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pirflag3.dll question


I know i posted a while ago on this subject. I am at sea and when on certain ships like the Man O'war, i knock down the mast and after that, sometimes i get a CTD due to the infamous pirflag3.dll error. I can't remember if there was an fix?
Try replacing that file with another of the flag.dll files and see if it still happens.
I meant: replace it for example with pirflag4.dll or merflag3.dll .
Ok, but i found out that the file problem is not pirflag3 but shipflag3. So do i do the same thing by replacing it with anothyer file like shipflag4? As far as replacing the file do i just go in the potc folder and drag a another file onto the existing shipflag3 by renaming a file shipflag3?
well, tried to rename the shipflag4 to shipflag3 and i got an runtime library error message from microsoft.Maybe thats not what you meant.
You need to keep the original file, but copy it and rename it to the other. Eg. copy shipflag4 to shipflag3 .
alright pieter, this is what i did. 1st i copied shipflag4, then i renamed it shipflag3 and dragged it over the existing shipflag3 file. Pressed yes to overwrite file. Reloaded my saved game and got a error message (( runtime library)). Do i need to start a whole new game from the start?
since i don't know if i should start a new game or not, maybe someone can tell me what the function of the shipflag3 does. All i know is that when a mast goes down during a sea battle, chances are there's going to be a shipflag3 crash.
It will take someone who knows code to answer that question. In the meantime you might as well start a new game with another profile.