Yes, Fletcher is given the name and appearance of a British naval officer, says something to you, then you go straight to Kingston port. This is normal for a start as a naval officer.
The "Hornblower" storyline is not translated, but if you play as Hornblower in FreePlay, you can still trigger his special quest. However...
... if you changed your name then you are no longer Hornblower and will not get that quest.
For the FreePlay version of Hornblower's special quest, the following files in "PROGRAM\Storyline\FreePlay\DIALOGS\SPANISH" are used:
Lady Barbara Wellesley_dialog.h
Lt. William Bush_dialog.h
Sir Edward Pellew_freeplay_dialog.h
And those are what I plan to test next.
Not speaking Spanish, I thought "Renegado" might be Spanish for "Rogue". You can correct it easily enough. Edit "RESOURCE\TEXTS\INI\SPANISH\common.ini". Find this line:
string = Rogue,"Renegado"
Replace "Renegado" with whatever you think is correct.
Your appearance and country do not matter much. It is the background profession which decides whether you meet Malcolm Hatcher or Robert Fletcher. "Agente", "Tahúr", "Oficial naval", "Rebelde", "Contrabandista", "Maldito" and "Náufrago" should all use Robert Fletcher as they all have special starts. The officer will probably have a different name and face but the game code still calls him Robert Fletcher and he uses "Robert Fletcher_dialog.h". For my test, I chose Charles Ardent for no reason other than he's also the main character in my storyline, then chose "Renegado" to get the special start.
Try Julian McAllister again, or any other character as a "Rebelde". Try playing the full tutorial.