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BUILD 14 BETA 3.1 Polish translation

Those icons on the left side of the screen indicate that you didn't save the TGA files in entirely the right TGA format.
Unfortunately I can't remember what to change for that either. Does anyone else here remember?
In GIMP, I always get an option to enable "RLE Compression" when saving TGA files. This needs to be disabled, otherwise the resulting file cannot be converted by TX Converter.
Now to remove ".tga" from name and save without compression all 334 files:facepalm
Some of the characters with translated text have empty dialogs! Just look at that. Do you know why?


  • 2013-04-25_00001.jpg
    115.1 KB · Views: 117
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\LaCroix\dialogs\English\Havana_Crewmember_dialog.h; line: 1
Invalid array 'DLG_TEXT' initialization parameters list
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\LaCroix\dialogs\Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c; line: 32
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\LaCroix\dialogs\Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c; line: 32
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\LaCroix\dialogs\Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c; line: 32
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\LaCroix\dialogs\Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c; line: 32
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\LaCroix\dialogs\Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c; line: 32
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\LaCroix\dialogs\Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c; line: 32
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\LaCroix\dialogs\Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c; line: 32
Invalid Expression
COMPILE ERROR - file: storyline\LaCroix\dialogs\Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c; line: 32
Undeclared identifier: DLG_TEXT
Looks like something is wrong on the code end of things. Replace the .c and .h file with their original versions and see if it works again.
Then put the translation back bit by bit so you can narrow down where it goes wrong.
If you don't get that dialog to work upload your Havana_crewmember_dialog.c and .h and I can take a look.
Btw the same thing happens with that red guy at the beginning of Woodes Rogers.


  • Havana_Crewmember_dialog.c
    3.6 KB · Views: 109
  • Havana_Crewmember_dialog.h
    2.3 KB · Views: 118
Two things stand out to me in the .h file:
"Tam jest, mon capitan, "Seahorse".",
"Nie, wysadzimy ten statek w powietrze. Po to w³aœnie jesteœ potrzebny przy sterze. Pójdê do sk³adu prochu, ¿eby go podpaliæ. Jak tylko to zrobiê, odp³yñcie daleko od "Vogelstruijs". I NIE czekajcie na mnie!",
Note the "quotation" marks around the ships' names. I'd recommend swapping those with 'single quotation marks' and see if that works any better.
Regular quotation marks are used to open and close a sentence, so placing some additional ones in the middle could confuse the game's coding.

Edit: Thanks to Notepad++ for automatically showing those two words in black with the rest being gray. :wp
Thanks very much. I've had the same problem before.:facepalm I'll try not to spoil the code with double quotations in the future. Now another matter: adaptation of Polish letters. As you can see in my code posted by Pieter, there are some strange symbols instead of proper letters. Anyone has the idea how to do adapt Polish letters to game? They were working in polish vanilla POTC. Anyway, some of them ARE working as they should. You have all letters here if you need them: ę Ę ó Ó ą Ą ś Ś ł Ł ż Ż ź Ź ć Ć . I'm counting for your help. :thumbs1
Greetings. fjx
P.S. I'm not sure if these letters will show up properly on your computers.:confused:
Use the TX Converter to view the files in RESOURCE\Textures\FONTS to make sure that your custom characters are in there at all.
As far as I can tell, some of those REALLY complex ones are missing though. Do you still have the Polish stock game font files?
I've replaced the FONTS folder to stock Polish, but it got messed up even more. And now I haven't the build fonts to repair it.:shock
P.S. For the loadings, they're working ok, but the sea, pirate fort and one more (don't remember) are shown like in stock Polish POTC. When I was playing English Build, it was the same.;)
Use the TX Converter to check all loading screens and see if there are any stock game ones hiding inbetween.
There aren't supposed to be; the Build, when properly installed, replaces them all.

Find attached the original Build Font Folder.


  • FONTS.7z
    881.6 KB · Views: 121
A have a question to you. Would it be unkind of me if I took the loading screen tips from stock Polish PotC to my translation. There were some mistakes in them, so I've corrected the files. Anyway, they were never used in stock game, but in Build they can be. So, what do you say, mates?
Indeed, why not? For the next English modpack release, we have adjusted the tips so they don't overlap with the loading screens anymore.
You might want to do the same with your Polish versions. :doff
You might want to do the same with your Polish versions. :doff
Thanks, but in my loadings the text is in the top right corner.
P.S. Are there any other Polish on the forum who might be able to help me.
P.S.2 I took a small break from translation for now. I'm still a human.:wp
P.S. Are there any other Polish on the forum who might be able to help me.
I think Pirate_KK (konradk) is Polish, but he hasn't been around much.
If he does have time for PotC work tough, I'd hope he could finish some of his fancy coding work though.