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Pirates of the Burning Sea (POTBS)


Does anyone still play that game anymore?
I checked recently the website of their devs: www.portalusgames.com

Apparently, regular server crashing means the game is still live, but does anyone know if it is energetic atmosphere in there or is it dead?
Download is too much for me to just pop in & check so I thought if anyone is currently active on it to inform me :p
I have installed it last week again, mainly to look what has become to my character (With a Centurion, Treason and Abbadon's Will) and previous guild, which I abandoned a few years prior to move over to AoP2: CoaS.

PvP and port battles still going strong, but the auction house is pretty much dead, as almost nobody produces ships of the line anymore. I'm desperately seeking for the new Trydent 4th rate, but there's no offer and the only one I've found was the Valiant for almost 2 million. Which wouldn't be so bad, as I could just buy it for burning sea-points, but unfortunately, buying those for ingame cash is currently disabled.
Not to forget that the AH-prices have inflated greatly.

And I'm currently stuck again, as all my ships are in harbours in PvP-zones, which will take some days until I can sail out again.

But oh well, I'm not really missing the game anymore. It looks pretty, but behind that nice face is just an obnoxious grindfest with shitty combat and a broken player economy.
Yea I mostly liked the economy and thats why I quit.
It was so bad to the point that I had a word document with 60 user names and passwords for alts to produce my entire economy lol
Since our awesome ladies and gentlemen managed to add some of those marvelous ships from this game, I'm asking now...

What ship exactly is this?

It's simply called "East Indiaman", but when I look at the model, it's clearly from PotBS.

At first I thought about the Mordaunt, but a quick check of the wiki denies that.


  • That East Indiaman.png
    That East Indiaman.png
    1.5 MB · Views: 2,024
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Ah, that's one of the newest additions, isn't it?
Might have been a model made for PotBS, but which never made its way into that game.
That has been known to happen...
Did you guys see where PotBS is possibly going to close 30 Sept 2018?
Here's a link if anyone is interested:
BurningSea.com Forums

They are trying to work with the community to restructure, but can't tell so far if it will work.

Good Luck to them. I still enjoy playing there sometimes.
Did you guys see where PotBS is possibly going to close 30 Sept 2018?
Here's a link if anyone is interested:
BurningSea.com Forums

They are trying to work with the community to restructure, but can't tell so far if it will work.

Good Luck to them. I still enjoy playing there sometimes.

Maybe about time, as the economy was completely screwed up already with insanely inflated prices for even 4th rates and being almost dead player-wise.
That's a shame. Next to SWG shutting down this one is almost as sad. Have a ton of good memories in this game.

Haven't reallybplayed it since the SOE sellout as the economy is terrible now as pointed out above.
If we are lucky, they might be able to run community-servers. If that means that the economy won't be absolute shit and a retarded grindfest just to get a 3rd-rate, then I might return.
Checked in yesterday again, since I have received a newsletter.

It's somehow gotten even worse.
No players, at least I haven't seen anyone, neither in the overworld, nor in chat.
Economy is still in such a bad shape with its insane inflation, that it absolutely needs developer-intervention to bring it back to a reasonable state. I go so far that unless you literally spend weeks 24/7 on grinding, even a 4th rate-ship of the line will be impossible to get for a new player - unless he arms himself with a credit card, that is. A Terror, a 2nd rate for pirates, might cost around 2 billion currently according to players on the PotBS-discord.
Have fun grinding.

Also other games probably increased my expectations, but I just can't deal with its clunky controls and combat anymore.

And don't get me started on aggressive messages from governors, like the governor of San Juan publicly saying that he only accepts Spanish players in their clan and that there are already enough rainbow flags sailing around.

Don't bother playing unless the developers change it massively.
Apparently, 1 Burning Sea Note is worth 100 million doubloons (Ingame-money), and people said that the Terror costs around 24 BSNs to produce. So, over 2 billion doubloons. It's already horribly grindy to get just one million. If BSNs are available for purchase by ingame-cash again, then everything might become worthless.
And guess what, 23 BSNs cost 50 dollars in the store.

People say that Naval Action is a full-time job. Then what is PotBS?

And no, harbours are all managed by players.
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Hello everyone a new version and released the with the new launcher and an update of the economy arrives soon.
This game is still alive, i started playing again since a few month. There are still some Societies to join on all servers and Nation's. The british Nation on Roberts Server could use your help if you looking for some RvR/PvP. I still have lot's of fun with this game :ahoy

Link to the game, you can download and play for free
Pirates of the Burning Sea