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Mod Release Levis' Stuff [October 7th (v2)]


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Because keeping all kinds of different zipfiles up to date I will just collect all the stuff I make here each time.
After each update of the Installer or something like that I will update this again so it only contains new stuff.
Here is a list of what is now included in the zip:
- Interface improvements to show buffs and debuffs.
- Fix for opiumsickness (once again)
- Changed percentages for opium effects a bit to make it a bit more potent
- Fixed officer bonus amount determination
- Fixed perk catagories so perks are chosen better
- Added seccond best in perk alogaritm to have a better perk selection also
- Added debug dialog to the tavern owner to generate other types of characters (can be triggerd in Leveling.c)
- Fixes GenerateQuestShip so it works with the new captain generation function
- Fixed bug in coastguard soldier generation which might caused it to not be able to talk to you
- Fixed exploid in smuggling where going to the beach->back to ship->back to beach then saving and reloading would cause the coastguard check to not trigger so no coastguard could be generated
- Fixes bug in Cannon assignment when using GiveShip2Character
- Reverted perks for doctor and first mate back to how they used to (my personal preference as well)
- Added special perks for doctor and gunner to show what they do
- Added line in perk description if the perk is contributed by someone
- Fixed some of the perk code which was behaving odd
- Removed ShipDefense perks and replaced them with Damage Control and First Aid perks
- Fixed bug where a dialog error could occur if character was collector and opium buyer
- Added smuggler liking to patric and idol quest
- Fixed smuggler ship min and max rank
- Fixed logic for questships
- sending an officer to scout for the coastguard should now disable the player untill the officer left the location to make sure everything is set right
- improved perk interface to better show difference between contributing and not contributing
- Added perks for Rigging
- Improved performance on land and sea

See this post for the interface changed:
Mod Release - Levis' Stuff [Sept 25] | Page 16 | PiratesAhoy!

Check here for example sceenshots for the perk interface changes:
WIP - Officer perk contributions | Page 4 | PiratesAhoy!
WIP - Officer perk contributions | Page 5 | PiratesAhoy!

Sugestions are welcome but I wont always listen to them ;).



  • Levis-Fixes_7-10b.zip
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Very nice! :woot

However, one comment on the following:
3 New perks to play around with, 2 perks are for the surgeon which will affect the whole party. 1 is a quartermaster perk.
I haven't yet seen the code in your ZIP that actually makes these abilities have any effect.
Am I missing something? :confused:
it is there.
1 is in the dialycrew update and the others are in the Lai_character
1 is in the dialycrew update and the others are in the Lai_character
The DailyCrewUpdate.c included in the ZIP is identical to my original copy dated 22 June.
Searching for "Cooking" in its code gives no results. So I'm not seeing it. :oops:
Ugh, thats what you get for having 4 seperate POTC installs and having to look into others to check stuff :p you start editing the wrong files.
You should have the right ones now in the zip files. Updated the first post.

Go ahead and use this @Pieter Boelen . I guess you want to make a new installer?
Go ahead and use this @Pieter Boelen . I guess you want to make a new installer?
Not today anymore; I want to wait for Jack Rackham's ship update so that part can be considered completed.
Also that part requires a file to be added that won't fit into a ZIP, so is the reason why I have to redo the big one.

Thanks anyway! :cheers
Btw @Pieter Boelen I fixed some of the dialogs to have better ordening. Files are in the zip. Also added an attribute which says it's the first dialog screen for a character so the added dialog could react on that (gonna need that cause I want to add dialog options to random characters).
- Are there any sidequests etc which involve smugglers or are there other actions which should affect the smugglers disposition
- Let me know if the perks are balanced or should be cheaper/expensive or if they are to strong

I certainly believe smuggler prices are quite high :D It's a good thing, but spoils the fun of working hard to earn yer cash!
Good to know.
please do tell on which difficulty you play cause that affects it.
Also which perks do you have?
I could lower the prices a bit and make them more dependent on the amount you smuggled in total, so at the start you barely make a profit but the more you smuggle the better.
I currently play Adventurer.. I stopped doing swashbuckler since it's impossible for under level 30-35.

But with regards to pricing perhaps it would be fair to make prices 10-15% higher than the total average of market price..
But as I see on market price.. smugglers pay double or more as I recall
I will look into it a bit more.
Point is tough the prices shouldn't be lower then what the shop pays for it once you have trustworthy. But I will look into it somemore.

How do people like the 3 new perks?
Effective potions
Something with poison
No, download the zip in the first post and extract it to your potc folder
@Pieter Boelen let me know if you want to make a new installer. I got some more fixed files but I want to finish something before I upload it all. But if you are gonna make an installer I want it included for testing.
@Pieter Boelen let me know if you want to make a new installer. I got some more fixed files but I want to finish something before I upload it all. But if you are gonna make an installer I want it included for testing.
I can't make another one until next week, because I don't have my external HD here to do a full WinMerge.
So I'm aiming for Tuesday/Wednesday evening.
In this time I'm happy to do more testing so you could add more fixed content on next update.
For now, I was doing the hiring captured officers.
First one was a quartermaster, when I asked him what can he do as an officer in the ship deck, his skills all showed nothing related to quartermastership.
Once I hired him, I checked his perks in Character screen and they were fine.. so it seems to me at first glance it was glitchy then after he was hired the perks showed right.

Same happened now with a Surgeon, on his deck while I boarded he had nothing related with surgeon perks.. but before I checked the Character screen I crashed.

I also ran into a similar issue.. while I was boarding and I spoke with the enemy captain, I hired him.. then right on the same moment on the deck, I fired him.. my reputation went -1 (which I think is normal), and he still remained on my passenger list despite me firing him.

After capturing the ship he was still on my officer list. Anyone mention this issue before?
New version uploaded.
Mostly pre-work for something which will be there soon.
But also something new. You can now buy Opium in the Opium den in kingston. The opium doesn't have a effect yet and you can't sell it yet. But still I ask you to try to buy it sometimes. keep an eye on the dialog cause they might hint to something ;).

Btw if someone wants to rewrite the dialog to make it sound better be my guest.
@Pieter Boelen this is just a start ;) this might give you an idea where I'm heading :p. else take a look at the function "GetSmugglingGuildMembers" in smuggling.c :p.

Another F11 is required after installing this btw