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Released 20 gun privateer schooner

I fixed the spanker sails so they catch the wind correctly.
Based on your screenshots, I'm not entirely sure the sails behave properly yet. They should be roughly perpendicular to the wind in most cases. :?
The effect will be slightly exaggerated in the game, but it's better than the sails being almost parallel to the wind.

Did you definitely adjust the correct locators on the masts? Here's an example on the US_Enterprise in PotC:
What you need to change is the 'geometry' locators for the 'rey' models on the Prince, on both mast2 and mast3.
Only the 'XX' directional coordinate should be -1; everything else is left as-is.

Yes, I understand what you are talking about. I have all the boom rays, "d3, b3, c3, and c33" set for -1 on the XX coordinate.

If you noticed I'm sailing into the wind of my starboard bow in the screenshot.
That looked right, but the sqares'ls weren't braced around enough at all for where the wind was coming from.
If you noticed I'm sailing into the wind of my starboard bow in the screenshot.
Oh yes, sorry, I was getting muddled with the wind direction and how the sail should react. That does seem correct, now. :eek:ops
Is there anything else you would like me to do? If not then I will upload her files to you and you can release her as a CoAS and PoTC new ship. I converted the sailorpoints to a walk file so all you have to do Armada is make the necessary adjustments for PoTC.
I had a discussion with the Pilgrim's rigging experts, and we came to the consensus that the square yards of a vessel of that type should brace around at an angle similar to this: (first picture I could find that showed the proper angle)

I couldn't give you anything more concrete earlier because the Pilgrim people only usually meet on Saturdays.
Craiggo, the flag and pennant look great, thank you! :doff when you attach the spanker sail to the upper boom, does it look something like this? http://static.rcgroups.net/forums/attachments/3/4/6/9/6/a3804306-105-1website775pix.jpg because if so, I think it might be a better alternative to having the boom seperate from the mast, especially considering that at this ship's best point of sail the spanker would be more parrallel with the hull than perpendicular anyways. what does everyone think about this? I know I have seen similar affects in paintings of schooners and even on the spankers of square rigged ships. Does anyone know if there is a certain reason for this affect?
Well, I've seen plenty of it in paintings, but never in real life and seldom in photographs. From what it looks like, I'd say they're trying to get the most efficiency out of the fore and aft sails running downwind. (The boom should be set as far outboard as possible to do this- the gaff can go even further outboard than the boom. The Spence shouldn't have to be set that way because in real life the sheet -the line holding the corner of the sail- can be moved depending on where the wind is coming from.) I know a guy who can explain it. I'll try to ask him next Saturday. I do know that the sails should never be set like that in most conditions, though.

At the best point of sail (always a quarter off the stern for all vessels with squares'ls) the boom would actually be further outboard than inboard. And when hulled, the gaff and boom would both be almost centered. I say it's more accurate to leave it as i is. (My opinion as a seaman)

By the way... Feel free to vote on whether the fores'l in my previous post looks silly.
Post Captain, Thanks for the info! I thought you said this ship had too few square sails to behave as a square rigged ship? I would think that her fore and aft rig would make her best point of sail closer to that of a schooner, but I am sure you know best about this :onya
Is there anything else you would like me to do? If not then I will upload her files to you and you can release her as a CoAS and PoTC new ship. I converted the sailorpoints to a walk file so all you have to do Armada is make the necessary adjustments for PoTC.
Looks like she's good to go, mate. Feel free to upload her when possible.
Thanks for the walk file conversion, by the way. :doff
Post Captain, Thanks for the info! I thought you said this ship had too few square sails to behave as a square rigged ship? I would think that her fore and aft rig would make her best point of sail closer to that of a schooner, but I am sure you know best about this :onya

That is true when tacking, but with the wind behind the beam it behaves more like a square rigger. The trapezoidal sails are used more like squares'ls in that case. Schooners actually do pretty well on broad reaches (off the quarter) as well. Close-hulled, it would probably behave like brigantine.
Before you get it uploaded, were you able to get the yards like in the picture above, or would it have been too much trouble? (I honestly don't know)
Before you get it uploaded, were you able to get the yards like in the picture above, or would it have been too much trouble? (I honestly don't know)
The angle to which the yards can turn is probably a coded value that affects all ships in the game, not a ship-specific attribute.
I'm not entirely sure whether that value can be adjusted at all; it might be hard-coded, but if we're lucky it might not be. :shrug
Are the sail angles really that bad? Here is an old screenie showing the sails about all the way over.
Maybe they turn to a greater extent in PotC than CoAS. Perhaps the angle already has been modified in the Build Mod. :mm
Are the sail angles really that bad? Here is an old screenie showing the sails about all the way over.

That depends on the type of vessel. While the angle is just a few degrees too small for large square riggers of the game's time period, vessels with a lot of sail area and lighter rigs that depended on their speed for survival, such as the Prince, were capable of doing this:

If it's possible, you could add a few more (5-10?) degrees to average things out, but it probably wouldn't be worth it. (If I had known that it effected all vessels I wouldn't have mentioned it)
All ships are restricted to that angle in POTC. Maybe a codehound could change it. Maybe not.
I think the angle, from the screen shot and my limited experiences sailing in PoTC, is more then in CoAS. So I will upload her files and you guys tell me. If so then I cant imagine it would be that hard to do in CoAS coding but I cant do anything about it with the sail locators as far as I know.

Hear she is gents.

Prince de Neufchatel files.rar