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Fixed Standard Storyline: Failure upon using Idol item

Hylie Pistof

QA Tester
Storm Modder
Pirate Legend
I posted about this a while back but it must have gotten lost in the shuffle. In beta 3.4 in the standard storyline in the Cozumel labyrinth, when you get to the point where you drop the statue into the slot in the ground it glitches and the movie does not show. This effectively ends the game right there and repeated attempts from earlier saves does not change it.
This has always worked for me in the past.


  • -=Player=- Cozumel.7z
    716 KB · Views: 57
This is an annoying one. I can manually make the story continue. I can even make it continue properly by removing a couple of code lines.
But why something goes wrong on those lines, I do not know. That whole section of code has not been touched since at least Beta 3.

What is the last game version where it DID work for you?
And is there anyone else who recently managed to complete the Standard storyline? If so, what game version was that?
To get past this, open PROGRAM\ITEMS\itemLogic.c and find:
  SetEventHandler("frame", "Item_OnUseFrame", 0);
   TakeItemFromCharacter(GetMainCharacter(), Items[activeItem].id);
   Items[activeItem].startLocator = "";
   an.trigged = true;
   al.active = true;
   al.timePassed = 0;
Replace with:
  SetEventHandler("frame", "Item_OnUseFrame", 0);
   TakeItemFromCharacter(GetMainCharacter(), Items[activeItem].id);
   Items[activeItem].startLocator = "";
//   an.trigged = true;
   al.active = true;
   al.timePassed = 0;
In other words, just comment out that one line. That should make the story progress.
But this is not a proper fix, because it is still a mystery what all that stuff does and why it doesn't work properly anymore.

I wonder if @Levis might have any ideas here... :modding
I was playing 3.3 and 3.4 roughly in parallel and finished the standard storyline in 3.3 and am in free play there. This is stopping me from completing the storyline in 3.4.
Well, my above suggestion will allow you to continue playing. It is a bit of a mystery though.

Do you have a savegame at the same point in your Beta 3.3 game so I can compare?

At the moment it looks like the location is missing the attributes it needs. Which is bizarre, because why would that be any different? :modding
No, I have no other Cozumel saves as all of my other games are well past that.

Could it just be that this is somehow a bad install?
Wow, turns out you don't even need to HAVE the item for it to work.

Anyway, I tested:
Build 14 Beta 3.3 (your upload): Still working
Build 14 Beta 3.4: Broken as you reported
Build 14 Beta 3.3 (with NoLagV1 update): Also broken
Yep, your Beta 3.3 upload works quite differently and gives me these required location attributes that all later versions are missing:
b_1 =
  locator = button01
  model = b1
  itemdeltay = 0.0000000
  deltay = -0.0500000
  trigged = 0
Guess what I'll be doing tomorrow? Doing the whooole thing again, incrementally putting stuff onto the Beta 3.3 version until this breaks.
So annoying! :modding :modding :modding

Anyway, at least I found a really quick way of testing this:
1. Start Standard storyline, skip tutorial
2. Execute this through console.c:
DoQuestReloadToLocation("Labirint_3", "item", "button01", "_");
3. Press F3 to place the idol (even if you don't have it; doesn't seem to matter! :razz )
FIXED! Apparently me changing the initialization order for initItems.c was the culprit of this one.
Will be restored back to what it used to be as per my next upload.

With this changed, I was able to trigger this just fine on my Beta 3.5 WIP install.