff has more gameplay experience with these and the DirectSail storms can return after you survived them.
That suggests Armada's decreases storm damage for sails is a pretty good idea.
i can confirm this, although i'm usually had the fortune of being reasonably close to land, so it's never been much of a problem. the redoing of the storms is a mod that i completely support though.
That suggests Armada's decreases storm damage for sails is a pretty good idea.

that sounds like a good idea indeed :)

I think i have had one of those storm events in Direct Sail, now i think about it. It happened quite early after i had come back to PA, so withing my first week of playtesting or so. And yes it was cool, i'd like to see them more frequently probably, but reducing sail damage for a single storm event is better than the current damage taken. I think as the original storms were kind of one off events on the world navigation map, they had made the damage they did quite high.
Very true; the storm damage is based on a 60-second storm, not the ones we've got now that can last several times 60 seconds.
Ah yes, i do remember limping into port with only like 15% of my sails back after the 'extended' strom - i suppose in a way that is 'reasonable', big storms could destroy your sails, but maybe it can be toned down a little or randomised a bit better?(hmm if so where i wonder?)

And it is a tricky choice with the probably spining left bug fix, as you idealy need to keep your battle sails up, or atleast up while you steer the best course for your ship, with all sails down you lose a lot of your ability to steer! Then you are at the mercy of the tilt angle, and losing cargo overboard. Choices, choices - choice is good :)
Have you tried this fix that Armada posted a while back? I still have ships limping in with no sails. http://forum.piratesahoy.net/index.php/topic/17614-storms-and-spinning-ships/page__view__findpost__p__395397
I'll include Armada's changed damage values as soon as I get a file that has them included. :cheeky
Your wish is my command. :bow

I have tried Black Bart's settings and still got more damage than I like. Armada's settings are pretty mild and well suited to long and/or multiple storms.

Did you know that the stock settings are the same as the tornado settings?